Page 305 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 5 of 6  Original Research

              We found several patient-level characteristics that impacted   This study has the strength of assessing multiple clinics
              the likelihood of  SDI,  namely sex,  age  and  CD4  count.   that provided routine care in a real-world setting without
              Healthier, young women were more likely to be initiated on   augmentation from research or academic staff. We also
              ART and initiated on the same day. It is unclear if this   used  multiple  sources for data collection,  paper  and
              was because of provider biases in terms of who was offered   electronic and both local and national, to the covert
              SDI of ART, or a potential pitfall when engaging older male   possibility of missing or incorrect data in one source. Some
              patients into SDI of ART. It is possible that higher rates of ART   notable limitations arise from the use of chart review to
              initiation in women are accounted for by same-day ART among   assess successful LTC. Linkage to care and ART initiation
              pregnant women as part of prevention of mother-to-child   required documentation in a file at the same clinic as HIV
              transmission (PMTCT); the overall lower engagement in care   testing occurred. Patients who initiated  ART at other
              among men may also have contributed to our findings. 26,27,28    facilities were considered as not having initiated  ART.
              In  contrast to general  ART initiation studies and an SDI   Furthermore, we also did not abstract a reason for visit at
              study  from Zimbabwe,  we  observed that younger  patients   the time of HIV testing, making it impossible to compare
              (men and women) were more likely to have SDI compared   ART for PMTCT with other initiation reasons. Finally, time
              with older patients.  This is an intriguing finding and contrasts   to ART initiation was not randomised. As a result, more
              with findings that older individuals are more likely to initiate   motivated individuals may have started on the same day.
              ART. 30,31  It is plausible that SDI may have an especially   It is also plausible that some same-day initiators were
              important role in engaging young adult patients in care.    just doing what they were told and were not motivated.
              Overall, the most substantial variation in SDI was by facility   Comparing early  ART (1–7 days after diagnosis) with
              (10 – 69% for women and 0 – 45% for men). This variability   same-day  ART provides a group with motivation
              was not associated with the type of health facility or structure,   demonstrated by a prompt return to the clinic to
              nor daily headcount, suggesting that health facility practice   the  potentially more heterogeneous same-day group.
              and provider discretion were the primary determinants of   However, the similar outcomes between these two groups
              whether or not a patient received SDI. Further qualitative   are reassuring.
              research within healthcare facilities to understand facility-
              based barriers to SDI is needed to support this initiative.
              Studies of retention in care with SDI are limited to studies of   This study demonstrates the feasibility of SDI of ART and
              PMTCT and research studies.  Research studies on SDI have   similar outcomes with subsequent initiation. These findings
              reported increased retention in care, whereas some PMTCT   are reassuring and should support continued scale-up of SDI
              studies have reported a higher loss from care with same-day   of ART. The finding of higher SDI of ART among younger
              ART. 5,6,32,33,34,35,36,37  Same-day ART may improve outcomes by   individuals  may suggest  that  this  approach  is especially
              reducing the cost of care and enhancing the perceived value   promising to improve care engagement among this
              of ART because of the immediacy of receiving the therapy. 38,39    population. Operational research should be continued to
              The  findings  of  our  study  present  a  stark  contrast  to  a   identify challenges  and barriers to inform programmatic
              recently published study led by Lilian et al., which presents   delivery of same-day ART.
              data on the national impact of SDI on retention in care.
              Routinely collected data from TIER.Net (n = 32  290) were   Acknowledgements
              analysed for HIV-infected adults who were newly initiating
              ART in Johannesburg or Mopani districts between October   Competing interests
              2017 and June 2018. Their study identified a significant   The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.
              increase  in lost to  follow-up (LTFU) at 30.1% in  the SDI
              group compared with 22.4%, 19.8% and 21.9% among
              clients  initiating  ART 1–7 days, 8–21 days and  ≥ 22 days   Authors’ contributions
              after  HIV  diagnosis,  respectively.   Although  LTFU  was   N.M-P., T.M., C.H., D.K. and S.C. designed the research
              similar to our study (overall LTFU was 32.8%, 233/710), the   study;  T.M., N.M-P,  G.K. and  S.C.  performed  the  research;
              association between the timing of ART initiation and LTFU   B.H., C.H. and E.H. analysed the data; B.H., N.M-P., T.M. and
              was not found. Although our study was smaller, it benefitted   C.H. wrote the article. All authors have read and approved
              from the triangulation of multiple data sources that may   the final manuscript.
              capture individuals missed in the Tier.Net system. This
              likely reveals the bias of using a single data source, which
              may underestimate LTC. Additionally, it is also possible that   Funding information
              there is a heterogeneity in the success of SDI by district and   The  study  was funded  by Project  SOAR (Supporting
              even by clinic. Our study within a single district (Ekurhuleni)   Operational  AIDS Research). Project SOAR (Cooperative
              had more promising LTC results than those in the      Agreement AID-OAA-A-14-00060) was made possible by the
              neighbouring districts of Johannesburg and Mopani.  A   generous support of the American people through the United
              deeper dive into the implementation practices across   States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
              districts and their relative LTC outcomes is required to   and United States  Agency for International  Development
              understand this phenomenon further.                   (USAID).

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