Page 198 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 198

Page 2 of 10  Original Research

              Xpert has not been associated with a mortality reduction in   mycobacteriology  (TB culture and/or  Xpert).  Information
              most trials to date, 8,9,10  its implementation has been associated   about any additional specimens, that were clinically indicated
              with overall shorter times to starting anti-TB therapy,   and collected by the medical teams were also recorded – for
              including DR TB. 8,11,12,13  It has also increased the diagnostic   example, lymph node aspirates, cerebrospinal fluid TB
              yield by 1.4% – 15% (compared to sputum microscopy) in   cultures, pleural TB cultures and urine TB cultures.
              clinical trials in Sub-Saharan Africa, Brazil and Indonesia.
                                                                    In  the  first  study, two cases  of  false  urine  rifampicin
                                                                    resistance occurred 3 months after study initiation
              Against the backdrop of improved case detection, previous   (Appendix Table 1-A1 – patients JTBS097 & JTBS099). Both
              studies have reported on false rifampicin resistance results   patients’ urine Xpert samples were collected after a sample
              associated with the Xpert MTB/RIF assay, and meta-analyses   was taken from an MDR patient earlier on the same day.
              found the overall specificity of the Xpert for rifampicin-  It  was determined that both samples were likely
              resistance in sputum samples to be 98% (i.e. 2% showed false   contaminated due to inadequate cleaning of the reusable
              rifampicin resistant results) and 99% in extra-pulmonary   bedpan, although laboratory cross-contamination could
              samples. 17,18  This however appeared to be associated in part   not be ruled out. We subsequently introduced single-use
              with earlier Xpert cartridge generations.  An implementation   disposable  bed  pans  (Litha  Healthcare  Group,
              study from South Africa found the Xpert G4 cartridge to have   Johannesburg, South Africa) and these were used for the
              excellent positive predictive value for rifampicin resistance   remainder of the Jooste Hospital TB study and the duration
              of 99.5% (95% CI 98.5–100) in sputum samples. 20      of the Khayelitsha Hospital TB study. There were no repeat
                                                                    episodes of suspected cross-contamination. Urine was
              We have previously found that among HIV-patients      transferred to a polypropylene tube using a sterile syringe.
              requiring acute medical hospitalisation, testing of a single   Patients from both cohort studies had urine Xpert testing
              concentrated urine sample detected 2.2 times more TB   performed. Demographic details and clinical symptoms
              cases  than sputum Xpert testing, largely because of the   were recorded for all patients at study entry. Patients were
              inability of sick inpatients to produce a sputum sample.    managed by the hospital and clinic staff, and all TB
              Additionally, a  recent  randomised,  multi-country trial   diagnostic test results were made available by study staff
              found that the addition of rapid urine-based assays   and could be utilised to inform patient care.
              (including urine Xpert) to sputum Xpert testing was
              associated with reduced mortality among hospitalised HIV-
              infected patients in sub-group analyses.  This suggests that   Laboratory methods
              urine-based testing using Xpert may have an important role   Urine Xpert testing for both studies was performed at the
              in the TB diagnostic algorithm among hospitalised patients   Groote Schuur Hospital National Health Laboratory Service
              with  advanced HIV, especially those  too ill to  produce  a   laboratory using Xpert MTB/RIF  Assay G4 version 5.  All
              sputum sample. However, the proportion of false-positive   specimens were processed using standardised protocols and
              rifampicin resistance results using Xpert on urine samples   quality assurance procedures as previously described.  In
              has not been reported. We sought to determine the     brief, for the GF Jooste Hospital study, Xpert testing of urine
              proportion of urine Xpert false rifampicin resistance results   samples was conducted in two ways on each sample. The
              among hospitalised HIV-infected patients being investigated   first method (unconcentrated) utilised 2.0 mL of fresh urine
              for HIV-associated TB in Cape Town, South Africa.     that was centrifuged, resuspended in 0.75 mL phosphate
                                                                    buffer and then tested using Xpert.  The second method
              Methods                                               (concentrated) used a 30 mL – 40 mL urine sample that was
              Patients and setting                                  centrifuged at 3000 g for 15 min. The resultant supernatant
                                                                    was removed and the pellet was resuspended in the residual
              Patients from two parent cohort studies were included. In the   urine volume (without the addition a phosphate buffer);
              first, patients were recruited at GF Jooste Hospital, South   0.75  mL was then tested using Xpert.  For both methods,
              Africa from June 2012 to October 2013. Unselected HIV-  Xpert sample reagent (1.5 mL) was added to the samples as
              infected patients admitted to the medical wards were   per  manufacturer’s  instructions. The  Khayelitsha  Hospital
              recruited within 24 h of admission, regardless of TB treatment   study only used Xpert testing on concentrated urine samples
              at the time of admission. 21,23  GF Jooste Hospital was closed at   and was undertaken using the same methods as described
              the end of 2013 and two new hospitals (including Khayelitsha   above. The reference standard for drug resistance, including
              Hospital) were opened serving the same communities at the   rifampicin resistance for both studies, was a molecular line
              time the second study was conducted. The second study was   probe assay  (MTBDR plus; Hain Lifescience  Nehren,
              undertaken at Khayelitsha Hospital from January 2014 until   Germany) undertaken on culture isolates from any clinical
              October 2016 and recruited HIV-infected patients with a low   specimen (not necessarily urine).
              CD4 T-cell count (< 350 cells/µL) admitted to hospital with
              a  suspected new diagnosis of TB. Patients already on TB   Analysis
              treatment  were  excluded  from  this  study.  Sputum,  blood
              and  urine  samples  were  systematically  obtained  (when   Patient populations were from overlapping referral areas
              possible) as part of both study protocols and submitted for   in  the Cape Town townships and both cohorts included

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