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              the inclusion criteria. However, the lack of infrastructure,   Acknowledgements
              systematic medical record-keeping or a patient tracking
              process made it challenging to retain all patients who   The authors acknowledge the staff in the Nelson Mandela
              presented to the ED. Many patients were missing from the   Academic Hospital and Mthatha Regional Hospital
              records, whereas others were entered multiple times, making   emergency departments for making this research possible
              it difficult to keep count of the total number of patients. HIV   and the HIV Counselling and Testing team for their
              counselling and testing services were provided 24 h a day, yet   dedication and hard work during the study. The authors
              we were only able to approach 48% of patients who presented   also acknowledge the contributions of Nomzamo
              for care. We believe this is, in part, a result of the high volumes   Mvandaba for her assistance as a study coordinator for the
              of patients  and the  quick turnaround  time, as well  as the   WISE study and those of Victoria Chen and Kathryn Clark
              time-consuming  nature  of  counselling.  Patients  enrolled  in   in data collection and data validation.
              the study may be a biased subset of the ED population,
              namely, easier to approach, spoke the same language as the   Competing interests
              HCT counsellors, had milder injuries or conditions and
              presented at times when the patient volume was lower.   The authors declare that they have no financial or personal
              Maintaining  confidentiality  was challenging  given the   relationships that may have inappropriately influenced them
              limited space – the EDs in both hospitals were in essence   in writing this article.
              one big room, with beds lined up against each other. Lastly,
              the study was human-resource intensive. We had a team of   Authors’ contributions
              four dedicated HCT staff at all times. Nevertheless, greater   B.H.  conceived  the  original  idea for  the  parent  study  and
              staff numbers would have allowed the capture of more study   designed the protocol. A.R., P.M. and B.H. coordinated the
              subjects. Such a situation would be difficult to sustain in a   study and data collection. A.R. carried out data analysis and
              low-resource setting such as Mthatha.
                                                                    prepared the manuscript. C.K., T.C.Q., D.S. and B.H. provided
                                                                    substantial edits and revisions.
              To optimise our strategy and accurately capture data, given
              the lack of organisation and clear processes, our data were
              collected prospectively, whereby we relied less on recorded   Funding information
              data and were able to capture most of it in real time. As the   This research was supported by the South African Medical
              ED is busy and sees high patient volumes, we attempted to   Research Council, the Division of Intramural Research, the
              collect as much data as efficiently as possible, using a survey   National Institute of  Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
              format with mostly ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions. However, to   National Institutes of Health, and the Johns Hopkins Center
              have had a better understanding of patient perspectives, the   for Global Health.
              study might have been enhanced by in-depth telephone
              interviews with a smaller number of patients after they had
              left the ED.                                          Data availability statement
                                                                    The data that support the findings of this study are available
              Conclusion                                            on request from the corresponding author, A.R. The data
                                                                    are  not publicly available because they  contain sensitive
              Our study demonstrated high patient acceptance of the   information that could compromise the privacy of research
              nationally recommended HCT strategy in an ED setting.
              The overall adult prevalence of HIV in the ED was high at   participants.
              28.1%. Patients who were male, young and not in pain or
              critically injured were more likely to accept HCT, critically   Disclaimer
              supporting the provision of HCT in acute care settings, as it   All views expressed in the submitted article are the authors’
              successfully captured an important demographic that has   own and not an official position of the institutions represented
              generally been  missed through other testing venues. In   or the funders.
              addition, the lack of significant correlation in demographic
              or clinical characteristics and HCT uptake argues for a   References
              routine, non-targeted strategy in the ED. Our study further
              reveals the need for continued investment to ensure that   1.  UNAIDS.UNAIDS  data 2019. UNAIDS, Geneva, Switzerland; 2019.
              HCT is widely available, with provision to effectively   2.  Simbayi  LC,  Zuma  K,  Zungu  N,  et  al.  South  African  National  HIV  prevalence,
                                                                      incidence and behaviour, and communication survey, 2017. Cape Town: Human
              identify and manage pain and trauma. Finally, critical to   Sciences Research Council Press; 2019.
              embedding HCT in the routine clinical care offered in the   3.  UNAIDS. 90-90-90: An ambitious treatment target to help end the AIDS epidemic.
                                                                      Geneva: UNAIDS; 2014.
              ED will be the confidential conduct of HCT that permits   4.  UNAIDS. Ending AIDS: Progress towards the 90-90-90 targets. Geneva: UNAIDS;
              stigma around HIV infection and testing to be appropriately   2017.
              addressed – something that will require further innovation   5.  Johnson LF, Chiu C, Myer L, et al. Prospects for HIV control in South Africa: A
              and implementation research.                            model-based  analysis.  Glob  Health  Action.  2016;9(1):30314.  https://doi.

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