Page 198 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 4 of 15  Original Research

              70.14 µmol/L ± 15.3 µmol/L: p > 0.05 for all comparisons   8.9% of the enzymatic creatinine results fell outside the
              (Table  1).  The  mean  creatinine  concentrations  analysed   UOM for the duration of the study compared to 65% of the
              using the kinetic Jaffe method were significantly higher   results for the kinetic Jaffe method. The i-STAT results could
              than baseline when blood samples were processed after 6 h:   not be evaluated as UOM has not been established for this
              p ≤ 0.001 for all comparisons. Creatinine concentrations did   assay.
              not change significantly over the 96 h when measured using
              the enzymatic method or i-STAT system:  p > 0.05 for all   Based on the positive trend of increasing creatinine
              comparisons (Table 1).                                concentrations over time observed for the Jaffe method, we
                                                                    explored the data further to determine if a correction factor
              The kinetic Jaffe method exhibited the widest intra-  could be established to adjust creatinine results obtained
              individual CV (range: 12% – 40% vs 1.2% – 12% enzymatic   from samples with delayed processing time. The percentage
              and 1.9% – 12% i-STAT method) as well as the greatest inter-  change of the serum creatinine results for the participants
              assay variation (22.7% vs 6.0% enzymatic and 6.6% i-STAT   over the 96-h time frame was inconsistent and a correction
              method), as seen in Figure 1. When creatinine results were   factor could, therefore, not be established based on the
              assessed against the 10% UOM for each respective assay,   current sample size (Figure 2).

              TABLE 1: Creatinine concentrations for the study cohort (n = 22) obtained using the enzymatic, kinetic Jaffe method and i-STAT methods at six different time intervals.
              Time interval                                    Creatinine concentration
                                     Enzymatic                     Kinetic Jaffe                   i-STAT
                              µmol/l           *p            µmol/L          *p            µmol/L          *p
              < 4 h          78.73 ± 14.63     -           77.05 ± 13.12      -          70.14 ± 15.35      -
              6 h            74.55 ± 14.11    0.340        78.41 ± 15.19    0.752        69.91 ± 16.00     0.962
              24 h           78.91 ± 14.64    0.967        95.23 ± 20.26    0.001        67.59 ± 14.72     0.578
              48 h           79.86 ± 15.70    0.805       117.64 ± 19.82    < 0.001      68.18 ± 14.02     0.662
              72 h          76.79 ± 14.82†    0.676       121.29 ± 20.97§   < 0.001      67.59 ± 14.71     0.577
              96 h          77.31 ± 10.45‡    0.743       124.56 ± 18.49¶   < 0.001      66.14 ± 15.82††   0.406
              Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation, missing data due to insufficient volume or high haemolysis index (> 1000 mg/dL) for
              †, n = 3.
              ‡, n = 6.
              §, n = 1.
              ¶, n = 4.
              ††, n =1.
              *, p-value for results compared to 4 h creatinine concentration.

                  45                                                                               Enzyma c  i-STAT  Jaffe


                Percentage chang of crea nine (%)  25





                      1   2   3    4   5   6    7   8   9   10   11  12  13   14  15  16  17   18  19  20   21  22
                                                              Par cipants (n)
              FIGURE 1: Intra-individual coefficient of variation for 22 participants for the enzymatic, kinetic Jaffe and i-STAT creatinine methods over the 96-h study period. Blue bars
              represent results obtained for the enzymatic method, orange bars for the i-STAT method and grey bars for the kinetic Jaffe method.

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