Page 194 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 194

Page 4 of 6  Original Research

              Benefits of male circumcision                           the magazines that it helps people in HIV prevention but am not
                                                                      sure in the technical details … (Participant 1, male, in a
              We  explored  whether  participants  knew  MC  as  an  HIV   relationship)
              prevention strategy. Responses to this question were
              spontaneous as we wanted to find how HIV prevention   Two, however, revealed that MC protects against sexually
              ranked among the benefits of MC. Participants gave various   transmitted infections (STIs) but could not mention which:
              benefits of MC and HIV prevention ranked third.
                                                                      ‘… really, to me, well I feel, it helps to prevent some sexually
                                                                      transmitted diseases … all the sexually transmitted diseases.
              Male circumcision for cultural purposes                 Most of them, you can name them …’ (Participant  7, male,
              Culture has been suggested in various studies as both the
              determinant and predictor of MC. From spontaneous     So based on this study, it was clear that the level of knowledge
              responses, culture was viewed as the major benefit of   about MC as an HIV prevention strategy was low, with
              MC.  Out of 10 respondents, six mentioned culture as   cultural and religious factors taking precedence over HIV
              the  reason for MC and that the procedure helped fulfil   prevention.
              cultural obligations and fitted in with the accepted cultural
                                                                    Social factors besides HIV prevention
                 … Firstly, some cultures tend to practice that. When a child is
                 born if he is male, at a certain age he has to get circumcised. It is   In this study, participants revealed that MC had a social
                 a way of passing from being a boy into manhood …   importance. Three participants mentioned that MC can help
                 (Key Informant 3, male, married)                   a person fit in his society or peer group:
                 … this is my understanding. Perhaps if you are not circumcised,   … Hmm social aspect, I think as with most things really, many
                 how do you say you are a man because for us we believe that to   people are taking decisions based on the society. I think if you
                 be a man fully, you have to undergo a knife … (Key Informant 5,   look at an individual, one is defined by where they belong to a
                 male, married)                                       group of people who uphold circumcision then you may want to
                                                                      get circumcised … (Participant 3, male, married)
                 … well in South Africa boys in certain tribes especially in the
                 Eastern Cape, are expected to go through an initiation into   The issue of social benefits was also echoed by other
                 manhood and this initiation starts with circumcision because   participants, showing that it was an important determinant
                 they believe that the foreskin is a feminine part of the body and
                 so this is removed … (Key Informant 8, male, single)  of MC decisions:
                                                                      … I think it is accepted in society, you know. In society, if you are
              For most of the participants, circumcision is one way a boy   not circumcised, you cannot really fit in. you know, discriminating
              can transit from childhood to adulthood. Fulfilling cultural   and all that … (Participant 7, male, married)
              obligations seemed to be the major benefit provided by MC.  … yes, but it is not something done because of medical reasons.
                                                                      Much as it is not done for those reasons, in the long run it will
              Perceptions towards male circumcision                   help protect an individual from acquiring STIs. It is quite
                                                                      beneficial if it is medical male circumcision … (Participant 2,
              Although MC or MCC as an HIV prevention strategy was    male, married)
              the core of this study, this aspect was third in importance
              in the view of respondents and was mentioned by only   Therefore, based on such views, the decision to undergo MC
              four subjects. However, only one gave this as of first   or MCC or not can be a social decision, not necessarily to
              importance. Another mentioned it as of second importance   prevent HIV.
              after culture, and two placed it fourth after culture, religion
              and hygiene:                                          Sexual satisfaction
                 … if you remove the foreskin you also protect yourself from   Furthermore, one participant linked MC to sexual satisfaction
                 STIs and in the same manner I think circumcision helps HIV   revealing that being circumcised gave one increased sexual
                 prevention. It is not 100% to my understanding but it’s to quite   pleasure:
                 a good degree, it helps people from contracting HIV …
                 (Participant 2, male, married)                       … you really get the feeling of, I wouldn’t call it satisfaction but
                                                                      when you are into sex … in my own view, it is true. … I mean
                                                                      during sexual intercourse. A man can run for longer hours which
              The above participant was the only one who mentioned HIV
              prevention as the first benefit with some level of certainty. In   is advantageous to the women because they enjoy it more …
                                                                      (Participant 5, male, married)
              some cases, participants were aware that MC or MCC protects
              against HIV, but were not sure whether it was true as revealed   Five participants revealed that they were aware that MC or
                                                                    MMC prevents  HIV, but  were  not  sure  of  how  this  was
                 … Am also told that one is that in the HIV perspective. I don’t   possible:
                 know how true it is … (Participant 4, male, single)
                                                                      … I understand because I read a lot. I understand that there is a
                 … I have heard that it helps in HIV/AIDS prevention and other   link between and it is being practiced in Uganda where they are
                 people do it for religious beliefs, I think … I just read it in one of   encouraging most people to get circumcised as a prevention of

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