Page 54 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 54

Page 25 of 26  Guideline

              TABLE 1-A6 (Continues ...): Palliative care management, drug–drug interactions.
              Symptom         Palliative drug   Antiretroviral interaction              Potential hazards
                              H2 Antagonists:   EI: None                                NB: Reduced absorption of H2 antagonists, for
                              cimetidine      NRTIs: None                               example, ranitidine, in the absence of gastric
                              ranitidine      NNRTI: Caution with RPV                   acid; give RPV 4 h before ranitidine or 12 h after;
                                              bPI: Caution with ATV                     in the presence of TDF, always give boosted
                                              Must give max dose 400 mg ATV+ 100 mg ritonavir if using TDF backbone!  ATV/r as absorption is otherwise compromised
              Nausea and Vomiting   -         -                                         Where possible treat the underlying cause and
              (N&V)                                                                     not just the symptom
                              Drug-related. Dopamine   EI: None                         Haloperidol levels decreased with NVP, EFV and
                              antagonists:    NRTIs: None                               ETR; potential for prolongation of QT interval
                              Haloperidol     NNRTIs: Caution                           with RPV, haloperidol and the PIs = risk of
                                              INSTIs: None                              Torsáde de Pontes
                                              bPIs: Caution
                              Prochlorperazine  EI: None                                Caution: Risk of QT prolongation with
                                              NRTIs: Caution. Risk of marrow suppression with AZT (ZDV) and   prochlorperazine, RIL and bPIs; ECG monitoring
                                              prochlorperazine                          recommended
                                              NNRTIs: Caution
                                              bPI: Caution
                              Drug-related. Opiates:   None                             None
              N&V associated with   Antihistamines:   EI: None                          Promethazine metabolised via CYP2D6; if
              abdominal distention  Promethazine  NRTI: None                            inhibited, may potentiate toxicity.
                                              NNRTI: None
                                              INSTI: None
                                              bPI: Caution, potential toxicity
              N&V associated with GIT   Anticholinergics:   None                        None
              obstruction     Scopolamine and
              N&V associated with raised  Corticosteroids  Above                        Above
              intracranial pressure
              N&V associated with   Serotonin-antagonists:   EI: None                   None
              chemotherapy,   Granisetron,    NRTI: None                                None
              radiotherapy and/or   ondansetron,   NNRTI: Caution with all, but watch for QT interval prolongation with   All metabolised via CYP3A4; All NNRTIs may
              surgery         dolasetron      RIL: Caution                              decrease levels e.g. RPV.
                                              INSTI: none                               Granisetron/ ondansetron prolong QT interval;
                                              bPI: May potentiate toxicity. Caution.    bPIs potentiate toxicity of these agents
              N&V associated with pre-  Benzodiazepines:  EI: None                      Co-administration of bPI with midazolam may
              vomit anxiety   lorazepam       NRTI: None                                potentiate toxicity and result in fatal respiratory
                                              NNRTI: None                               suppression
                                              INSTI: None
                                              bPI: Avoid with midazolam, oxazepam and lorazepam – Safe
              Diarrhea        -               -                                         Where possible treat the underlying cause
                                                                                        rather than just the symptom
                              Bismuth         None                                      None
                              Methylcellulose  None                                     None
                              Kaolin          None                                      None
                              Diphenoxylate +   None                                    None
                              Octreotide      EI: None                                  Octreotide utilises CYP3A4: NNRTI is expected to
                                              NRTI: None                                decrease octreotide levels; bPI use is expected
                                              NNRTI: Caution                            to enhance toxicity of octreotide
                                              INSTI: None
                                              bPI: Caution
                              Opiates         Above                                     Above
              Constipation    Lactulose       None                                      None
                              Senna           None                                      None
                              Bisacodyl       None                                      None
              Dyspnoea, Shortness of   -      -                                         Where possible treat the underlying cause and
              Breath                                                                    not just the symptom
                              Opiates         Above                                     Above
                              Bronchodilators  None                                     None
                              Methylxanthines  None                                     None
                              Benzodiazepines  Above                                    Above
              Cough           Suppressants Opiates:   Above                             Above
                              Decongestants   None                                      None
                              Expectorants    None                                      None
              Pre-agonal airways   Atropine   None                                      None
              buildup of secretions:   Hyoscine  None                                   None
              Gurgling, ‘Death-rattle’
                              Scopolamine:    None                                      None
                              Glyco-pyrrolate  None                                     None
              Source: Merlin et al. ; World Health Organization ; Blinderman and Billings ; Portenoy 40
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