Page 36 - ONLINE – Nursing Matters October 2020_Vol 11
P. 36

useful resources                                D  i  v  i  s  i  o  n     o  f     C  l  i  n  i  c  a  l     P  h  a  r  m  a  c  o  l  o  g  y  ,     U  n  i  v  e  r  s  i  t  y     o current issues



 NDOH/SANAC  Nerve   and  easy  access  point  for
 information on HIV and AIDS to
 Centre Hotlines  any member of the public, in all of                                                                                                   MEDICINES
 • Any  HCT  concerns  from  facility   the 11 official languages, at any
 and  district  managers  should  be   time of the day or night.
 reported to the NDOH/SANAC   • Telephone Counselling:  Trained
 lay-counsellors  offer  more  than                                                                                        INFORMATION CENTRE
 mere facts to the caller. They are
 Nerve  Centre  Hotline  and,   able  to  provide  counselling  to
 specific  emails  for  each   those battling to cope with all the
 province:  emotional  consequences  of  the
 • Referral Services: Both the South
 • Western Cape: 012-395 9081  African Government and its NGO                                                               FREE SERVICE TO HEALTH CARE WORKERS FOR ANY
  [email protected]  AIDS Helpline  sector  have  created  a  large                                                       MEDICINE- OR TREATMENT-RELATED QUERIES
 network  of  service  points  to
 0800 012 322
 • Northern Cape: 012-395 9090  provide a large range of services
  [email protected]  (including  Voluntary  Counselling
 and  Testing,  medical  and  social
 • Eastern Cape: 012-395 9079  services) to the public. The AIDS
 The  National  AIDS  Helpline   Helpline  will  assist  the  caller  to
  [email protected]  (0800-012-322)  provides  a   contact and use these facilities.The
 •  KZN: 012-395 9089  confidential, anonymous 24-hour toll-  National  AIDS  Helpline  works
 free  telephone  counselling,   closely with the Southern African
 [email protected]  information  and  referral  service  for   HIV Clinician’s Society to update
 • Free State: 012-395 9079  those  infected  and  affected  by  HIV   and maintain the Karabo Referral
 and AIDS.  Database.
   [email protected]  • Treatment  Line:   A  specialised
 • Mpumalanga: 012-395 9087  The helpline was initiated in 1991 and   service of the AIDS Helpline, the
 is a partnership of the Department of   Treatment  Line,  is  manned  by
  [email protected]  Health and LifeLine Southern Africa .   Professional Nurses. They provide
 • Gauteng: 012-395 9078  The Helpline, manned by trained lay-  quality, accurate and anonymous
 counsellors,  receives  an  average  of   telephone  information  and/or
  [email protected]  3,000 calls per day, and is seen as a   education on antiretroviral, TB and
 leading telephone counselling service
 • Limpopo: 012-395 9090  STI  treatment.  They  also  provide
 within the SADC region.  relevant  specialised  medical
  [email protected]  referrals  to  individuals  affected
 Services  Offered  by  the  AIDS
 • North West: 012-395 9088  and infected by HIV and AIDS in
 Helpline:  South Africa.
  [email protected]  • Information: The Line creates a free

                                                                                                                          Back:    Anri    Uys,    Vivian    Raath,    Samantha    Hare,    Ewan    Tommy;    Front:    Jackie    Jones,    Briony    Chisholm,    Annoesjka    Swart
                                                                                                                                0800 212 506 / 021 406 6829

                                                                                                                                          SMS/Whatsapp/"Please call me": 071 840 1572

                                                                                                                                                             Email: [email protected]


       HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 34                                                                                                                                            HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 35

                                                                                                                                                               Monday - Friday 08:30 - 16:30
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