Page 192 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 5 of 7  Original Research

              TABLE 3: Acceptability outcomes. Sample size = 300.   this pilot have established that participants showed high
              Question                        Frequency  Percentage  acceptability of the intervention, whilst also identifying
              Did you find the mobile app easy to use?              challenges that can be targeted for improvement as the
              Yes                               296     98.7        platform scales up. The high acceptability was similar to that
              No                                 4      1.3         of  the  HIVSmart   app  and  a  Brazilian  internet-based
              What steps in the app did you find difficult to
              understand or follow, if any? †                       intervention; however, these studies only evaluated the
              Sliding the tube into the stand    18     6.0         feasibility of using the app to link patients to care or increase
              Swabbing the gums                  8      2.7         testing uptake, respectively. 9,20,21,37
              Taking/saving the picture          4      1.3
              Instructions were not clear        3      1.0         The Aspect  HIVST app, instead, aimed to guide participants
              No difficulties                   274     91.3        through the testing process, then upload the results to a
              If you choose to self-test again, would you be willing
              to use the app again to help guide you?               central server for M&E, and this additional layer of
              Yes                               299     99.7        complexity has introduced more opportunities for user error.
              No                                 1      0.3         The majority of errors, however, were not as a result of the
              If you choose to self-test again, would you be willing   app functionality, but rather test usability and the IFU that
              to download the app to your own mobile phone?         guided  the  self-testing  process.  Errors  stemming  from  the
              Yes                               298     99.3        IFUs have been well documented in a number of HIVST
              No                                 2      0.7                                           38,39,40
              Do you have suggestions on how to make this app       studies, including ones from South Africa.   Suggestions
              easier to use? †                                      like clarifying the instructions, incorporating video or voice
              Add voice/video notes              4      1.3         notes, and offering additional languages should all be taken
              Add local languages                4      1.3         into consideration, especially as more HIVSTs, each with
              Clarification of instructions and steps  5  1.7       specific IFUs, become available to the market. Some of these
              Decrease phone memory requirements  2     0.7         suggestions have already been implemented by other
              No suggestions                    285     95.0        platforms, as the HIVSmart TM  app is already available in both
              †, Values may not add up to 100% as variables are not mutually exclusive.
                                                                    of Canada’s national languages, and provides supplemental
              TABLE 4: Feasibility outcomes.                        video content. 20
              Feasibility criteria     Sample size Frequency  Percentage
              Agreed to use the app       300                       There  were  a  number  of  discrepancies  between  HCW-
              No                                  0      0.0        recorded and app-captured data on participant demographic
              Yes                                300    100.0       information. There were also some difficulties in the
              Successfully completed the test using the   300       uploading of the test strip photo via the app.  A simple
              app†                                                  summary page, similar to that seen on a banking app, before
              App errors                          1      0.3
              Testing errors                      26     8.7        completing a transaction, could provide the user with an
              Language errors                     4      1.3        opportunity to review their information before submitting it
              HIVST interpretation errors         8      2.7        through the app. This additional checkpoint should help
              Successful completion              267     89.0       prevent any data entry errors. One variable, however,
              Successfully captured all information on   267        previous HIV testing history, had 34 (12.7%) discordant
              the app? †                                            entries between what the HCW recorded and what the app
              Age discordance                     12     4.5        captured; all 34 entries reported never having HIV tested to
              Gender discordance                  2      0.7        the HCW, but were captured in the app as having previously
              Education discordance               12     4.5        tested. It is possible that privacy of the app has revealed an
              Previous test discordance           34     12.7       interviewer bias, where some participants may not have felt
              Illegible image captured            12     4.5
              Successful upload                  210     78.7       comfortable sharing sensitive information with the HCW, but
              Feasibility                 300    210     70.0       felt free to do so through the app. Previous mHealth studies
                                                                    have also found that self-administered tools may decrease
              †, Values may not add up to 100% as variables are not mutually exclusive.
                                                                    interview bias;  however, further evaluation of this app and
              during the survey. The variables of age and highest level of   its users would be required before stating that the app is
              education each had 12 (4.5%) participants who exhibited   responsible for removing or decreasing this interviewer bias.
              discordance and there were also two (0.7%) discordances
              with gender compared with HCW-recorded data. Twelve   Some participants also had difficulty understanding how to
              (4.5%) participants also uploaded an illegible image of the   take a picture of the test strip. When test images were
              HIVST strip to the app.                               reviewed on the Aspect  dashboard, the images were quite
                                                                    variable in terms of quality. The purpose of this functionality
              Discussion                                            was to allow a third party to manually review test images
                                                                    and flag potential discordant results for follow-up. However,
              This pilot study is the first investigation of an mHealth app to   similarly  to other  studies, 20,42  we had high  concordance
              enhance monitoring and evaluation of HIVSTs for individuals   between participant and HCW interpretation of the self-test
              from the inner city of Johannesburg, and the findings from   and, thus, this step may not even be necessary if lay persons

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