Page 206 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 206

Page 12 of 15  Original Research

                  120                                                                    CG    MDRD3   MDRD4   CKP EPI
                            100            95              95              82%
                Percentage change for eGFR  80              50                             77              73

                   20                                                     19 9 24         24             10 5
                             4               6              24             48              72             96
                                                            Time of analysis (hours)

              FIGURE 5: Percentage change of estimated glomerular filtration rate classification based on kinetic Jaffe creatinine concentrations over the 96-h study period compared
              to estimated glomerular filtration rate obtained within 4 h using the Cockcroft-Gault, Modifications of Diet in Renal Disease v3, Modifications of Diet in Renal Disease v4,
              and Chronic Kidney Disease-Epidemiology equations. blue = CG, orange = MDRD3, purple = CKD, green = MDRD4.

                  12                                                        Stage 1  Stage 2  Stage 3a  Stage 3b  Stage 4  Missing data
                       11                11
                  10 8  9                                  9  8             9               9
                Absoute number of par cipatants  6 4  6                   4  5             7   4

                   2      2             3  2              3                  2
                                                         1  1             1   1           1  1
                        6                24               48               72               96
                                                               Time (Hours)
              FIGURE 6: The number of participants classified per renal stage at each time interval using the serum creatinine results obtained from the kinetic Jaffe method to calculate
              estimated glomerular filtration rate using the Chronic Kidney Disease-Epidemiology equation. Blue bars = stage 1 (eGFR ≥ 90 mL/min per 1.73 m²), Red bars = stage 2
              (eGFR 60 mL/min per 1.73 m² – 89 mL/min per 1.73 m²), Green bars = stage 3a (eGFR 45 mL/min per 1.73 m² – 59 mL/min per 1.73 m²), Orange bars = stage 3b (eGFR 30
              mL/min per 1.73 m² – 44 mL/min per 1.73 m²), Purple bars = stage 4 (15 eGFR mL/min per 1.73 m²– 29 eGFR mL/min per 1.73 m²), Missing data due to haemolysis or
              insufficient sample = yellow bars.

              method showed analytical, clinically significant imprecision   guidelines that state that creatinine in whole blood is stable at
              and a positive bias for creatinine results when analysed 24 h   room temperature for 2–3 days.  In the current study, the
              after collection. This finding is consistent with previous   overestimation by the kinetic Jaffe method over time was
              studies that showed delayed separation of serum from   clinically significant as this led to a higher CKD staging (i.e.
              cellular components following specimen collection resulted   lower eGFR). This is consistent with a study by Drion et al.
              in a positive interference with different Jaffe methods and   where they found that creatinine results from Jaffe techniques
              could be attributed to the accumulation of pyruvate and   were  more  biased,  imprecise  and  overestimated  serum
              other non-creatinine chromogens. Ford et al.  established   creatinine concentrations, especially at low concentrations
              that on the Roche kinetic Jaffe method the serum creatinine   compared to enzymatic techniques. 29   The authors
              results were significantly increased from 16 h and    recommended that clinical laboratories consider the health
              recommended that creatinine results with a delay in   costs  associated  with  inappropriate  referral  and  further
              separation should not be reported as they impacted CKD   suggested using the enzymatic assay that had a minimal bias.
              staging. Similarly, Shepherd et al. showed an overestimation
              of Jaffe creatinine results when assessing the impact of   The inconsistencies observed in renal classification using
              delayed sample separation  using five different  analytical   the four GFR equations shown in this study highlight the
              platforms. 26   These results are in contrast to the WHO   fact that these equations cannot be used interchangeably for

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