Page 192 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 192

Page 2 of 6  Original Research

              Background                                            immigrants from eastern and southern Africa now residing
                                                                    in Leeds (UK) with regard to the role of MC or MMC as an
              HIV is a major health challenge, especially in sub-Saharan   HIV prevention strategy.
              Africa.  In 2013, more than 35 million people worldwide
              were infected and 1.5 million died of HIV and AIDS.  Male   Materials and methods
              circumcision (MC), which is the surgical removal of the
              foreskin of the penis, supplements less effective strategies   Study population and setting
              such as abstinence, faithfulness to a partner and the   A cross-sectional qualitative research approach was used for
              consistent use of condoms as a means to prevent infection. 8,9,10    the evaluation of the knowledge and perceptions of male
              East and southern  African countries have implemented   immigrants living in Leeds, the UK, and originally from
              MMC as a primary prevention strategy. The widespread   southern and eastern  Africa.  All eligible participants had
              introduction of MMC followed compelling evidence of the   lived in the UK for more than 2 years and had a reasonable
              reduction of HIV acquisition in circumcised, uninfected and   command of the English language. The study focused on
              exposed men of ≥ 40%. 11                              participants from this part of  Africa because of the high
                                                                    prevalence of HIV infection in their region of origin. 2,20
              The biological plausibility and efficacy of the procedure
              arises from the fact that the penile foreskin contains many   Tools for data collection
              CD4  receptor-bearing  Langerhans  cells  and  lymphocytes.
              These cells permit viral (HIV) invasion.  In addition to the   Data were gathered using semi-structured interview guides.
              removal of vulnerable tissue, circumcision assists in   The responses were audio recorded, although participants
              increasing the thickness (keratinisation) of residual skin,   had been offered the option of having their responses hand
              thereby reducing penile abrasions during intercourse.    written in case they felt uncomfortable with recording. Each
              Circumcision may reduce the incidence of genital ulcer   interview took approximately 45–60 min.
              disease and in this way also ‘protect’ from HIV infection. 14
                                                                    Data collection
              In order for rates of MC or MCC to increase, society and the   Participants were purposively selected using a snowball
              individual’s perceptions must be better understood. Indeed,   recruitment method. Data were collected through face-to-
              without perception, action, according to Gibson,  is   face  researcher-guided  in-depth  interviews.  During  the
              misguided and serves no purpose.  The promotion of    preliminary stage, an eligible person was identified. The
              successful health strategies, for example MC and MMC, must   subject was invited to participate in the study and given
              influence people’s perceptions. 17
                                                                    the Participant Information Sheet to read before consenting
                                                                    to participate. He was then contacted and invited to an
              Although the number of people diagnosed with HIV annually   interview. After the interview, this person was asked if he
              in the UK has been low, namely 5000 in 2001, the number of   knew any potential participants from the region of Africa
              those living with HIV is increasing and by the end of 2011   under study and was requested to pass on details to the
              was estimated to be 96 000.  Disease is not restricted to a   researcher. This referral process was applied until the
              geographical region or a specific population group. To reduce   sample size was reached. To allow for response diversity,
              or eradicate HIV from the UK, prevention strategies must   participants from different age groups and nationalities
              focus on the needs of key and vulnerable populations such as   were contacted. The questions required the participants to
              immigrants. Given the political and economic instability of   define circumcision, any benefits and cultural views in
              countries in Africa, the number of those seeking asylum in   support of or against MC or MMC. The research questions
              the UK is likely to grow.                             were formulated based on the study objectives, and each
                                                                    interview was allocated approximately 45–60 min. Data
              The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified    were collected in 2 months.
              14  countries in east and southern  Africa with generalised
              HIV epidemics and with low prevalence rates of MC. These
              countries have been targeted for the scale-up of MMC   Data management
              programmes.  In the UK, circumcision of British men is on   Data were analysed using a thematic content analysis. In
              the decline and currently stands at 15.8% of 16–44-year olds.   brief, transcripts were read and re-read several times. Initial
              Rates vary: high among Jewish men (98.7%), and lower   codes were identified, noting repeated issues. Each code
              among Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists (9.8%).  The overall   was checked against the raw data, and emerging ones were
              low rate of circumcision in the UK likely follows on directives   developed into categories. The categories were grouped
              from the National Health System (NHS) that recommends   together into overarching themes, based on the
              circumcision only if medically indicated. 19          understanding of the data.  Appropriate themes were
                                                                    generated and recorded. When checking the  raw
              The role of negative perception and its contribution to low   information, a description was provided that summarised
              circumcision rates is unknown. This study sought to better   the theme. These transcripts were analysed manually and
              understand the knowledge base and perceptions of male   checked for consistency.

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