Page 217 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 217

Page 5 of 7  Original Research

              the commencement of antiretroviral therapy. We presume   huge challenges both for diagnosis and management.
              the latter two to have been para-infectious in nature.  Cavernous sinus disease biopsies by neurosurgery even in a
                                                                    tertiary facility are at most times unobtainable. Trauma
              CSF was obtained in 13 patients. It was contraindicated or not   consumes most of their time leaving little to disorders where
              required in the others. In 31% (4/13) of the cases, the CSF was   empirical treatment is the fall-back option. Histological
              abnormal and pointed to the diagnosis. In only 25% (1/4) of   diagnosis while indicated becomes unobtainable and if systemic
              the cases, TB was confirmed on CSF findings. Abnormal CSF   evidence is unavailable then confirmation of the diagnosis is
              findings confirmed the diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis in   extremely difficult to obtain. In the setting of cavernous sinus
              one patient and neurosyphilis in two patients.  All three   disease, even empirical treatment is unsupported as
              patients were treated appropriately but none returned for
              follow-up CSF examination. Neurosyphilis was confirmed in   epidemiological data regarding cavernous sinus disease are
              two patients by serum rapid plasma regain titres of > 1:32. CSF   unavailable in South Africa. The different spectrum of disease
              pleocytosis and the positive venereal disease research   in developed countries cannot be extrapolated to developing
              laboratory tests were confirmatory in both cases.     countries. So, management strategies usually fall back on expert
                                                                    opinion. Furthermore, despite the excellent HIV education and
              The  case  of  cryptococcal  meningitis  with  pachymeningitis   antiretroviral treatment programme in South  Africa, non-
              and unilateral cavernous sinus syndrome occurred in a   adherence to treatment by patients is common.  The follow-up
              patient with CD4+ count of 338 cells/µL. The CSF was mildly   of patients is inconsistent despite the high cost of investigations
              pleocytotic (polymorphs = 3 cells/µL and lymphocytes = 113   and treatment initially given to patients at the tertiary facilities.
              cells/ µL), protein was 0.81 g/L and glucose was 3.1 mmol/L.
              Diagnosis was made on a positive cryptococcal antigen test.   In this study, we have attempted to obtain reliable and perhaps
              Response to amphotericin B and fluconazole was initially   reproducible epidemiological data on cavernous sinus disease
              promising, but follow-up was absent.                  in HIV-infected patients but, as expected, were faced with many
                                                                    challenges. Of the 23 patients with cavernous sinus disease, the
              The outcomes varied, and the follow-up of patients was   diagnosis was confidently made in 18 patients (78%). The
              lacking. Two patients with confirmed TB returned for follow-  majority had mild-to-moderate immunosuppression. Only two
              up and were recovering on treatment. The three patients with   patients had severe immunosuppression of CD4+ < 100 cells/
              high-grade B-cell lymphoma were referred to oncology and   µL. Histological diagnoses from the biopsy of the cavernous
              lost to follow-up. The three patients with meningioma were   sinus disease was obtained in 13% (3/23) of the patients.
              referred to neurosurgery for further follow-up. Two patients
              have since received radiotherapy but remain clinically   Systemic evidence and/or expert opinion on radiological
              unchanged. The patient with breast carcinoma demised from   findings were used for the other cases. In five patients, the cause
              pulmonary embolism. The patients with nasopharyngeal   was unknown. Fortunately, two patients recovered without
              carcinoma and corneal carcinoma were receiving chemotherapy   specific  intervention,  and  one  responded  to  intravenous
              from oncology, but follow-up showed no change to the   antibiotics. Two patients were treated empirically for TB based
              cavernous sinus syndrome. The patient with the pituitary   solely on radiological findings as their CSF findings were
              macroadenoma had debulking surgery and was commenced   unhelpful. Both patients did not return for follow-up, and the
              on replacement therapy by endocrinology. Her visual acuity   outcome of their treatment remains unknown.
              loss and left-sided ophthalmoplegia have not improved; she is
              awaiting radiotherapy. The patient with the cavernous sinus   The most commonly identified diagnosis was TB with
              aneurysm was still awaiting neurosurgical intervention three   evidence available from pulmonary TB in all four patients.
              months after diagnosis.                               CSF results were only contributory in one patient. High-grade
                                                                    B-cell lymphoma, metastatic carcinoma and  meningioma
              Discussion                                            were the next most common. With immunosuppression, the
                                                                    presence of high-grade B-cell lymphoma was plausible, but
              According to 2016 statistics, South Africa has the most high-
              profile HIV epidemic in the world, having 7.1 million   non-HIV-related metastatic disease and meningioma were
              people  living with the infection.  Despite having    probably incidental.
              the  largest  antiretroviral treatment programme globally,
              the complications from HIV infection continue to burden the   Two cases of neurosyphilis were identified in this series, which
              limited health resources in South  Africa. Determining  the   is high as there are only two other cases in the literature of
              actual duration of HIV infection is difficult for various   neurosyphilis affecting the cavernous sinus where HIV was
              reasons, which include late presentation and reluctance to   negative or the HIV status was unknown.  Neurosyphilis is
              know one’s HIV status for the fear of stigmatisation and   more common in HIV-infected patients, which could account
              apathy. Despite regular and widely published educational,   for the higher number found in this series affecting an atypical
              screening and treatment programmes for HIV infection in   site. Response to treatment was much too early to assess during
              South Africa, stigmatisation of the illness is still prevalent. 7  admission and unfortunately both patients failed to return for
                                                                    follow-up. There were isolated cases of a saccular internal
              Neurological sequelae of HIV infection are common, and   carotid artery aneurysm and a pituitary macroadenoma, which
              cavernous sinus disease in the setting of HIV infection poses   were also probably incidental. The increased incidence of

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