Page 372 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 372

Page 2 of 5  Original Research

              staff training and lack of funding.  However, the challenges   paediatric  HIV clinic  in  an urban area. The clinic  covers  a
              preventing increased HIV VL coverage in South Africa may   wide area which includes peri-urban and urban areas. The
              be different compared to most Sub-Saharan African countries.   clinic offers both general paediatric HIV treatment services
              Quality improvement projects (QIP) have the potential to   and tertiary services. The general services are provided by
              improve HIV VL coverage, such as QIP reported by Kekana   one permanent medical officer, a part-time medical officer
              et al., although the scalability of these interventions may be   and a rotating medical intern, while the tertiary service is
              limited.  Sunpath et al. also showed increased VL completion   provided by the paediatric infectious disease (ID) team once
              after  the  implementation  of  the  VL champion  in  low- and   a week. All routine HIV-infected children and adolescents are
              high-traffic ARV clinics.  Improved HIV VL coverage together   initiated and followed up by the general service. The tertiary
              with active tracing has been implemented in resource-poor   service is a referral clinic for both the general clinic and a
              settings and has shown to lead towards better clinical   large part of KwaZulu-Natal province. The patients managed
              outcomes and increased retention in care. 10          by the ID team are referred back to the general clinic or the
                                                                    referring hospital with resolution of the referring problem.
              Viral load suppression in children from LMIC is lower when   The audit largely focuses on the patients attending chronic
              compared  to  adults  in  LMIC  and  children  in  high-income   follow-up in the general clinic.
              countries.  HIV VLS has been shown to reduce HIV
              transmission  and  improve  life  expectancy  in people  living   Study population
              with HIV.  Early VLS in children is associated with better   The study was conducted on all children below 19 years who
              growth,  immune  and  viral  responses  and  psychosocial
              outcomes.  Good self-reported adherence has been associated   attend the paediatric and adolescent HIV clinic in King
              with engaged and motivated caregivers, disclosure of child   Edward Hospital. We excluded children who were lost to
                                                                    follow up, children who were transferred out to other ART
              and caregiver status, knowledge of ART and good patient–  sites, children who died in the pre-implementation period
              caregiver–healthcare provider relationships, which result in   and children who turned 19 years in the post-implementation
              better outcomes.  Interventions that have been shown to   period.
              enhance  adherence  include  directly  observed  therapy  by
              family members, personalised treatment plans, medication
              diaries, convenient and pleasant clinic appointments  and   Study sample
              community-based adherence support. 15,16  Decentralised   The study sample included all the patients who were
              models of ART delivery may also lead to improved virologic   attending  the  HIV  clinic  and met  the  inclusion  and/or
              outcomes.  The effects of timely VL testing on treatment   exclusion criteria during the two study periods.
              outcomes is unknown.
              There are multiple measures in place at the clinic to improve
              adherence to treatment  and ensure timely  VL testing   We implemented a QIP at KEH in June 2016 to improve the
              including active tracing of defaulters, peer-led support   quality of care in our patients on ART. This project involved
              groups and WhatsApp groups supervised by social workers.   introducing the concept of ‘wellness anniversary’ for patients
              We implemented the wellness anniversary to ensure delivery   and healthcare workers, to use the month of ART initiation as
              of an annual standardised holistic package of care. We aimed   an annual reminder to have their VL test taken as part of a
              to assess the effectiveness of the wellness anniversary in   holistic package of annual assessments which included safety
              improving VL testing coverage and timeliness of testing.  laboratory tests, weight, height and developmental screening.
                                                                    Prior to this, the clinic implemented a VL register to track
              Methods                                               VLs performed and to follow up results on a weekly basis.

              Study design                                          The effectiveness of the VL register was not assessed. The
                                                                    project was discussed with the management, nursing staff,
              We conducted a retrospective comprehensive chart audit to   counsellors and social workers working at the clinic to ensure
              assess two time periods, from January 2016 to December 2016   commitment from the clinic team. Maternal Adolescent and
              (pre-implementation) and from January 2017 to December   Child Health (MatCH), a non-governmental organisation,
              2017 (post-implementation). The primary objective was to   provided the colour-coded anniversary month stickers. The
              assess and compare the coverage and timeliness of HIV VL   nurses at the weighing station educated the patients on the
              testing between the two time periods. Secondary objectives   aims of the wellness anniversary month. They identified the
              were to describe and assess the association of VL testing   anniversary month and attached the stickers on the outpatient
              coverage and timeliness with patient demographics, and to   file and the ART clinic file. The patient was also informed
              describe and assess the association of VL testing coverage   about when their anniversary month was. The patients who
              and timeliness with short-term treatment outcomes.    had a VL done more than 6 months before the anniversary
                                                                    month  and  were  suppressed  received  the  package  of care
                                                                    on  their anniversary month. The patients who were not
              Study setting                                         suppressed were tested according to the guideline for
              The study was conducted in King Edward VIII Hospital   treatment failure. The implementation was ongoing as new
              (KEH), Philani Family Clinic, which is a combined adult and   patients were initiated on ART during the study period.

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