Page 215 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 6 of 9  Original Research

              TABLE 2: Characteristics of emergency department patients and association of factors with declining HIV counselling and testing.
              Variable       Accepted testing  Declined testing  χ   2  df  p‡  Crude      p‡       Adjusted    p‡
                            n = 1274†   %  n = 141†   %                       OR   95% CI         OR    95% CI
              18–30           562   44.1    67    47.5  2.9935   3    0.393  (Ref.)  -      -    (Ref.)  -      -
              31–50           305   23.9    34    24.1    -      -     -      0.9   0.6–1.4  0.763  1.1   0.7–1.7  0.795
              51–70           254   19.9    20    14.2    -      -     -      0.7   0.4–1.1  0.392  0.8   0.4–1.6  0.589
              70+             153   12.0    20    14.2    -      -     -      1.1   0.6–1.9  0.734  1.6   0.8–3.1  0.172
              Male            673   52.8    56    39.7  8.6300   1    0.030*  (Ref.)  -     -    (Ref.)  -      -
              Female          601   47.2    85    60.3    -      -     -      1.7   1.2–2.4  0.004*  0.7   0.5–1.1  0.098
              Presenting complaint
              Medical         835   65.5    77    54.6  6.6215   1    0.010*  (Ref.)  -     -    (Ref.)  -      -
              Trauma          439   34.5    64    45.4    -      -     -      1.6   1.1–2.2  0.011*  1.1   0.7–1.7  0.788
              Routine         48     3.8    6     4.3   0.5968   2    0.742  (Ref.)  -      -    (Ref.)  -      -
              Urgent          863   67.8    91    64.5    -      -     -      0.8   0.4–2  0.703  0.8   0.3–2.1  0.673
              Very urgent     363   28.5    44    31.2    -      -     -      0.9   0.4–2.4  0.947  1.2   0.5–3.2  0.710
              Access to primary care  1129   88.6  126   89.2  0.3368   1  0.562  1.2   0.7–1.2  0.562  1.3   0.7–2.5  0.358
              Past medical history  446  35.0  39   27.7  -      -    0.800   0.7   0.5–1  0.081  0.8   0.5–1.4  0.442
              Visit time
              9 am to 5 pm    553   43.4    62     44   0.0146   1    0.904  (Ref.)  -      -    (Ref.)  -      -
              Out of hours    720   56.5    79     56     -      -     -      0.9   0.7–1.4  0.904  0.9   0.6–1.3  0.522
              Visit reason
              New complaint   800   62.8    78    55.3  3.2318   2    0.199  (Ref.)  -      -    (Ref.)  -      -
              Return visit    23     1.8    4     2.8     -      -     -      1.8   0.6–5.3  0.297  1.8   0.6–5.9  0.309
              Referral        445   34.9    58    41.1    -      -     -      1.3   0.9–1.9  0.113  1.2   0.8–1.8  0.408
              Self-transport  805   63.2    76     54   4.2602   2    0.119  (Ref.)  -      -    (Ref.)  -      -
              Ambulance       453   35.6    62     44     -      -     -      1.4   1.1–2.1  0.040*  1.4   0.9–2.1  0.147
              Police           8     0.6    1     0.7     -      -     -      1.3   0.2–10.7  0.793  1.4   1.2–11.4  0.776
              Pain            695   54.6    95    67.4  8.4652   1    0.004*  1.7   1.2–2.5  0.004*  1.6   1.0–2.6  0.046*
              Fever           23     1.8    4     2.8   0.7217   1    0.396   1.6   0.5–4.7  0.400  1.8   0.6–5.6  0.297
              Death            4     0.3    0      0    4.2867   6    0.638  (Ref.)  -      -    (Ref.)  -      -
              ICU              1     0.1    0      0      -      -     -      1      -      -      1     -      -
              Admission       295   23.2    39    27.7    -      -     -      0.4   0–4    0.467  0.2   0–2.4  0.225
              Emergent surgery  50   3.9    9     6.4     -      -     -      0.6   0.1–6.2  0.690  0.3   0–2.9  0.288
              Transfer        48     3.8    6     4.3     -      -     -      0.7   0.1–6.4  0.718  0.4   0–3.8  0.397
              Discharge       492   38.6    49    34.8    -      -     -      0.4   0–3.9  0.447  0.3   0–2.8  0.281
              Absconded        1     0.1    1     0.7     -      -     -      1.3   0.1–31.1  0.858  0.7   0–19.1  0.854
              OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; ref., reference level; ICU, intensive care unit; SATS, South African Triage Scale.
              †, Data were missing for some variables; therefore, numbers do not always add up to the total.
              ‡, Associations were tested at the 5% significance level.
              *, p < 0.05.,

                                                                    male, our study demonstrates that the ED is an opportune
              TABLE  3:  Reasons  for  accepting  or  declining  HIV  counselling  and  testing  by
              gender.                                               venue to capture this missed population.
              Reasons               Male patients  Female patients
                                    n      %       n      %         Another factor leading to testing acceptance, reported by a
              Top 3 reasons for accepting   673   -  601   -        fifth of patients accepting HCT, was ‘the test is rapid and
              HCT                                                   free’. This measure combines both cost and ease/limited
              Patient has not tested in the   241   35.8  210   34.9  time lost to testing. While it is hard to separate the two and
              past year.
              Patient has never been tested.  144   21.4  97   16.1  determine which is a more significant factor, ensuring that
                                                                    both are addressed is a likely key to maintaining high
              Test is rapid and free.  115   17.1  122    20.3
              Top 3 reasons for declining   56  -  85      -        acceptance of HCT in a fast-moving environment such as the
              HCT                                                   ED. This is supported by a study in Uganda, where 25% of
              Patient does not want to know   37   66.1  12   14.1  ED patients reported not knowing their HIV status because
              status.                                               of the lack of access to free testing services.  At present, HCT
              Patient is in too much pain.  24   42.9  19   22.4    services are offered free of cost in all government healthcare
              Patient does not believe they   13   23.2  15   17.6  facilities in SA; however, maintaining free services can be
              are at risk.
                                                                    burdensome for the government, especially if testing services
              HCT, HIV counselling and testing.
                                                                    are to be further expanded. Furthermore, ensuring that
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