Page 200 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 200

Page 4 of 10  Original Research

              False urine rifampicin resistance results were more   Xpert probe features for the two patients with false rifampicin
              commonly observed in the Jooste Hospital study: 9/18   resistance in the Khayelitsha Hospital study were available.
              (50%) results compared with 2/25 (8%) in the Khayelitsha   The clinical microbiologists’ comment for patient KDHTB479
              Hospital study (Figure 2). The Jooste Hospital study   indicated that there was a very low load with a double
              enrolled not only patients not yet on TB treatment but also   mutation detected by a delay in probes D and E and that the
              those already established on TB treatment, whereas the   result was likely false positive. In patient KDHTB439 there
              Khayelitsha Hospital study excluded patients who were   was a failure of probe D to bind in the isolate and a repeat
              already on TB treatment at the time of admission. In the   sample was requested that demonstrated RIF susceptibility.
              Jooste Hospital study, there were  n  =  14 results (one   We were unable to obtain information about the probe
              unknown rifampicin resistant result) from patients on TB   features for samples of the JTBS study.
              treatment at enrolment and n = 4 results from patients not
              on TB treatment at enrolment and among these, n = 7/13   Three patients (n = 3/40, 7.5%) with a confirmed rifampicin
              (53.8%) and  n = 2/4 (50%) had false rifampicin resistant   resistant urine Xpert result had evidence of likely
              urine Xpert results, respectively. Therefore, in both cohorts   heteroresistant infection. The first patient (Appendix
              and excluding two results that could not be classified,   Table  1-A1  –  KDHTB203) cultured a drug susceptible
              among patients not on TB therapy, n = 24/28 (85.7% [95% CI   isolate from blood (MycoF/lytic bottle), sputum and
              67.3–96.0] had true positive urine Xpert resistance results   urine samples but also a rifampicin resistant isolate from
              compared to  n = 7/13 (53.8% [95% CI 25.1–80.8] among   sputum during the same admission. The second patient
              those receiving TB therapy at study enrolment. This   (KDHTB531) cultured a drug-sensitive isolate from blood
              suggests that the positive predictive value of Xpert MTB/  as well as a drug-resistant isolate from sputum during the
              RIF for rifampicin resistance is higher among those not on   same admission. The third patient (JTBS463) was originally
              TB treatment compared with those who were already     started on drug-sensitive TB treatment after a prior sputum
              established on TB treatment.                          Xpert and abscess aspirate culture both showed rifampicin
                                                                    susceptible isolates. One month after starting TB treatment,
              Twelve-week  mortality for patients with urine Xpert   the patient was admitted for TB immune reconstitution
              rifampicin resistant  results was 30% (n = 12/40) and 7.5%   inflammatory  syndrome  (IRIS). Shortly  after discharge,
              (n = 3/40) were lost to follow-up. No deaths were observed   the  patient  was  readmitted for  gastroenteritis  and  was
              among the 10 patients (accounting for 11 results) with false   clinically  deteriorating  despite  drug-sensitive  TB
              urine Xpert rifampicin resistance. Limited details regarding   treatment. At this time, two urine Xpert results showed
                                                                    rifampicin resistance; however, the patient died shortly
                                                                    after receipt of urine Xpert results.
                                 1,704 urine Xpert results
                                 (from 1, 171 pa
ents) 554
                                 unconcentrated and 1150            Discussion
                                                                    In this study, which included hospitalised HIV-infected
                                                                    patients systematically investigated for TB, the overall
                                    46 urine Xpert                  proportion of urine Xpert rifampicin resistance results was
                                  rifampicin resistant              10.4% (n = 43/413); however, the positive predictive value of
                                   results (from 42
ents)    3 false rifampicin  urine Xpert MTB/RIF for rifampicin resistance was only
                                                 resistance results  73.2% (n = 30/41).
                                                 (from 2 pa
                                                    due to
                                    43 urine Xpert  contamina
on    The correct identification of drug-resistant TB has
                                  rifampicin resistant
                                   results (from 40                 important implications for both the individuals’ health as
ents)                       well as for public health. For the patient, a false rifampicin
                                                                    resistance  result  may  result  in  not  only  over-treatment
                                                                    with more toxic drugs that are less efficacious for drug-
                                                 KDHTB Cohort
                        JTBS Cohort             (n = 25 results; no  sensitive TB, but also significantly and unnecessarily
                       (n = 18 results)
ents on TB treatment)  prolong treatment times. In high burden, under-resourced
                                                                    settings, a false rifampicin resistance may have important
                                                                    resource implications by  resulting in additional drug
                14 results among  4 results among  2 false rifampicin  susceptibility testing, significantly more expensive
ents on TB  pa
ents not on  resistance results  treatment costs and unnecessary community contact
                  treatment     TB treatment     1 unknown
                                                                    tracing.  Thus, any test that detects DR TB should ideally
                                                                    have very high specificity. Under the best-case scenario
                7 false rifampicin  2 false rifampicin
                resistance results  resistance                      when results were restricted to those not receiving TB
                  1 unknown       results                           treatment, we  found  that Xpert testing of rifampicin
                                                                    resistance on urine samples did not achieve sufficiently
              FIGURE 2: Urine Xpert rifampicin resistance results separated by cohort and
              tuberculosis treatment status.                        high  positive predictive value (86%) to be the sole/

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