Page 201 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 201

Page 5 of 10  Original Research

              definitive test for drug-resistant TB identification. This,   Different methods of drug susceptibility testing could explain
              however, needs to be evaluated in additional settings.   discrepant results in some cases. 33,34  The majority of drug
                                                                    susceptibility testing on cultured isolates in both studies was
              Xpert Ultra is an updated, next-generation sample cartridge   PCR-based; however, we also captured results of all TB tests
              for  the  Xpert  platform  that is  now  recommended  by the   performed in-service and cannot reliably differentiate
              WHO as a replacement for the current Xpert MTB/RIF    between drug susceptibility testing performed with other
              cartridge 27,28  and has been implemented in South Africa. It   methods such as liquid or solid media for all samples for the
              provides  increased sensitivity  for  the detection  of MTB in   duration of the study. Because of the early implementation of
              sputum (especially smear-negative and pauci-baciliary   disposable bedpans, we do not suspect undetected
              disease).  Xpert  Ultra utilises  a new melt  curve  analysis  to   contamination beyond that described above. Furthermore,
              detect  RIF-resistance;  however, its  diagnostic  accuracy   because most patients with positive urine rifampicin results
              (including specificity) for the detection of rifampicin   did not have paired urine culture isolates available for further
              resistance is similar to that of Xpert.  The results of this study   genotypic or phenotypic drug-susceptibility testing, patients
              suggest that urine Xpert Ultra rifampicin resistance results   classified  as  having  false positive  rifampicin  results  may
              should be interpreted cautiously and confirmed by alternative   have had heteroresistance with compartmentalised true
              drug susceptibility testing (either phenotypic or alternative   rifampicin-resistant urinary TB and rifampicin-susceptible
              genotypic assays) until the specificity of Xpert Ultra for   TB at other anatomic sites. However, the favourable clinical
              rifampicin resistance detection has been confirmed to be   course of most of these patients on first-line drug-sensitive
              adequately high to warrant stand-alone testing on urine   TB treatment counts against this possibility. Notably, a large
              samples.                                              proportion of false positive rifampicin results were among
                                                                    those already receiving anti-TB therapy, where 50% of urine
              Of interest, in this cohort we describe three patients with a   Xpert rifampicin resistance results were classified as false
              confirmed urine Xpert rifampicin resistance result who   resistance; this suggests that further caution should be
              also had drug-sensitive strains from independent samples   applied when interpreting urine Xpert rifampicin resistance
              during  the  same   admission   suggesting  likely    results in treatment-experienced patients.
              heteroresistance (either polyclonal infection or acquired
              heteroresistance). The prevalence of heteroresistance in   An additional limitation of the study is that sequencing of
              MTB  infections  has  previously  been  described. 30,31,32    isolates was not performed as part of either study. Sequencing
              Although not well-studied, these are likely associated   of the rpoB gene would have been particularly useful in the
              with increased rates of treatment failure for the individual    cases that we could not classify as true or false resistance and
              and  could  complicate  TB  control  efforts  at  a  population   the heteroresistant cases. Furthermore, urine TB cultures
              level. Xpert may miss heteroresistance if used as a stand-  were not routinely performed in either study and it may have
              alone test for the detection of rifampicin resistance,   been useful to compare drug susceptibility results on isolates
              however, early studies show that Xpert Ultra may detect   cultured from urine samples collected at the same time as the
              heteroresistance when the resistant DNA comprises 5% or   urine Xpert samples.
              more of the sample. 28
                                                                    In conclusion, urine testing using Xpert provides important
              Strengths of this study include a large number of urine Xpert   diagnostic yield for hospitalised HIV-infected patients being
              rifampicin  results from two geographically and clinically   investigated for HIV-associated TB, especially in those unable
              comparable  cohorts  where  patients  were  prospectively   to produce sputum samples. Although the overall proportion
              recruited and underwent  systematic  testing for TB.   of patients with urine Xpert rifampicin resistance in this
              Additionally, all TB assays including urine Xpert testing were   cohort was relatively low, the proportion of those classified
              performed at the same laboratory according to standard   as false rifampicin resistance was substantially higher than
              protocols.  After an error yielded two likely false Xpert   has previously been reported on sputum. Urine Xpert
              rifampicin resistant urine cases due to contamination soon   rifampicin resistant results should therefore be interpreted
              after recruitment initiation, disposable bedpans (single-use)   with caution, repeated on a second sample in patients at low-
              were implemented for the duration of both studies. We   risk for drug resistant TB (as currently recommended by the
              therefore recommend that clinicians use single-use specimen   WHO for sputum samples) and confirmed using additional
              collection bedpans and containers when utilising Xpert   culture-based or molecular assays when possible. Whether
              or  Xpert Ultra testing on urine to prevent DNA-cross-  these findings apply to Xpert Ultra is an issue that requires
              contamination between samples.
                                                                    further study.
              The reason(s) for the high proportion of false positive urine   Acknowledgements
              rifampicin resistance is not entirely clear, but the proportion
              was higher among those already receiving TB therapy.  A   The late Stephen D. Lawn was PI on the Jooste Hospital
              limitation of this study is that we did not have data available   study. The investigators are grateful to the clinical and
              to systematically evaluate the Xpert probe features associated   administrative staff of the Western Cape Department of
              with our classification of false rifampicin resistance.   Health.

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