Page 29 - ONLINE – Nursing Matters October 2020_Vol 11
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SOUTH AFRICAN ART CLINICAL GUIDELINES 2019                            Contact the TOLL-FREE National
                                                                          NEED HELP?
                                                                                      clinical guidance
                                                                     HIV & TB Health Care Worker  Hotline
 (Infants and children < 10 years or < 35kg)                    0800 212 506 /      021 - 406 6782

 First edition February 2020                           Alternatively “WhatsApp” or send an SMS  or “Please Call Me” to  071 840 1572
 Neonates  until 28 days of age    AZT + 3TC + NVP (see dosing below)   • Height, weight, head circumference (< 2   • Ask about side-effects
 (with birth weight ≥ 2.5 kg)                   years) and development (remember to   • TB & other opportunistic infection screen
                                                adjust ART dosage according to weight)
          Lamivudine (3TC)   Zidovudine (AZT)   Nevirapine (NVP)   • Clinical assessment   • Neurocognitive assessment
                                                                                   • WHO staging
 REASONS TO DEFER STARTING ART   WHEN TO START ART*   Target dose   2 mg/kg/dose   4 mg/kg/dose   6 mg/kg/dose
 TB symptoms (cough, fever, recent weight loss,   No TB: Same day or within 7 days   TWICE daily (BD)   TWICE daily (BD)   TWICE daily (BD)   TEST   ACTION/INTERPRETATION
 fatigue/always tired)    Confirmed DS-TB at non-neurological site:   Available formulation   10  mg/mL   10 mg/mL   10 mg/mL   CD4 count    Stop cotrimoxazole once ART-associated immune reconstitution has
 CD4 < 50 cells/μL: within 2 weeks of starting TB treatment   Weight (kg)   Dose in ml  Dose in mg   Dose in ml  Dose in mg  Dose in ml   Dose in mg   (cells/µL)   occurred:
 CD4 ≥ 50 cells/μL: within 8 weeks after starting TB treatment   ≥ 2.5 - < 3   0.5 mL BD   5 mg BD   1 mL BD   10 mg BD   1.5 mL BD   15 mg BD   At month 12 on ART.   •  HIV-positive infants < 12 months should remain on CPT
                                               Repeat 6 monthly if
 Confirmed DR-TB at non-neurological site:   ≥ 3 - < 4   0.8 mL BD   8 mg BD   1.5 mL BD   15 mg BD   2 mL BD   20 mg BD   VL ≥ 1000 or until   •  1 – 5 years: If CD4 percentage ≥ 25%
 Start ART 2 weeks after TB treatment, once symptoms             ≥ 4 - < 5   1 mL BD   10 mg BD   2 mL BD   20 mg BD   3 mL BD   30 mg BD   client meets criteria       (If previous PJP, stop at 5 years old if meets ≥ 5 years category)
 improved and TB treatment tolerated                            •  ≥ 5 years: If CD4 count ≥ 200
 Signs and symptoms of meningitis (headache,   Investigate for meningitis before starting ART   • Dosing is based on the birth weight of the child. It is not necessary to change the dose before 28 days of age if for ex-  to stop CPT
 ample the weight decreases in the first week or two of life
 confusion, fever, neck stiffness or coma)   TBM (DS or DR):  4 - 8 weeks after starting TB treatment   • Caregivers administering ARV medication to the child must be supplied with a syringe (2 mL or 5 mL) for each of the 3   Viral Load (VL)   VL    Response
 CM: 4 - 6 weeks after starting antifungal treatment   ARVs and shown how to prepare and administer the prescribed dose. If required, bottles and syringes should be colour   (copies/mL)   ≥ 1000  Do thorough assessment of the cause of  an elevated VL: consider
 Serum CrAg-positive with no symptoms or   2 weeks after starting fluconazole   coded with stickers and a sticker of the relevant colour used to mark the correct dose on the syringe.   Month 6, 12 and   adherence  problems, intercurrent infections, incorrect ART dose,
 signs of meningitis   # See protocol in the 2019 ART Clinical Guidelines for baseline testing and follow up for neonates < 4 weeks of age; Consult with a   then 12-monthly if   drug interactions and resistance. Implement interventions, including
                                               VL suppressed
 clinician experienced in paediatric ARV prescribing or the HIV hotline (0800 212 506), for neonates with birth weight < 2.5 kg or
 Other acute illnesses e.g. Pneumocystis    Defer ART for 1 - 2 weeks after commencing    gestational age < 35 weeks, as well as infants ≥ 28 days of age but < 42 weeks corrected gestational age or weight < 3 kg   adherence support. Repeat VL in 3 months
 jirovecii pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia   treatment for the infection   ≥ 4 weeks of age, and ≥ 42 weeks gestational age   If VL still ≥ 1000 and child on NNRTI-based regimen: Consider
 Clinical symptoms or signs of liver disease   Do ALT and bilirubin. Investigate and manage possible causes   and ≥ 3 kg, but < 20 kg   ABC + 3TC + LPV/r   switching to second-line if virological failure confirmed, i.e. VL ≥
                                                                     1000 on 2  consecutive occasions and adherence issues addressed
 before starting ART   ≥ 20 kg to < 35 kg  or < 10 years of age   ABC + 3TC + DTG   If VL still ≥ 1000 and child is on PI- or InSTI (DTG)-based regimen:
 SOCIAL CONSIDERATIONS   ≥ 35 kg and ≥ 10 years of age   Transition to adult and adolescent regimens   Do resistance testing if virological failure confirmed, i.e. VL ≥ 1000
 The following points are important to maximise adherence:           on at least 3 occasions over the course of 2 years, or VL ≥ 1000
 • One named, responsible primary caregiver able to administer ART to the child   with signs of immunological or clinical failure (i.e. declining CD4
 • Disclosure to another adult living in the same house able to supervise the child’s ART when primary caregiver is unavailable   SWITCHING TO DTG IN CHILDREN WHO ARE ON FIRST-LINE PAEDIATRIC REGIMENS   and/or opportunistic infections)
 *Clients already on ART should NOT have their treatment interrupted upon diagnosis of the above conditions   Before switching to DTG, discuss risks and benefits with caregiver and only switch if caregiver chooses to switch   50 –   Do thorough assessment of the cause of an elevated VL. Consider
                                                                     adherence  problems,  intercurrent infections, incorrect ART dose,
 To switch, client must:
 BASELINE CLINICAL EVALUATION   • Weigh ≥ 20 kg , and                drug interactions and resistance. Implement interventions, including
                                                                     adherence support. Repeat VL in 3 months. If VL 50 - 999 again, re-
 • VL < 50 (in the last 6 months) or                                 peat in 6 months. For VL < 50 or ≥ 1000 follow table
 TEST AND PURPOSE   INTERPRETATION/ACTION   • VL 50 – 999 in the last 6 months and on repeat VL after 3 months VL is ≤ 999 copies/mL   < 50   Continue routine VL monitoring and routine adherence support.
 Recognise the client with respiratory,         Identify danger signs as classified in the IMCI Chart      Current regimen   New regimen   Client is doing well
 neurological or abdominal danger signs   booklet. Refer if needed   ABC + 3TC  + LPV/r
 Height, weight, head circumference (< 2   Use the Road to Health Booklet (RTHB) as tool   ABC + 3TC + EFV   ABC + 3TC + DTG    DO THE FOLLOWING TESTS IF THE CLIENT IS ON THE DRUG THAT MAY
 years), and measure MUAC   ѰIf child is ≥ 35 kg and ≥ 10 years: refer to adolescent and adult poster for changing ABC to TDF   CAUSE THE ADVERSE EVENT
 Nutritional assessment to monitor growth, develop-
 Screen for symptoms of meningitis   Identify symptoms of headache, confusion or visual    All children with confirmed virological failure should be discussed with an expert   AZT   FBC +    At months 3 and 6,   Hb ≥ 8 g/dL: Continue AZT
                                                                                       Hb < 8 g/dL or neutrophil count
                                                                      thereafter if
 To diagnose and treat clients with cryptococcal and   disturbances. Other symptoms may include fever, neck       NNRTI-BASED REGIMEN   PI-BASED REGIMEN FOR > 2   INSTI-BASED REGIMEN   WCC   clinically indicated   persistently < 1000 cells/µL: Use
 other forms of meningitis and reduce associated   stiffness or coma. Refer the client for a lumbar puncture.   YEARS    FOR > 2 YEARS    alternative – consult with expert
 morbidity and mortality   Defer ART if meningitis is confirmed   Regimen   (ABC or AZT) + 3TC + (EFV   (ABC or AZT) + 3TC + (LPV/r    (ABC or AZT) + 3TC +   PI-based    Cholesterol +  At month 3, if   To monitor PI-related metabolic
 Screen for TB    Suspect TB in clients with the following symptoms: cough-  or NVP)   or ATV/r)   DTG   regimen    Triglycerides  above acceptable   side-effects. If TG > 10, refer. If TC
 To identify TB/HIV co-infection and eligibility for    ing, night sweats, fever, unexplained weight loss, then   Resistance  Resistance test not required  Resistance test required.    Resistance test required.   (LPV/r, ATV/r,  (TG)   range, do fasting   elevated, obtain expert advice.
 tuberculosis preventive therapy (TPT)   confirm or exclude TB. Do GeneXpert in clients with    Testing   PI resistance present or genotype   InSTI resistance present?   DRV/r)   cholesterol and TG
 a positive TB symptom screen   unsuccessful?
 WHO clinical staging    See eligibility for CPT under CD4 count section in baseline   No   Yes   No   Yes   TB treatment   ALT   If signs/symptoms   If ALT is abnormal, refer to specialist or
                                                                      of hepatitis (e.g.
                                                                                       phone the HIV hotline (0800 212 506)
                                               or NVP or EFV
 To determine immune status, priority of initiating   laboratory evaluation, below   Weight   < 20 kg   ≥ 20 kg   < 20 kg   ≥ 20 kg   All   All children on DTG will be   nausea, vomiting,
 ART and need for cotrimoxazole preventive therapy   ≥ 20 kg
 (CPT)   New    (AZT or ABC)  2 NRTIs + DTG  Continue  2 NRTIs + DTG  Refer to  2 NRTIs + DTG  Refer to   jaundice)
 Screen for depression in older children and   Be aware of and monitor for potential drug    regimen   + 3TC +    In consultation  current  In consultation  third-  In consultation  third-line   NVP   ALT   If rash develops   If ALT is abnormal, refer to specialist or
                                                                                       phone the HIV hotline (0800 212 506)
 epilepsy in all ages   interactions and neuropsychiatric side effects of                                   LPV/r   with an expert  regimen  with an expert   line   with an expert   com-
 To exclude drug-drug and drug-disease interactions    efavirenz and dolutegravir   ensure at least   and    ensure at least  com-  ensure at least   mittee
 Neurodevelopmental screen   Refer the child to the next level of care if child has not   one active   address   one active   mittee  one active NRTI     CHILDREN WITH CONCOMITANT TUBERCULOSIS
 To identify neurocognitive or developmental delays   achieved the age-appropriate developmental    NRTI    adher-  NRTI        Children taking ART and TB treatment together will have to tolerate a large amount of
 milestone. Screening tool is available in RTHB          ence      If NRTI activity   medication. Intensify adherence support. Remember to add pyridoxine (vitamin B6) to TB
 If NRTI activity   If NRTI activity   cannot be    treatment
 BASELINE LABORATORY EVALUATION (> 1 MONTH OLD)   cannot be    cannot be    confirmed: refer   DTG-based   AND receiving a rifampicin-containing TB regimen: Boosting of DTG required. The
 confirmed:    confirmed:    to third-line     regimen   dosing frequency of DTG should be increased to 50 mg 12 hourly while on rifampicin-
 TEST AND PURPOSE   INTERPRETATION/ACTION   2 NRTIs + PI/r   2 NRTIs + PI/r   committee   containing TB treatment and until two weeks after rifampicin has been stopped
 Confirm HIV test result   Ensure that the national testing algorithm has been followed   EFV-based   No dose adjustments or changes in ART regimen needed for DS-TB treatment
 To confirm HIV status for those without               AND receiving a rifampicin-containing TB regimen: Additional ritonavir should be add-
 documented HIV status    ¥ In some cases, for example where LPV/r wasn’t dose adjusted with rifampicin containing TB-treatment, a resistance test may be  con-  LPV/r-  ed or the LPV/r dose increased according to the paediatric dosing chart. TB treatment
 Haemoglobin (Hb)   Can use AZT if Hb ≥ 8 g/dL   sidered sooner. Discuss with an expert;    based   should be dosed at standard doses. Stop additional ritonavir or increased dose 2 weeks
 AZT can be used if the client has only been exposed to ABC previously. Discuss with expert if unsure
 To identify anaemia and eligibility for AZT  Treat anaemia according to Primary Health Care EML        Based on the 2019 ART Clinical Guidelines for the    after TB-treatment completed
                                                                        HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 27
 HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 26
 CD4 cell count    Eligibility for CPT:   Management of HIV in Adults, Pregnancy,    3TC = lamivudine; ABC = abacavir; ART = antiretroviral therapy; ATV/r = atazanavir and ritonavir; AZT = zidovudine; CM = cryptococcal meningitis; CPT = co-
                                              trimoxazole preventive therapy; CrAg = cryptococcal antigen; DTG = dolutegravir; DRV/r = darunavir and ritonavir; DS = drug-sensitive; DR: drug-resistant;
 To determine eligibility for cotrimoxazole  · All HIV-positive children ≥ 4 weeks and < 1 year   Adolescents, Children, Infants and Neonates   EFV = efavirenz; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; HBV = hepatitis B virus; HBsAg = hepatitis B surface antigen; InSTI = integrase strand transfer
                                              inhibitor; LPR/r = lopinavir and ritonavir; LP = lumbar puncture; MUAC = Middle upper arm circumference;  NRTI =  nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibi-
 This publication was supported under funding provided by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria through the National Department of Health of
 preventive therapy (CPT)   · HIV-positive child 1 - 5 years with WHO stage 2, 3 or 4, or CD4 ≤ 25%  South Africa and the NDoH Pharmacovigilance Centre for Public Health Programmes. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily   tor; NNRTI =  non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NVP = nevirapine; PI = protease inhibitor; OI = opportunistic infection; PJP = Pneumocystis
 · HIV-positive child > 5 years with WHO stage 2, 3 or 4, or CD4 ≤ 200   represent the official views of the Global Fund or the National Department of Health of South Africa    jirovecii pneumonia; TB = tuberculosis; TBM = tuberculosis meningitis; TDF = tenofovir; TLD =  tenofovir + lamivudine + dolutegravir; TEE = tenofovir +
                                              emtricitabine + efavirenz; TC = total cholesterol; TG = triglycerides; WCC = white cell count; VL = viral load
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