Page 197 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 197

Page 3 of 15  Original Research

              the  stability of biochemical analytes is 10. Furthermore,   Estimated glomerular filtration rate
              multiple samples were required from each participant   measurements
              for  analysis on three analysers at six time points, providing   eGFR was calculated using the MDRDv3  without ethnic
              396  creatinine measurement data points. Patients with
              comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, urinary   adjustment (age, sex, and serum creatinine), MDRDv4 (age,
              tract infection, hypertension and proteinuria were excluded   sex, ethnicity, and serum creatinine), CG and CKD-EPI
              from the study. De-identified demographic and anthropometric   equations with ethnic adjustment.
              data were transcribed from the patient files.
                                                                    Statistical analysis
              Sample collection and processing                      All analyses were performed using Medcalc software. The
              Each patient provided 13 tubes of blood: 12 × approximately   Shapiro-Wilks test was used to test for normality. Normally
              2 mL in 5 mL serum separator-tubes (SST) and 1 × 5 mL in a   distributed continuous variables (creatinine) were presented
              heparin tube (Becton Dickenson, Plymouth, UK). Serum was   as mean ± standard deviation and continuous variables that
              isolated from SST tubes following centrifugation at 1370 × g   were not normally distributed (age, weight) were presented
              for 5 min at defined time intervals viz. < 4 h, 6 h, 24 h, 48 h,   as  median  [interquartile  range].  Categorical  variables  are
              72 h and 96 h. Prior to centrifugation, samples were stored at   presented as proportions and percentages. The Student
              room temperature. Whole blood heparin tubes were stored at   paired t-test was used to compare baseline creatinine
              room temperature until required.                      concentrations between the three different methods
                                                                    (Bonferroni corrected p-value). The serum creatinine results
              Measurement of creatinine concentrations              were evaluated for analytically significant changes using the
                                                                    uncertainty of measurement (UOM; calculated for the
              Serum creatinine concentrations were measured immediately   laboratory quality control data in the preceding 6 months),
              after each centrifugation (as above) using the IDMS-traceable   total  allowable  error (TAE)  of 15% (Clinical  Laboratory
              enzymatic and IDMS-traceable kinetic Jaffe method on the   Improvement  Amendments [CLIA] and coefficient of
              Roche COBAS 8000 module 702 and Roche COBAS 6000      variation [CV]). Passing-Bablok linear regression and Bland-
              module 502 instruments at the NHLS laboratory of the Chris
              Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto, SA. The enzymatic   Altman  plots  were generated  to  evaluate  correlation  and
                                                                    method agreement over time, using the enzymatic method as
              method test principle is based on a series of coupled reactions
              that result in the conversion of creatinine to hydrogen   the reference method. For all analyses, p < 0.05 was considered
              peroxide. In the final reaction, catalysed by peroxidase, a   statistically significant.
              quinone imine chromogen is formed. The colour intensity of
              this chromogen is measured at 550 nm and is directly   Ethical consideration
              proportional to the concentration of creatinine in the sample.   Ethical  approval  was obtained  from the  University  of the
              The kinetic Jaffe method test principle is based on the reaction   Witwatersrand Human Research Ethic Committee, reference
              of creatinine and picrate under alkaline conditions forming a   number: M1711109. R14/49.
              yellow-orange complex. The rate of formation of this complex
              is proportional to the amount of creatinine in the sample.   Results
              The kinetic Jaffe method is prone to interference from non-
              creatinine chromogens such as proteins and ketones.   Characteristics of the study population
              A correction factor of -26 µmol/L is, therefore, universally   A total of 22 randomly recruited HIV-positive, treatment-
              applied to correct for these inherent chromogens. Bilirubin is   naïve black South  African individuals consented to
              the major negative interferent in the kinetic Jaffe method, and   participate in this study. The median age of the participants
              this is overcome by rate blanking. The internal quality control   was 37 years. The majority (54.5%; 12 of 22) of participants
              for creatinine in our laboratory is performed twice daily. The   were younger than 40 years of age. The age distribution is
              laboratory adheres to the Royal College of Pathologists of   consistent with the current demographics published by
              Australasia (RCPA) quality assurance programmes. External   Statistics South  Africa with respect to individuals mostly
              quality assurance submissions during the study period were   affected by HIV/AIDS. All participants were black Africans
              within allowable limits.                              (ethnicity self-reported). The median weight for the
                                                                    participants was 70.0 kg (range 45–110 kg) and 59.1% (13 of
              Creatinine concentrations were also measured using whole   22) of participants were male.
              blood samples on the Abbott i-STAT point-of-care instrument
              immediately after collection and at 6 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and
              96 h. This method is based on the conversion of creatinine   Creatinine assay performance
              to  hydrogen peroxide, via hydrolysis and oxidation.   The mean baseline (< 4 h) creatinine concentrations for the
              The hydrogen peroxide is oxidized (at the platinum electrode)   study cohort obtained using the enzymatic, kinetic
              to produce a current that is proportional to the concentration   Jaffe  method  and  i-STAT  methods  were  78.73  µmol/L
              of creatinine in the sample.                          ±14.63 µmol/L, 77.05 µmol/L ± 13.12 µmol/L and

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