Page 212 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 3 of 9  Original Research

              with curtains drawn where possible. Given the lack of an   Inc., Redmond, WA, USA), and then imported into Stata v.14
              EMR or patient tracking system, HCT staff placed a small dot   (StataCorp, TX, USA) for analysis.
              on the folders of all patients  who were approached  and
              offered HCT. Every 4 h, the study supervisors audited the   The outcome of interest, declining HCT, was measured as a
              folders of patients located within the ED to ensure that all   binary variable (‘no’ = 0 and ‘yes’ = 1). The independent
              eligible patients had been approached.                variables measured were  age (18–30, 31–50, 51–70, 70+),
                                                                    sex (male, female), presenting complaint (trauma, medical),
              Based on recent survey data from the 2017 South  African   South African triage score (death, routine visit, urgent,
              national HIV prevalence study, HIV prevalence amongst   very  urgent, emergent),  access to primary care (yes, no),
              South Africans of all ages was estimated at 14%.  Our study   past  medical history (hypertension, coronary artery disease,
              aimed to recruit a sample size of 700 patients at each site. This   tuberculosis, diabetes, asthma, chronic obstructive
              would present a large enough sample to capture the variation   pulmonary disorder, cancer),  visit time (within regular
              in testing preferences in the study setting, allowing us to   operating hours, 9 am to 5 pm, or out of regular operating
              detect a difference of greater than 5% from the baseline   hours), visit reason (new complaint, return visit, referral),
              estimate of 14%, assuming a two-sided  α of 0.05 and 80%   mode of transport (self-transport, ambulance, police),
              power, for a period of 7 weeks at each site.          presenting symptoms (pain, fever) and  disposition  (death,
                                                                    intensive care unit admission, general admission, emergent
              Intervention                                          surgery, transfer, discharge, absconded).
              Patients were offered point-of-care HIV testing following the
              South African national HIV testing guidelines.  Patients who   Data analysis and statistics
              consented to the test provided a blood sample obtained   Analysis was conducted on patients unaware of their
              through a lancet finger prick. Following the recommended   status, to examine the relationship between the outcome of
              testing algorithm, patients were first tested using the   interest and all other independent variables. Chi-square
              Advanced Quality Anti-HIV 1&2 rapid test (InTec Products,   tests were used to explore individual variable associations
              Inc., Fujian, China). Non-reactive samples were reported as   with declining HCT. Logistic regression analysis was
              an HIV-negative  result. Reactive samples were confirmed   conducted to assess the contribution of each variable to
              with an HIV 1/2/O Tri-line HIV rapid test (ABON Biopharm,   declining HCT. Bivariate analysis was conducted to estimate
              Hangzhou, China). Confirmed reactive samples were     the association between the outcome and each predictor
              reported as an HIV-positive result, and patients were   variable, as well as multivariate analysis to estimate the
              provided with a referral letter to a local ARV clinic. Confirmed   independent effect of each predictor variable, adjusting for
              non-reactive samples were reported as an indeterminate   all others. All variables were included in the final model,
              result, and patients were counselled to repeat the test in   following checks for collinearity and goodness of fit and
              4–6  weeks. Counselling preceded and followed all tests   performing a best-subsets variable selection. Sub-group
              and  included education on HIV transmission, prevention,   analysis was completed on the top reasons for accepting
              and management. Results were available within 10–15 min   and declining HCT by gender.
              of  testing, whereas counselling required an additional
              10–15 min, depending on the HIV test result.          A reference level was selected for categorical variables with
                                                                    multiple  responses,  and other  levels  were  accordingly
              Data collection                                       compared.  Associations  were  assessed using odds  ratios
                                                                    (ORs), 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and p-values. A p-value
              Ten local research assistants were hired and trained in rapid   of ≤ 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant. A pooled
              point-of-care HCT, good clinical practice and data collection,   analysis of data collected from both sites is presented; no
              and were familiarised with the study protocol before the start   significant differences were observed between the two sites
              of the study. Research assistants and study staff worked in   (Table 1).
              shifts to ensure 24-h coverage of the ED.
                                                                    Ethical consideration
              In tandem with offering HIV testing, HCT staff administered
              a brief survey. Patient responses to questions about their   The study was approved by the Johns Hopkins University
              gender, past medical history, mode of arrival, reason for   School of Medicine Institutional Review Board (reference
              visit, presenting complaint, and symptoms were recorded as   number IRB00105801), the Human Research Ethics
              pre-determined  binary  or  categorical  options,  age  was   Committee from the University of Cape Town (MREC
              recorded as free text, and reasons for accepting or declining   reference number 856/2015), the Human Research
              testing were captured via pre-determined categorical   Committee of Walter Sisulu University (reference number
              options derived from the literature or as free text. Data were   069/2015) and the Eastern Cape Department of Health.
              recorded on case report forms. These forms were scanned   Written consent was obtained from all participants who
              and uploaded onto iDatafax (DF/Net Research, Inc., Seattle,   enrolled in the study and was required for the collection of
              WA, USA) by trained study staff. Following validation and   demographic data, HCT and a follow-up call for newly
              cleaning, data were exported into Excel v.16.9 (Microsoft,   diagnosed patients, separately.

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