Page 366 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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TABLE 1: Socio-demographic characteristics and risk factors of participants at baseline (N = 321).
Characteristic Frequency (%)†
hrHPV negative N = 241 hrHPV positive N = 80 Overall N = 321
n % n % n %
Age (years), median (IQR) 44 39–50 42 37–49 44 38–50
Age bands (years)
22–29 11 4.6 10 12.5 21 6.5
30–45 121 50.2 36 45.0 157 48.9
46–60 89 36.9 32 40.0 121 37.7
> 60 20 8.3 2 2.5 22 6.9
Marital status
Divorced 23 9.5 14 17.5 37 11.5
Married 107 44.4 31 38.8 138 43.0
Separated 10 4.1 3 3.8 13 4.1
Single 31 12.9 7 8.8 38 11.8
Widowed 70 29.1 25 31.3 95 29.6
0 7 2.9 4 5.0 11 3.4
1–3 144 59.8 47 58.8 191 59.5
> 3 90 37.3 29 36.3 119 37.1
Hormonal 64 26.6 29 36.3 93 29.0
Non-hormonal 47 19.5 20 25.0 67 20.9
None 130 53.9 31 38.8 161 50.2
None 12 5.0 6 7.5 18 5.6
Primary school 39 16.2 13 16.3 52 16.2
High school 153 63.5 52 65.0 205 63.9
Tertiary education 37 15.4 9 11.3 46 14.3
Age of sexual debut
< 13 3 1.2 2 15.0 5 1.6
13–16 23 9.5 15 63.8 38 11.8
17–21 156 64.7 51 18.8 207 64.5
> 21 59 24.5 12 2.5 71 22.2
Partner HIV status
Negative 40 16.6 10 12.5 50 15.6
Positive 123 51.0 40 50.0 163 50.8
Unknown 78 32.4 30 37.5 108 33.6
VIA‡: At HPV screening
Positive 3 1.2 6 7.5 9 2.8
Negative 237 98.3 74 92.5 311 96.9
Missing 1 0.4 - - 1 0.3
Historical VIA outcomes 2 years prior to HPV sample
All negative 226 93.8 57 28.8 283 11.8
Any positive 15 6.2 23 71.3 38 88.1
Historical STI’s 2 years prior to HPV sample
Any STI 202 16.2 59 26.2 261 18.7
Non-Viral STI 39 83.8 21 73.8 60 81.3
Duration of ART (years), median (IQR) 7.6 4.6–10.5 8.0 3.5–11.0 7.8 4.4–10.8
Viral load status§ (copies/mL)
< 50 218 90.5 65 81.3 283 3.4
50–199 10 4.2 5 6.3 15 2.8
200–1000 0 0.0 3 3.8 3 0.9
> 1000 6 2.5 3 3.8 9 4.8
Missing 7 2.9 4 5.0 11 88.2
CD4 count (cells/mm ) 3
Median (IQR) 515 360–685 481 354–622 513 354–677
< 200 10 4.2 4 5.0 14 4.4
≥ 200 231 95.9 76 95.0 307 95.6
ART regimen
ART naïve 4 1.7 0 0.0 4 1.3
First line 200 83.0 56 70.0 256 81.0
Second line 36 14.9 24 30.0 60 18.7
Third line 1 0.4 0 0.0 1 0.3
VIA, visual inspection with acetic acid; ART, antiretroviral therapy; IQR, interquartile range; hrHPV, high-risk HPV; HPV, Human papillomavirus; STI, sexually transmitted infection.
†, Frequency unless otherwise stated.
‡, One patient had cytology instead of VIA at HPV screen.
§, Eleven patients did not have viral load. 358 Open Access