Page 221 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 221

Page 2 of 6  Original Research

              unavailability  of routine, non-invasive and affordable   Infections Clinic, Harare,  Zimbabwe.  All our participants
              screening methods. Liver fibrosis gives rise to liver disease   were HIV-infected and on ART for at least six months. Non-
              owing to the excessive deposition of extracellular matrix   ambulatory patients, tuberculosis co-infected patients and
              (ECM) on the hepatocytes.  The process is gradual and not   pregnant  women were excluded  from  the study. On
              life-threatening until very late stages of the disease.   enrolment, a questionnaire was administered to obtain
                                                                    medico-demographic  data from each participant.  Five
              The invasive liver biopsy (LB) is the gold standard method   millilitres (mL) of blood were collected from each participant
              for assessing liver fibrosis but lacks a standard interpretation   into  plain  tubes  and  samples  were  centrifuged  and  had
              protocol. This makes interpretation of results subjective and   serum aliquoted within 2 h of bleeding.
              often inaccurate. 9,10,11  Furthermore, liver histology gives a
              limited picture of only that portion of the liver from which   One aliquot of serum was immediately analysed for  ALT,
              the biopsy is derived. In contrast, the less invasive serum or   AST, g-glutamyl transferase (GGT), total bilirubin (TBil) and
              plasma biomarkers of liver function, such as enzymes,   HBV, whilst another aliquot was immediately frozen and
              provide a preview of the entire status of the liver. 12,13    kept at −80 °C for six weeks before measurement of
              Consequently, serum biomarkers are thought to offer a better   haptoglobin, apolipoprotein  A-1 (Apo  A-1) and alpha-2
              alternative, as there are simple tests that are readily available,   macroglobulin (A-2M) concentrations. Another 5 mL of blood
              reproducible,  easy  to  apply  and,  if  well  validated,  can  be   were collected in ethylenediaminetetraacetic  acid (EDTA)
              effectively used to follow up and monitor patients. 9,14    tubes and analysed for platelet count within 3 h of
              However, individual biomarkers of liver damage are limited   phlebotomy.
              predictors of hepatic fibrosis, 15,16  hence mathematical models
              that combine routinely available individual biomarkers and   Laboratory analysis
              patient parameters into scores have been developed to   Platelet count was determined using a Sysmex XT-4000i
              improve the sensitivity and specificity of detection of fibrosis.    automated Hematology analyser (Sysmex Corporation,
              These models form algorithms such as the FibroTest,   Kobe, Japan). Haptoglobin,  Apo  A-1 and  A-2M concen-
              Fibrosis-4  (FIB-4) index,  aspartate  aminotransferase  to   trations were determined using the sandwich enzyme-
              alanine aminotransferase (AST:  ALT) ratio and aspartate   linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method (Elabscience
              aminotransferase to platelet ratio index (APRI) test. 8,17
                                                                    Biotechnology Co., Ltd, Wuhan, China). The serum activities
                                                                    of ALT, AST, GGT and TBil concentration were determined
              FibroTest is a patented, non-invasive algorithm that has been   using the Beckman Coulter  AU680 Chemistry analyser
              shown to accurately predict liver fibrosis in different   (Beckman Coulter, Inc., Mishima, Japan). Hepatitis B virus
              aetiologies of liver disease. 10,18  FibroTest results have been   status was determined using the Hightop one step rapid
              shown to be comparable to the LB findings and have been   HBV (5-in-1) test kit (Qingdao Hightop Biotech Co., Ltd,
              used as an alternative diagnostic method in predicting liver   Shandong, China). All assays were performed following the
              fibrosis in several countries since 2002. 19,20  Not so much the   manufacturer’s instructions.
              other algorithms despite their potential to improve access to
              diagnosis of liver fibrosis. Furthermore, these algorithms
              have not been validated in non-Caucasian populations, and   Algorithms for detection of fibrosis
              their utility in African populations is sparsely reported in   The specific formulae used to determine the algorithm scores
              literature.                                           are shown in Table 1.

              Transient elastography also referred to as the Fibroscan is   Statistical analysis
              another non-invasive, highly acceptable, rapid and painless
              method of assessing liver fibrosis. 21,22  The technique is not   The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare non-parametric
              serum or plasma based, but it uses both ultrasound and low-  continuous variables between participants with significant
              frequency elastic waves to quantify liver fibrosis. The method   fibrosis  and  those  without.  Kappa  test  was used  to  assess
              has been validated for liver fibrosis staging in patients with   degree of agreement between algorithms. Cut-off values for
              chronic liver diseases.  The method is increasingly used in   significant hepatic fibrosis were as follows: APRI test > 0.5,
              Europe; however, there are limited data on its utility in   FIB-4 index ≥ 1.45, FibroTest ≥ 0.32 and AST:ALT ratio > 1.
              African populations.  The present study aimed to determine
              the prevalence of significant liver fibrosis in ART-experienced   TABLE 1: Formulae of non-invasive algorithms for detection of fibrosis used in
                                                                    the study.
              individuals using four serum-based algorithms and     Formula     Equation
              comparing their performance.                          FibroTest   4.467 × log[A-2M (g/L)] – 1.357 × log[Haptoglobin (g/L)] + 1.017 ×
                                                                                log[GGT (IU/L)] + 0.0281 × [Age (years)] + 1.737 × log[TBil
                                                                                (µmol/L)] – 1.184 × [Apo A-1 (g/L)] + 0.301 × Gender
              Materials and methods                                             (Female = 0, Male = 1) – 5.540 (
              Study participants and sample collection              FIB-4 index  [Age (years) × AST (IU/L)]/[Platelets (× 10 /L) × √ALT (IU/L)]
                                                                    APRI test
                                                                                [(AST (IU/L)/ ULN)/Platelet count (× 10 / L)] × 100
              Between June and September 2014, we prospectively     AST: ALT ratio  AST/ALT
              recruited  79 consecutive  individuals  from  Harare  Central   ULN, upper limit of normal, ULN of AST: 42 IU/L (according to the local laboratory standards);
              Hospital and Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals Opportunistic   APRI,  aminotransferase  to  platelet  ratio  index;  FIB-4,  Fibrosis-4  index;  AST,  aspartate
                                                                    aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase.
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