Page 378 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 378

Page 3 of 9  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Comparison of standard care and Teen Club care.
              Standard care                                      Teen Club
              •  Adolescents should have full disclosure by the age of 10–12 years; disclosure can   •  Adolescents should have full disclosure; this is a prerequisite for enrolment into the
               be delayed depending on the cognitive ability of the adolescent  Teen Club
              • Goal-related transition from paediatric/adolescent to adult HIV services  •  Goal-related transition from paediatric/adolescent to adult HIV services
              •  Routine viral load monitoring and targeted viral load monitoring for suspected   •  Routine viral load monitoring and targeted viral load monitoring for suspected
               treatment failure                                  treatment failure
              •  Age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate adherence counselling  •  Age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate adherence counselling
              •  Lost to follow-up/defaulter tracking and tracing  •  Lost to follow-up/defaulter tracking and tracing
              •  HIV treatment literacy training of guardians and caregivers on treatment   •  HIV treatment literacy training of guardians and caregivers on treatment adherence,
               adherence, disclosure and stigma issues            disclosure and stigma issues
              •  Routine discussion with the children on their experience at school and future plans  •  Routine discussion with the child on their experience at school and future plans
              •  Linkage to relevant stakeholders and social support mechanisms in the community  •  Linkage to relevant stakeholders and social support mechanisms in the community
              •  Age-appropriate psychosocial support includes individualised and group   •  In addition to age-appropriate psychosocial support offered in standard care, the Teen
               counselling on issues such as treatment failure counselling, opportunistic   Club:
               infections, STIs, SRH, alcohol use and abuse, mental health, child protection
               and other topics according to the adolescents’ needs.  ▪ Meets once a month on a Friday or Saturday in ‘safe spaces’ at the clinic
                                                                  ▪  Shares challenges, fears, experiences and coping mechanisms during monthly
                                                                  ▪ Has special talks or presentation of ALHIV-related topics from subject matter experts
                                                                  ▪  Has access to information, education and communication materials, such as videos
                                                                    and dramas/acts on adolescence and HIV, followed by discussions
                                                                  ▪  Occasionally participates in Teen Club retreats and trips where recreational activities
                                                                    and life stories are shared
              ALHIV, adolescents living with HIV; SRH, sexual and reproductive health; STIs, sexually transmitted infections.

              Guidelines, the HIV disclosure process of the child must be a
              carefully planned process that informs the child of their HIV   Electronic pa ent monitoring system (ePMS) with all clients on ART
              status and why they have to take their HIV medication. The   at intermediate hospital katutura paediatric ART clinic (N ≈ 720)
              process must take into account the individual’s maturity,
              understanding of HIV and their social support system, and    Selected all adolescents (10–19 years) who were on ART at
              should  be  initiated  as  early  as  6–10  years  of  age.   Once   the clinic between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2017 (N = 482)
              adolescents are aware that they are HIV infected, they can
              enrol in the Teen Club.                                                              Ninety-seven  excluded
                                                                                                    adolescents who were
                                                                                                   transferred in from other
              Participants’ selection                                                               facili es to the clinic

              The study sample was all inclusive of the study population.   Adolescents (10–19 years) who were ini ated and on ART at
              Figure 1 shows  that  720 children  and  adolescents  were   the clinic between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2017 (N = 385)
              receiving ART at the clinic and that 482 were aged between
              10 and 19 years. Eighty five of these were members of the
              Teen Club. Any adolescent who attended at least one Teen   Selected adolescents (10–19 years)  Selected adolescents (10–19 years)
              Club meeting was considered ‘exposed’ to the intervention.   a‹ending Teen Club at the clinic  in standard care at the clinic
                                                                       between 1 July 2015 and 30
                                                                                                between 1 July 2015 and 30
              The calculated minimum total sample size using Epi Info     June 2017  (N = 78)     June 2017 (N = 307)
              included 272 participants, with 46 from the Teen Club stratum
              (exposed)  and  226  in  the  standard  care/non-Teen  Club   FIGURE 1: Flow chart of the sampling process for the study.
              stratum (unexposed). Parameters used to calculate sample
              size include a power of 80%, an assumed difference of 20%   information was added onto the Excel spreadsheet. Extracted
              between the two groups, with a 95% confidence interval, and   data were coded using R statistical package and transferred
              an unexposed/exposed ratio of 5.                      and saved onto  a password-protected  Excel  file to  ensure
                                                                    that the data cannot be altered. Data cleaning and preparation
              Patient demographics and visit details are completed   or coding  were performed on the  Excel file that was then
              routinely by health care workers and entered into individual   exported into an SPSS file. Further coding and labelling of
              patient care booklets (PCBs) during clinic visits. Patient   variable categories allowed conversion and compatibility
              information is then entered into an electronic patient   with R.
              monitoring system (ePMS) by data clerks. Patient data were
              extracted from the electronic database into an Excel   Variables
              spreadsheet. Teen Club members sign in at every Teen Club   We defined retention in HIV care as being in care at 24 months,
              meeting. The Teen Club attendance register was reviewed to   that is, the end of the study period, with evidence of clinic
              match adolescents on the ePMS and the Teen Club members   attendance during the study period. Participants not in care at
              using the unique ART numbers allocated as unique patient   24 months were defined as lost: missed > 30 days, lost to
              identifiers.  Patient  care  booklets  for  adolescents  with   follow-up (LTFU): missed > 90 days and transferred out or
              incomplete records in ePMS were retrieved, and the missing   died.  Adolescents who miss appointments are listed and

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