Page 369 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 7 of 8 Original Research
settings where coverage is still low like in Zimbabwe. revised the draft critically and gave final approval of the
However, a key component of the potential success of this version to be published. All authors read and approved the
screening programme that utilises HPV testing is the final manuscript.
development and availability of low-cost HPV assays.
Funding information
As reported in the methodology, the use of the Xpert HPV
kits limited our ability to describe individual hrHPV types in The study was financed through the Newlands Clinic
the cohort apart from HPV 16. Secondly, the duration of operational budget.
follow-up was short and because of the nature of the
pathogenesis of HPV infection, there was limited time for Data availability statement
disease progression to occur. Thirdly, hrHPV infection was Data are available upon request from the corresponding
only assessed at baseline, therefore questions of HPV author.
persistence and clearance could not be addressed. Despite
these limitations, the information from this study can be used Disclaimer
to provide background data for prospective cohort studies to
ascertain persistence of HPV infections in women with The views expressed in this article are the authors’ and not
controlled HIV infection. necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any
affiliated agency of the authors.
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