Page 374 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 374

Page 4 of 5  Original Research

                                                                    mostly patients with anniversary months in December or
                                               VL due  Timely VL done
                  800                                               January when patients return to family homes outside of the
                                                                    city during the holidays.
                VL  melines  400                                    Timeliness of VL tests was low in our paediatric and

                  200                                               adolescent patients with an average of 27.5% done timeously
                                                                    before implementation. This improved to 49.7% in patients
                   0                                                who had suppressed VLs after the implementation of the
                         Pre-implementation  Post-implementation
                                       Groups                       wellness anniversary. This analysis was only on patients with
              VL, viral load.                                       VLs below 1000. There was particularly low timeliness in
              FIGURE 1: Overall timeliness in pre- and post-implementation groups.  January and December  in  both groups which  we have
                                                                    attributed to the holiday season. During this period the
              TABLE 3: Timely viral load versus viral load suppression in the post-implementation   pharmacy dispenses 2 months’ supply of treatment for
              group.                                                patients with good adherence and treatment response. Some
              Post-implementation  Timely VL  Not timely VL  Cumulative  patients also go on holiday during this period. The timeliness
              Suppressed                                            of VL testing was expected to correlate with early detection
              Number             304        306        610
              Percentage        49.8        50.2       100          of treatment failure and timely intervention which should
              Not suppressed                                        lead  to  higher  virological  suppression  rates  and  less  drug
              Number             37         76         113          resistance. However, the results did not show this, as overall
              Percentage        32.7        67.3       100          suppression rates did not improve.
              VL, viral load.
              Pearson’s chi square (1) = 11.1776; p = 0.001.        The overall VLS rate was above 80% in the pre-implementation
                                                                    group, which is higher than the cascaded target of 72.9%
              The  suppression rates in the 0–3-year age group were   set  by the UNAIDS 2020 strategy. There was no overall
              distinctly lower with 56.8% VLS in the pre-implementation   improvement in suppression rates in our study. The 0–3 year
              group and  69% post-implementation. Suppression rates in   age group had a particularly low suppression rate and
              the > 3–10 years were 87.7% and 85.7% in the pre- and post-  improved after implementation. Time to suppression in this
              implementation groups, respectively.                  group may be affected by factors such as high baseline VL,
                                                                    poor tolerability of syrups and caregiver-related issues.
              Viral load timeliness                                 Maternal ART and early infant diagnosis are likely to improve
                                                                    this, with more infants with lower VLs at ART initiation and
              Viral load timeliness was 27.5% in the pre-implementation
              group and 49.7% in the post-implementation group (Figure 1).   earlier VLS. There was a statistically significant increase in
              There were 164 timely VLs in the pre-implementation group,   VLS in the patients who had timely VLs in the post-
              of which 130 were suppressed, producing a VLS rate of 79%.   implementation group. This may be attributed to the fact that
              There was a total of 341 timely VLs done post-implementation,   patients with suppressed VLs only need 12 monthly VLs,
              out  of  a  total  of  723  VLs,  and  of  those  only  37  were   which may be the bulk of patients who subsequently had
              unsuppressed, producing a VLS rate of 89% in that post-  timely VLs. Further, patients may have been better able to
              implementation group. There was a statistically significant   anticipate the date of the VL testing during the implementation
              association between timeliness of VL testing and VLS after   and may have re-enforced adherence resulting in improved
              implementation of the wellness anniversary with a Pearson’s   VLS. Studies looking at regimen switches and re-suppression
              chi square of 11.18 and p-value of 0.001 (Table 3).   as a result of timely VL testing may be more conclusive to
                                                                    show the effect of timely VL testing.
              Discussion                                            Although  our  study consisted  of a  comprehensive  chart

              Our study showed a high VL testing coverage at this urban   review of a large cohort of patients, limitations include that
              paediatric HIV clinic before implementation of the wellness   we did not record ART regimens the patients were on and
              anniversary with an average of 98.3% VL coverage pre-  whether there was an increase in ART regimen switches with
              implementation of the wellness anniversary. This was   the timely VL testing. Implementation of the wellness
              attributed to an already existing system of tracking all the   anniversary had both patient-related and staff-related
              patients that are due for VL testing, as well as defaulters who   obstacles, which may be overcome easily even in LMIC
              have not returned for their results.                  setting ART clinics. Patients were initially concerned with the
                                                                    possible stigma expressed by other patients because of a
              Routine VL monitoring has been associated with better   visible sticker on their clinical charts, which required a
              clinical outcomes.  The wellness anniversary intervention   change in the position of the sticker so that it was less visible.
              did not have a significant positive or negative effect on the   The process of addressing concerns also helped with patient
              VL coverage in the clinic, with a post implementation overall   engagement and ownership of their treatment monitoring
              coverage of 97.8%. This may be attributed to high baseline VL   which may contribute to retention-in-care. Once the initial
              coverage. The patients who did not have VLs done were   phase of rolling out the wellness anniversary was completed,

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