Page 51 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 51

Page 22 of 26  Guideline

              Appendix 4: The Support and Palliative Care Indicator Tools (SPICT )
              The SPICT  is a guide for identifying people at risk of deteriorating health and imminent death.  This group of patients must be assessed for
              unmet supportive and palliative care needs.
              1.  Look for two or more general indicators of deteriorating health:
              •  Performance status is poor or worsening, that is, the person is in bed or in a chair for ≥ 50% of the day; reversibility is judged as limited
              •  Dependent on others for most care needs; dependency is because of physical and/or mental health problems
              •  Two or more unplanned hospital admissions in the past 6 months
              •  Significant weight loss (5% – 10%) over the past 3–6 months and/or a low BMI < 18 kg/m 2
              •  Persistent, troublesome symptoms despite optimal treatment of underlying conditions
              •  Patient asks for supportive and palliative care or for the withdrawal of treatment.

              1.  Look for any clinical indicators of one or more advanced conditions:
              •  Functional ability deteriorating because of progressive metastatic cancer
              •  Too frail for oncology treatment or treatment is for symptom control only.

              •  Unable to dress, walk or eat without help
              •  Eating and drinking less; swallowing difficulties
              •  Urinary and faecal incontinence
              •  No longer able to communicate using verbal language; minimal social interaction
              •  Fractured femur; multiple falls
              •  Recurrent febrile episodes or infections; aspiration pneumonia.

              Neurological disease:
              •  Progressive deterioration in physical and/or cognitive function despite optimal therapy
              •  Speech problems with increasing difficulty communicating and/or progressive swallowing difficulties
              •  Recurrent aspiration pneumonia; breathless or respiratory failure.

              Heart and/or vascular disease:
              •  New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class III/IV heart failure or extensive, untreatable coronary artery disease with:
                   ß  Breathlessness or chest pain at rest or on minimal exertion
              •  Severe, inoperable peripheral vascular disease.

              Respiratory disease:
              •  Severe chronic lung disease with:
              •  Breathlessness at rest or on minimal exertion between exacerbations
              •  Needs long-term oxygen therapy
              •  Has needed ventilation for respiratory failure or in whom ventilation is contraindicated.

              Kidney disease:
              •  Stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease (viz. an eGFR < 30 mL/min), with deteriorating health
              •  Kidney failure complicating other life-limiting conditions or treatments
              •  Discontinuation of dialysis.

              Liver disease:
              •  Advanced cirrhosis with one or more complications in the past year:
                   ß  Diuretic-resistant ascites
                   ß  Hepatic encephalopathy
                   ß  Hepatorenal syndrome
                   ß  Bacterial peritonitis
                   ß  Recurrent variceal bleeds
              •  Liver transplantation is contraindicated.

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