Page 52 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 52

Page 23 of 26  Guideline

              What to do: Review supportive and palliative care planning:
              •  Review current treatment and medication so that the patient receives optimal care.
              •  Consider referral for specialist assessment if symptoms or needs are complex and difficult to manage.
              •  Agree to current and future care goals and a care plan with the patient and his or her family.
              •  Plan ahead if the patient is at risk of loss of capacity.
              •  Record, communicate and coordinate the care plan.

              Source: The Support and Palliative Care Indicator Tools (SPICT ) [homepage on the Internet]. University of Edinburgh, SPICT ; 2015.[cited 03
              Nov 2019] Available from:

              Appendix 5: The established Veterans Aging Cohort Study index scoring scheme

              The VACS Index utilises age, routine laboratory markers such as CD4 count, HIV-1 RNA, haemoglobin, platelets, AST and ALT, creatinine and
              markers of liver impairment (viz. FIB-4 and HCV status).

              TABLE 1-A5: A Restricted VACS index. The risk of mortality of PLWHIV on at least
              12 months of ART increases with a rising VACS score. (Max. vacs score= 164). 30
              Component             Level     VACS index points assigned
              Age (years)            < 50             0
                                    50–64            12
                                     ≥ 65            27
              CD4 count (cell/mm ) 3  ≥ 500           0
                                   350–499            6
                                   200–349            6
                                   100–199           10
                                    50–99            28
                                     < 50            29
              Viral load (copies/mL)  < 500           0
                                  500-log1 × 10 5     7
                                  ≥ log1 × 10 5      14
              Haemoglobin (g/dL)     ≥ 14             0
                                   12–13.9           10
                                   10–11.9           22
                                     < 10            38
              FIB-4†                < 1.45            0
                                   1.45–3.25          6
                                    > 3.25           25
              eGFR (mL/min) ‡        ≥ 60             0
                                    45–59.9           6
                                    30–44.9           8
                                     < 30            26
              Hepatitis C co-infection  Yes           5
                                     No               0
              Source: Tate JP, Justice AC, Hughes MD, et al. The VACS index: An internationally generalizable
              risk index for mortality after one year of antiretroviral therapy. AIDS. 2013;27(4):563–572.
              VACS, Veterans Aging Cohort Study.
              †, FIB-4 = age (year) × AST/ platelet in 100/L × √ALT.
              ‡,  eGFR  =  186.3  ×  (creatinine)  -1.154   ×  (age)   -0.203   ×  (0.742  for  women)  ×  (1.21  for  black

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