Page 33 - ONLINE – Nursing Matters October 2020_Vol 11
P. 33

useful resources

           EMGuidance digital platform
 First version April 2020

  LOW RISK INFANT    EMGuidance (short for Essential Medical  Follow these  two steps to access the   green button to ‘downLoad seLected
 (BREASTFED OR EFF)   • Mother VL < 1000 c/mL at delivery   NVP at birth and daily for 6 weeks   Guidance) is a mobile- and web-based  2019 guidelines:   GuideLines’ will  appear on the
 AZT for 6 weeks   medi cines and treatment platform for                         bottom of the screen.

 • Mother not on ART at delivery, or   +
 HIGH RISK INFANT   • Mother on ART with HIV VL ≥ 1000 copies/mL at delivery,   NVP for a minimum of 12 weeks   medical professionals. We are pleased  1.  Sign up to access EMGuidance on
 AND BREASTFED   or prior 12 weeks   Infant  NVP  only  discontinued  after  confirmation   to announce that we have partnered   Google Play, the Apple App Store   For more information, read the following
 • No HIV VL result available at delivery or prior 12 weeks   of maternal VL < 1 000 copies/mL and/or until 4   with the National Department of   or via Web:   articles applicable to your device:
 weeks after cessation of all breastfeeding   Health to launch the 2019 guidelines   •  Google Play: https://play.  •  Android:
 • Mother not on ART at delivery, or
 HIGH RISK INFANT   AZT + NVP for 6 weeks   for antiretroviral therapy (ART) and the
 AND EFF FROM   • Mother on ART with HIV VL ≥ 1000 copies/mL at  deliv-  Provided that avoiding breastfeeding is    prevention of mother-to-child transmission   details?id=emguidance.  guidance/en/articles/3529816-how-
 ery, or prior 12 weeks
 BIRTH   documented and sustained                                                 to-download-the-latest-guidelines-on-the-
 • No HIV VL result available at delivery or prior 12 weeks   of communicable infections (PMTCT) on   tompsa&hl=en_ZA
       the EMGuidance platform.               •  App Store: https://              emguidance-platform-for-an-android-device
 RISK   MOTHER SCENARIO   INFANT TREATMENT   About EMGuidance  essential-medical-guidance/
 AZT for 6 weeks                                 id789625087                      to-download-the-latest-guidelines-on-the-
 HIGH RISK INFANT   • Mother who tests HIV-positive during breastfeeding with   NVP for a minimum of 12 weeks   EMGuidance  offers  free access to   •  Web:    emguidance-platform-for-an-ios-device
       comprehensive, up-to-date, locally
 continued breastfeeding or has breastfed in the past
 DURING THE   week, regardless of infant’s age   Infant  NVP  only  discontinued  after  confirmation   relevant, evidence-based  medicines  2.  Download the latest guidelines:
 BREASTFEEDING   • Breastfeeding mother with VL ≥ 1000 after previous    of maternal VL < 1 000 copies/mL   information and guidelines at the touch     Tap on the ‘Library’ icon on the home
 PERIOD   suppression on ART     If  the  mother  decides  to  stop  breastfeeding,   Should you  have any feedback
 prophylaxis  should  be  continued  for  4  weeks   of a button. The platform is accessible   screen. Select the ‘GuideLines’ tab,   or queries for our team regarding
 after cessation of all breastfeeding   via  your  desktop  or  smartphone.  followed by the ‘+’ icon.  Browse   these  guidelines or  use  of the
 • Mother who tests positive after the baby is born and is   The platform is used by over 26 000   through  the  available  guidelines   platform, feel free to contact us at:
  UNDEFINED RISK   No ARV prophylaxis
 not breastfeeding or stopped breastfeeding > 1 week ago   healthcare professionals across South   and select  the  relevant guidelines
       Africa.  View this  video to see  how it   you want to download by checking   [email protected]
 INFANT TESTING    PCR results must be   works:  the box next to the guideline title. A

 checked within 7 days. If
 Mom HIV-positive during pregnancy or   •  PCR at birth   positive, stop prophylaxis,
 diagnosed during labour   •  PCR at 10 weeks   start ART and do
 •  PCR at 6 months   confirmatory test
 •  Rapid test at 18 months
 •  Age-appropriate test* 6 weeks after stopping breastfeeding
 Mother who tests HIV-positive during   •  PCR immediately
 breastfeeding (continued or has breastfed  •  PCR at 10 weeks
 in the past week)   •  PCR at 6 months
 •  Rapid test at 18 months
 Mother has VL > 1000 after previous    •  Age-appropriate test* 6 weeks after stopping NVP
 suppression on ART
 •  Age-appropriate test* 6 weeks after stopping breastfeeding
 Unknown status of mother; no continued   •  PCR and rapid test immediately:
 breastfeeding (includes orphans and aban-  PCR-positive: confirm with second PCR/VL
 doned babies)   PCR-negative: repeat PCR at 10 weeks old or 4 weeks after stopping NVP
 •  PCR at 6 months
 •  Rapid Test at 18 months


 AGE OF   SCREENING  CONFIRMATORY   • Test a symptomatic child any age
 • Any child under two years old with a positive HIV-PCR or a positive HIV rapid test should have
 CHILD   TEST    TEST   their HIV status confirmed with an HIV-PCR test on a new sample
 • At the clinician’s discretion, the HIV-PCR may be replaced by a viral load test, which has the
 < 18 months   PCR   PCR   advantage of both confirming the HIV diagnosis and providing a baseline VL for monitoring the
 18 months -   child’s response to ART   Free instant access to   Medicines  Medicines  Interaction checker
 2 years   Rapid   PCR   • Any child who tests HIV-positive should initiate ART according to the Paediatric ART guideline   locally relevant medicines,   South Africa’s most   Each medicine has a   Improve the safety and
 as a matter of urgency
 > 2 years   Rapid   Rapid   • Do not wait for the confirmatory result before initiating ART but ensure result is checked   info and clinical guidelines.  comprehensive, evidence-  detailed monograph.  effectiveness of prescribed
                                  based medicines resource.                             medicines.
 HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 30  Based on the Guideline for the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of    HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 31
 Communicable Infections . National
 Department of Health, South Africa. 2019, updated March 2020.
 This publication was supported under funding provided by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria through the National Department of Health of South Africa and the
 NDoH Pharmacovigilance Centre for Public Health Programmes. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Global
 Fund or the National Department of Health of South Africa
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