Page 211 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 2 of 9  Original Research

              the quality of life, and reduces HIV transmission.  Since 2015,   EDs of the Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital (NMAH) and
              the South African National Strategic Plan on HIV, sexually   the Mthatha Regional Hospital (MRH) in the Eastern Cape
              transmitted infections and tuberculosis has recommended   Province, from 27 June to 03 September 2017.
              provider-initiated HIV counselling and testing (HCT) to
              all  persons attending healthcare facilities as a standard   Study site
              component of medical care, including trauma, casualty, and
              specialty clinics.  Nonetheless, the provision of HCT   The  study  was  conducted  in  Mthatha,  a  rural  town  in  the
              in  healthcare facilities is often hindered by the lack of   South African province of the Eastern Cape, a region that
              standardised training and by competing clinical care   supports 12.6% of the country’s population.  The area faces a
              priorities that prohibit effective service delivery.  In addition,   disproportionate burden of acute injuries and illnesses with
              resources for HCT have largely been directed to primary   high rates of HIV and tuberculosis.  It is also one of SA’s
              healthcare centres and antenatal clinics or are focused on   poorest provinces and is a key priority area for HIV research
              high-risk populations such as sex workers, men who have   and capacity building.  Both hospitals are affiliated with the
              sex  with  men, injection  drug  users,  and prisoners.  As  a   Walter Sisulu University. Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital
              result, individuals who do not interact with the healthcare   is a large tertiary-care referral centre with 24-h trauma
              system  through  these  channels,  such  as  young  men,  often   services, seeing only patients requiring specialty or surgical
              miss being tested.                                    interventions referred from other district-level facilities.
                                                                    Mthatha Regional Hospital is a district-level facility that
              In SA, 90% of the population accesses healthcare through the   provides care to walk-in patients and referrals from adjacent
              public sector. For 28%, the emergency department (ED), a   maternal  and  childcare  facilities.  The  EDs  provide  24-h
              setting that provides high-volume care, is their only point of   coverage and see 100–150 patients daily from the surrounding
              contact.  In the United States of  America, the ED is   100-km catchment area. Both sites are relatively low-resourced
              recognised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   and not equipped with an electronic medical record (EMR)
              to be a crucial venue in implementing the national HIV   system,  patient  tracking  system  or  standardised  triage
              testing strategy.  Seminal studies have not only quantified   processes. Furthermore, there are no providers specialising
              the burden of HIV infection in EDs but also have been critical   in emergency medicine at these sites.
              to shaping the US national strategy for HIV; they could
              similarly address unmet testing needs in SA. 11,12,13,14  In low-   Study population
              and middle-income countries (LMICs), HIV prevalence in   Patients presenting to the ED who were aged 18 years and
              EDs may be high, for example, 19% in Papua New Guinea   older and clinically stable (defined as the  South African
              and 50% in Uganda. 15,16  Provision of HIV testing in the ED   Triage Scale designation of ‘non-emergent’) were included
              could thus be a critical intervention in curbing the epidemic.   in the study. Triage scores were assigned by trained study
              Its acceptance in acute care settings, however, has not been   staff, based on the South  African Triage Scale (SATS).
              widely evaluated in sub-Saharan  Africa. Studies have   Patients younger than 18 years, not able to provide informed
              primarily focused on rates of acceptance, without exploring   consent (i.e. patients with a depressed level of consciousness
              the reasons behind patients’ decisions.  Ascertaining the   or mentally altered) or undergoing active resuscitation were
              perspectives of patients, especially of those who decline   excluded.
              testing, enables the identification of barriers to service
              delivery and the development of effective strategies to   Recruitment and sampling
              increase HIV diagnosis and linkage to care.
                                                                    All patients presenting to the ED during the study period
              In this exploratory observational  study, to determine the   who met the inclusion criteria were approached by trained
              feasibility of expanding an ED-based HIV testing strategy in   HCT staff, informed of the ongoing study and offered a
              SA, we investigated patient perspectives on accepting or   point-of-care HIV test. Written informed consent was sought
              declining HCT and quantified the burden of HIV infection in   for testing and participation in a survey that asked about
              the ED while implementing the nationally recommended   reasons for accepting or declining the test. Patients with a
              HCT programme. This study will assist policymakers and   known HIV-positive diagnosis were asked if they had access
              healthcare providers to inform the integration of HCT in the   to an antiretroviral (ARV) clinic, if they were on regular
              clinical care pathway and optimise HCT service delivery in   treatment and whether they were aware of having developed
              this  venue,  resulting  in  early  engagement  in  care  and   AIDS or being virally suppressed. Data were also collected
              treatment initiation, ultimately reducing HIV-associated   on patient demographics, presenting complaint, presenting
              morbidity and mortality.                              symptoms and past medical history.

              Methods                                               HIV counsellors approached all eligible patients in a large
                                                                    waiting room after they underwent initial triage and
              The Walter Sisulu Infectious Diseases Screening in Emergency   administrative processes. Patients consenting to the study
              Departments (WISE) Study was a prospective observational   were escorted to a private room for testing if possible,
              study. HIV counselling and testing was implemented in the   whereas patients assigned a bed were tested at the bedside

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