Page 53 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 53

Page 24 of 26  Guideline

              Appendix 6: Palliative care management: Drugs used for symptom control in
              HIV palliation

              TABLE 1-A6: Palliative care management, drug–drug interactions.
              Symptom         Palliative drug   Antiretroviral interaction              Potential hazards
              Fatigue and     -               -                                         Where possible treat the underlying cause and
              weakness                                                                  not just the symptom
                              Corticosteroids  Entry inhibitor(EI): None                None
                                              Nucleoside/tide inhibitor (NRTI):
                                              None                                      None
                                              Non-nucleoside inhibitor (NNRTI) (CYP450 enzyme induction): Minor   None
                                              Integrase inhibitor (INSTI): None         None
                                              Boosted protease inhibitor (bPI): Potential interaction  Long-term co-administration with bPIs =
                                                                                        potential toxicity of steroid (viz. Cushing’s
                                                                                        syndrome and/or worsening of HIV-related
                                                                                        immune suppression)
                              Methylphenidate  None                                     None
                              Pemoline        None                                      None
                              Dextroamphetamine  EI: None                               None
                                              NRTI: None TDF=tenofovir difumarate, FTC=emtricitabine  None
                                              NNRTI: None                               None
                                              Integrase inhibitor
                                              (INSTI):DTG = dolutegravir, RTG/RAL = raltegravir, ETG = elvitegravir,    None with RAL and DTG, but avoid with ETG/
                                              cob = cobisitat                           cob +TDF+FTC
                                              bPI: None                                 None
                              Modafinil       EI: Interaction likely with MVC           None
                                              NRTI: None                                None
                                              NNRTI: Potential interaction RPV = rilpivirine  Modafinil = weak enzyme inducer. Do not use
                                              NVP = nevirapine                          with RPV, caution with NVP
                                              INSTI: None                               None
                                              bPI: Potential interaction                Potential for increased toxicity of modafinil with
                                                                                        the bPIs: use with caution
              Weight loss and anorexia  -     -                                         Where possible treat the underlying cause and
                                                                                        not just the symptom
                              Corticosteroids  As above                                 As above
                              Androgenic steroids  As for steroids above                None
                                              EI: None
                                              NRTI: None                                None
                                              NNRTI: None                               None
                                              INSTI: None                               None
                                              bPI: Small potential for toxicity         Long term use = potential for androgenic toxicity
                                                                                        with long term use of bPI
                              Oxandrolone     None                                      None
                              Megestrol acetate  None                                   None
                              Dronabinol      EI: None                                  None
                                              NRTIs: None                               None
                                              NNRTIs: Efavirenz (EFV) and Etravirine (ETR) = Caution  EFV and ETR inhibit CYP2C9 and to a lesser
                                              INSTI = None                              extent 3A4 and may increase dronabinol
                                              bPIs = potential decrease in activity of dronabinol  toxicity;
                                                                                        Ritonavir (low-dose) is a mild enzyme inducer =
                                                                                        reduce dronabinol activity
                              Growth hormone  None                                      None
              Fever/Sweats    -               -                                         Where possible treat the underlying cause and
                                                                                        not just the symptom
                              NSAIDS: Anti-   EI: None                                  None
                              inflammatory effect  NRTIs: None                          Renal toxicity and risk of bleeding (platelet
                                              NNRTIs: Start with lowest dose of aspirin, ibuprofen, et cetera.  dysfunction). Caution with TDF + renal disease.
                                              NNSTIs: None                              EFV and ETR inhibit CYP2C9 = potential for
                                              bPIs: None                                bleeding. Use with caution
                              Corticosteroids  As above                                 As above
                              Anticholinergics:   EI: None                              None
                              diphenhydramine,   NRTIs: None                            None
                              biperiden,      NNRTIs: None                              None
                              chlorpromazine   INSTIs: None                             None
                              et cetera.      bPIs: Caution                             bPIs block CYP2D6 and may inhibit the
                                                                                        metabolism of many anticholinergic drugs;
                                                                                        Monitor the patient carefully
                                                                                            Appendix 6 continues on the next page →

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