Page 199 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 199

Page 3 of 10  Original Research

              HIV-infected patients requiring medical admission and had   The majority of rifampicin resistance results (n = 30/43; 69.8%
              detailed TB investigations performed. Urine Xpert rifampicin   [95% CI 53.9–82.8]) were classified as true urine Xpert
              resistance results were classified by two authors     rifampicin resistance based on the results from other
              independently by first assessing all available microbiological   independent clinical samples. Eleven (11/43, 25.6% [95% CI
              results (including culture, Xpert and line probe assay) on all   13.5–41.2]) results were classified as false rifampicin
              clinical samples. In cases where it was not possible to classify   resistance and two further results (one from each study)
              urine Xpert rifampicin resistance results by assessing   could not be classified. Thus, by the most conservative
              microbiological results from other clinical samples, the   estimate (excluding 2 unknown results),  n = 30/41 results
              type of TB treatment, response to treatment and vital status   were confirmed as true urine Xpert rifampicin resistant
              at 12 weeks were also considered. All patients with urine   results, for a positive predictive value of 73.2% (95% CI 57.1–
              Xpert rifampicin resistant results were assigned to one of the   85.8). Comprehensive details for each patient with urine
              three mutually exclusive groups: (1) true rifampicin resistant   Xpert rifampicin resistance were reported in  Appendix
              urine Xpert (patients who had rifampicin-resistant TB   Table 1-A1.
              confirmed by culture or Xpert on other clinical samples)
              (2) false rifampicin resistant urine Xpert (patients who did   TABLE  1:  Baseline  characteristics  of  Jooste  Hospital  tuberculosis  study  and
              not have rifampicin-resistant TB present on additional   Khayelitsha Hospital tuberculosis study patients.
              clinical  samples  and  had  a  clinical  course  that  was  not   Variable  Jooste Hospital study   Khayelitsha Hospital study
              compatible with drug-resistant TB), (3) unknown (insufficient             n  (n = 585)  n  (n = 586)
              microbiological and clinical evidence to classify a patient’s   Sex           % or IQR        % or IQR
              urine  Xpert rifampicin  resistant  result).  Furthermore,   Female       338   57.8   307      52.4
              patients with true urine Xpert rifampicin resistance were   Male          247   42.2   279      47.6
              classified as having heteroresistance if additional   Age, years         35.3  28.9, 41.4  35.9  30.8, 43.9
              independent sample/s from the same clinical episode   ART status
              demonstrated both a rifampicin-susceptible and a rifampicin-  Defaulted ART  113  19.3  140     24.1
              resistant  Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) isolate, i.e.   ART naive     209   35.7   222      38.3
              discordant results from two different clinical specimens in   Currently on ART  263  45.0  218  37.6
              the same patient. Two patients (contributing three urine   TB history
              Xpert rifampicin resistance results) were determined to have   Previous TB  263  45.1  268      45.7
              false urine Xpert rifampicin resistance; this occurred within   Unknown TB history  2  0.3  23  3.9
              3 months of initiating the first study, and was prior to the   CD4, cells/mL  134  53, 275  5.2  24, 138
                                                                    HIV viral load, log copies/mL
                                                                                             1.6, 5.5
                                                                                                             3.8, 5.7
              introduction of single use disposable bedpans (see details   Established on TB   158  27  -      -
              above). This led to the introduction of single-use disposable   treatment at enrolment
              bedpans and avoided further such cases.               ART, Antiretroviral therapy; TB, Tuberculosis.
                                                                    Continuous variables presented as median and interquartile range and categorical variables
                                                                    as number and percentage.
              Ethical consideration
              Approval for both studies was obtained from the University            1,704 urine Xpert results
              of Cape Town Faculty of Health Sciences Human Research                 (from 1, 171 pa
                                                                                     554 unconcentrated
              Ethics Committee and patients provided written informed                and 1150 concentrated
              consent according to the approved study protocols.
              Results                                                               46 urine Xpert rifampicin
                                                                                       resistant results
              There were 585 patients from the GF Jooste Hospital cohort              (from 42 pa
ents)  3 false rifampicin
              and 586 patients from the Khayelitsha Hospital cohort with                               resistance results
              urine Xpert results available for a total of 1171 hospitalised                         (from 2 pa
ents) due
              HIV-infected patients. Overall 1704 urine Xpert results were          43 urine Xpert rifampicin  to contamina
              available from 1171 patients, of which 554 were performed on             resistant results
              unprocessed urine samples and 1150 on concentrated urine                (from 40 pa
              samples (Figure 1). Baseline characteristics of the two cohorts
              were similar. (Table 1).
                                                                      30 true rifampicin  11 false rifampicin  2 unknown
              Among 1704 urine Xpert results, there were 416 (24.4%   resistant results  resistance results  results
              [95% CI 22.4–26.5]) samples that tested positive for MTB and
              46 results indicating rifampicin resistance among 42 patients
              (Figure 1). After excluding three results (from two patients)   3 results in pa
              that were determined to be caused by contamination,    with heteroresisitance
              43 results from 40 patients remained (n = 43/413; prevalence   FIGURE  1:  Overview  of  urine  Xpert  rifampicin  resistance  results  from  two
              10.4% [95% CI 7.6–13.8]) and were further classified.   cohorts of hospitalised HIV-patients in Cape Town, South Africa.

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