Page 207 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 207

Page 13 of 15  Original Research

              identifying kidney disease, monitoring of renal function,   samples reaching the laboratory after the stability index
              drug dosing and selection of ARV drug regimens. Measured   time from collection (< 24 h), or if these laboratories decide
              GFR was not required for this study as ascertaining the GFR   to analyse these serum creatinine samples an appropriate
              was not pertinent, but rather the study sought to quantify   interpretative comment should be appended to the result as
              the clinical significance of the impact of the instability on   done for other biochemical analytes such as potassium,
              the calculated GFR. The CG equation was the least sensitive   glucose, and phosphate. The enzymatic creatinine method
              to the effect of the increased creatinine concentrations on   is highly recommended in  clinical laboratories that
              eGFR in our study. This is consistent with a previous finding   analyse  samples  more than 24  h after  collection due  to
              that demonstrated that the CG equation overestimated the   transport delays and excessive workload. A major deterrent
              eGFR in a large cohort of Europeans, resulting in the   concerning the utility of the enzymatic method is its high
              misclassification of 29.2% of individuals. In contrast, the   cost. However, the health costs associated with the
              CKD-EPI equation  was sensitive  to  the  serum creatinine   misclassification of patients using the Jaffe method may
              changes of the kinetic Jaffe method, and the impact on the   outweigh the analytical costs of the enzymatic method.
              eGFR  was  noted  at  24 h. This result  is  consistent  with  a   Increased demand for the enzymatic method will result in
              previous study by Seape and colleagues who found that the   competition  between  suppliers  and  ultimately  reduce  the
              CKD-EPI equation performed better than other creatinine-  cost. This study demonstrated that although creatinine
              based eGFR equations when assessing renal function in 100   assays have been standardised the extra analytical
              treatment-naïve HIV-positive individuals. 44          considerations which are not standardised may result in
                                                                    clinically significant creatinine results, thus the use of
              Strengths and limitations                             POCT,  which  performed  well  in  this  study,  in  remote
                                                                    clinics may avert the need to perform the laboratory-based
              This study was able to show the impact of delayed     kinetic Jaffe.
              processing of samples on creatinine concentrations on three
              platforms with a larger sample size than previous studies.   Measurement of creatinine with a POCT provides an
              In addition, blood samples were taken from participants at   accurate, timely result, and has eliminated the pre-analytical
              a single time point and the pre-analytical conditions were   problems noted with the kinetic Jaffe method; therefore,
              standardised. A limitation of this study is that serum indices   adopting of POCT creatinine should be envisaged. The
              (such  as bilirubin which can  falsely  elevate creatinine   i-STAT POCT creatinine, however, had a negative bias
              results) were not considered when evaluating the creatinine   which resulted in the misdiagnosis of a renal dysfunction
              result. Furthermore, we did not exclude all confounders to   for one participant with stage 3a renal failure while the
              creatinine  measurements such as drugs and pre-existing   eGFR of the other 21 participants was not affected. Its
              renal dysfunction which may have adversely affected the   utilisation in HIV/AIDS programmes could, therefore, be
              creatinine results at all time intervals. In addition, we did
              not use the reference creatinine method (IDMS) for    adopted once the eGFR equations have been validated for
                                                                    the sample type, confounders of POCT mentioned
              comparison purposes; we used an enzymatic method      previously and infrastructural issues such as integration
              traceable to IDMS. A further limitation is that we did not   with the laboratory information systems have been
              have a wide range of creatinine concentrations to see how   addressed. POCT and enzymatic assays will reduce
              a  delay in centrifugation would affect the higher    unnecessary clinic visits due to renal misdiagnoses (false
              concentrations. Furthermore, this study did not explore all   positives) and importantly reduce the pill burden, thereby
              the risks associated with POCT devices such as lot-to-lot
              variation (one lot number was used), operator         ultimately reducing health costs to both the government
              variability, quality control, analytical traceability, impact of   and the patient.
              temperature, humidity, different sample types, and the   Acknowledgements
              different analytical performance of different POCT devices
              which  have  previously  been  shown  to  have  a  significant   NHLS medical technologist  team from Chris Hani
              impact on the eGFR. 45                                Baragwanath Hospital, the Alexandra Health Clinic chronic
                                                                    care team, Mr Philani Buthelezi
              This study demonstrated that the Roche kinetic Jaffe method   Competing interests
              creatinine assay gave falsely elevated serum  creatinine   The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.
              levels if samples were not separated and analysed within 24
              h of collection. The increase in the serum creatinine   Authors’ contributions
              concentration over time was clinically significant resulting
              in misclassification of renal status which would, in turn,   C.E.C. recruited patients, collected data, obtained ethics
              lead to incorrect clinical decisions regarding ARV regimen   approval and wrote the first draft. C.P. reviewed and edited
              choice. Based on the outputs of this study, and previously   the manuscript. D.T. conceptualised the study, reviewed the
              published literature, 26,44  laboratories currently analysing   statistical analysis, reviewed and edited the manuscript and
              creatinine on any Jaffe method should reject (not analyse)   approved the final version of the manuscript.

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