Page 216 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 216

Page 4 of 7  Original Research

              TABLE 3: Radiological features of 18 patients with confirmed diagnosis (the diagnosis was unknown in five patients).
              Confirmed diagnosis (number)  Imaging of representative cases  Description of imaging findings  Diagnostic confirmation
              Tuberculosis (4)                                      4 – bilateral abnormal CS enhancement (arrow) 2 – known with pulmonary TB
                                                                    3 – associated meningeal enhancement  1 – CSF suggestive of TB
                                                                                              1 – CXR suggestive of TB
                                                                                              (sputum negative)

              High-grade B-cell lymphoma (3)                        2 – unilateral CS enhancement (arrow)  2 – Lymph node biopsy
                                                                    1 – Bilateral CS enhancement  1 – Biopsy of lung mass
                                                                    1 – orbital extension

              Meningioma (3)                                        3 – unilateral CS lesion  2 – biopsy of lesion
                                                                    1 – Unilateral CS lesion with optic nerve   1 – Based on radiological features
                                                                    involvement (arrow)
                                                                    1 – encasement of Internal carotid artery

              Metastases or local invasion (3)                      1 – Unilateral CS mass with orbital   1 – Known breast carcinoma with
                                                                    extension(arrow)          lung metastases
                                                                    1 – Multiple metastases. CS syndrome   1 – Corneal mass biopsy (squamous
                                                                    but no lesion noted       cell carcinoma)
                                                                    1 – local invasion of nasopharyngeal carcinoma  1 – Biopsy proven nasopharyngeal

              Neurosyphilis (2)                                     1 – enhancement of abducens nerves within  Both patients had RPR titre >1:32 and
                                                                    CS (arrow)                abnormal CSF pleocytosis
                                                                    1 – Bilateral CS enhancement

              Cryptococcal meningitis (1)  No images available      Unilateral CS mass        Positive CSF cryptococcal antigen test
              Pituitary adenoma (1)                                 Pituitary macroadenoma with invasion into the Histology confirmed pituitary
                                                                    CS (arrow)                macroadenoma with
                                                                                              immunopositivity to LH and Prolactin

              Internal carotid artery aneurysm (1)                  Right internal carotid artery saccular aneurysm Confirmed on CT angiogram
                                                                    with wall enhancement (arrow)

              CS, cavernous sinus; TB, tuberculosis; CT, computerised tomography; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CXR, chest X-Ray; RPR, rapid plasma regain; LH, Luteinising hormone.

              made,  two  patients  were  treated  empirically  for  TB  and   was treated with intravenous immunoglobulin, recovered
              were lost to follow-up after discharge; one patient was   and was discharged. He had abnormal cavernous sinus
              treated for pyogenic sinusitis and the patient’s condition   enhancement; so, his eye signs were not attributed to an
              subsequently improved; one patient who had acute      AIDP variant such as Miller Fisher syndrome. The fifth
              inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP) and   patient had a cavernous sinus syndrome that cleared after

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