Page 221 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 3 of 9  Original Research

              irrespective  of their treatment regimens, immunological  or   A normality test (D’Agostino & Pearson normality test) was
              virological parameters. Informed consent was obtained from   applied to the data set, and all continuous variables
              the study participants and the controls. Patients were   (including the CD4+ T-cell count) were expressed as a
              excluded only if they refused or were otherwise unable to   median and interquartile range. Comparisons between pre-
              give consent.                                         and post-dialysis parameters were performed using a paired
                                                                    student’s t test.
              The study participants were recruited from both the public
              and private sector including the Helen Joseph Hospital   The longitudinal trend analysis of the absolute CD4 counts,
              (Johannesburg, South Africa), the Chris Hani Baragwanath   the percentage of CD4 cells and the viral loads were analysed
              Hospital (Johannesburg, South  Africa), the Charlotte   using a time series where possible.
              Maxeke Johannesburg  Academic Hospital (Johannesburg,
              South  Africa) and the Donald Gordon Medical Centre   All the statistical data were analysed using Graph Pad Prism
              (Johannesburg, South Africa).                         7.05. A p-value of < 0.05 was considered significant for these
              Demographic and clinical information were collected,
              including the presence of comorbid diseases, drug history,   Ethical consideration
              social habits, the presence of chronic infections, the   Ethical approval was obtained from the Human Research
              underlying  cause  for  ESKD  and the  ART  regimen.  All   Ethics Committee of the University of the Witwatersrand
              available (14 of 17 participants) CD4+ T-cell counts and HIV   (reference number: M170858).
              viral loads were documented.
              Prior to taking blood samples, the study participants were
              matched  1:1 with  HIV-uninfected  patients  having  ESKD   A total of 17 participants and 17 controls were included in
              receiving chronic haemodialysis. The control group was   this study. The controls were matched for age, sex and BMI to
              selected  at  each  site  where  the  study  participants  were   the participants. All the study participants were diagnosed
              selected. Controls were selected based on the criteria needed   with ESKD and were receiving RRT by means of chronic
              to match them with the HIV-infected group. They were   haemodialysis (three sessions per week, and each session
              matched with the HIV-infected group for age, sex and body   lasting ~4 hours).
              mass index (BMI).
                                                                    Renal biopsies had not been performed in most participants
              Vascular access was established immediately prior to   (2 of 17; 11%); and in the majority of cases (15 of 17; 88%), the
              haemodialysis. Peripheral whole blood samples were    cause of renal failure was inferred from the patient’s medical
              collected with a needle and a syringe and placed in a 4.5 mL   records. The most common cause for ESKD was stated as
              EDTA tube. Haemodialysis was initiated and continued   hypertension (82%). Most of the study participants had
              for  4 hours. A second whole blood sample was collected   uncontrolled hypertension. Two patients had (renal biopsy
              with a needle and syringe within 10 min after the end of   confirmed) HIV-associated nephropathy (2%) and one patient
              dialysis and placed in a 4.5 mL EDTA tube. The samples   had renal failure as a result of ethylene glycol overdose (1%).
              were transported at room temperature to the laboratory
              within 24 h of collection.                            All HIV-infected patients were treated with first-line  ART
                                                                    regimen at doses adjusted for kidney failure. All HIV-infected
              All CD4+ T-cell counts were analysed by flow cytometry.   participants had received a GeneXpert (Cepheid, Sunnyvale)
              Briefly, 100 µL of whole blood was incubated for 10 min   test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis prior to the commencement
              in  an  automated T-Q-Prep machine (Beckman Coulter,   of haemodialysis. Only a single patient had hepatitis B virus
              Berea,  CA,  USA) with 5 µL Cyto stat tetra CHROMETM   co-infection. The socio-demographic details are summarised
              CD45  (fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC))/CD4(RD1)/   in Table 2.
              CD8(ECD)/CD3 (PC-5) monoclonal antibody (Beckman
              Coulter Ireland Inc). During the incubation period, a   Leucocyte count and T-cell subsets were measured
              stabiliser, lysing agent and fixative were added. Flow count   immediately before and after a single session of haemodialysis
              beads of 100 µL (Beckman Coulter) were then added to the   for the study controls and the study participants. These
              lysate and analysed on a Beckman-Coulter FC500-MPL flow   results are summarised in Tables 3 and 4.
              cytometer on a 4-colour T-cell protocol.  Absolute T-cell
              numbers were then calculated using the total white cell count   For the HIV-uninfected study controls, the following pre-
              (WCC), and the percentage of lymphocytes and the      dialysis parameters were less than the normal reference
              percentage of CD3 or CD4 or CD8 cells were also calculated   ranges: total leucocyte count (5.9%), absolute CD4+ T-cell
              and expressed as both an absolute number (cells/µL) and a   count (29%) and the absolute CD8+ T-cell count (23%). In
              percentage of WCC.  The CD4+ T-cell count was compared   addition, the following post-dialysis parameters were less
              using the laboratory-determined  reference range. In four   than  the  normal reference  ranges  used:  absolute  CD4+
              study participants, only CD4+ T-cell counts could be   T-cell  count  (23%)  and  the  absolute  CD8+  T-cell  count
              performed.                                            (38%; Table 3).

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