Page 30 - ONLINE – Nursing Matters October 2020_Vol 11
P. 30

MONITORING FOR ALL PATIENTS AT FIRST ANC VISIT                                                                                                                                     clinical guidance
    TB screening and sputum Gene Expert        TB diagnosed: start TB Rx. If on ART, continue. If not yet on ART: see
    (GXP)                                      algorithm on centre spread                                                   PMTCT FOR MOTHERS 2019
    To identify TB suspects and assess TPT     TB excluded: start ART. If CD4 > 350, defer TPT until 6 weeks
    eligibility                                postpartum. If CD4 ≤ 350, initiate TPT for 12 months
    CrAg (cryptococcal antigen),               If CrAg-positive: refer for urgent LP and patient should be discussed                                                     First version April 2020
    if CD4 ≤ 100                               with an expert. Fluconazole is teratogenic. Defer ART if ART-naïve, but
    To treat or provide prophylaxis for        don’t stop ART if already on ART
    cryptococcal meningitis                    If CrAg-negative: start or continue ART                                                                        RECOMMENDED REGIMENS
    Screen for chronic diseases                Treat according to relevant guidelines
    To identify high risk pregnancy                                                                                             TLD is the preferred regimen in pregnant women, after 6 weeks of completed gestation (4 weeks post-
    Nutritional assessment                     All pregnant women should get calcium, folate and iron                                             conception), and in women who are not actively trying to conceive.
    To detect deficiency and provide necessary  supplementation. Be aware that DTG interacts with some medicines:                In order to make an informed choice between a DTG- or EFV-based regimen, provide the mother with
    nutritional support                        refer to PMTCT guideline p17. Women with BMI < 23: refer to dietician                  all the necessary information, including the potential risk of NTDs and contraceptive choices

    Family planning                            Provide counselling for safer sex, post-natal contraception and partner
                                               testing                                                                                                    UNBOOKED/PRESENTS IN LABOUR
    STI and syphilis screening (RPR)           If RPR done before 20 weeks and negative: repeat RPR at 32 weeks.           Women not on ART, who        Stat dose of TLD + NVP. Start life-   Check  s-Creatinine  and CD4. Review results
                                               Treat all women with a positive syphilis screening test irrespective of
    To identify and treat STIs                                                                                             test HIV-positive in labour   long ART the next day                at 3-6 day visit and adapt ART accordingly
                                               titre: refer to PMTCT guideline p11
    Viral load, if on ART                      See algorithm on centre spread.                                            ϖ Please note: calculated eGFR is not accurate during pregnancy. Serum creatinine and not eGFR should be used
    To identify treatment failure              Be sure to check results and respond quickly!                                         FIRST-LINE ART FOR PREGNANT AND BREASTFEEDING WOMAN

    Hb or FBC                                  Treat according to relevant guidelines
    To detect anaemia and/or neutropaenia                                                                                                       (> 6 WEEKS OF PREGNANCY OR 4 WEEKS POST-CONCEPTION)
    Mental health screening                    Treat according to relevant guidelines                                             If a pregnant woman presents to the clinic before 6 weeks of pregnancy (4 weeks post-conception), contact the HIV hotline
    To identify mental health issues                                                                                                                                                                  Preferred regimen
    HBsAg , if unknown                         If HBsAg-positive: include TDF in regimen. Provide post-exposure
    To assess HBV status                       prophylaxis of hepatitis B for infant as per relevant guidelines            ART-naïve                                              TLD (refer to algorithm on next page)
    $  If the client has recently had TB, the GXP may give a false-positive. Please call an expert or the hotline to discuss;  If HBsAg negative and not immune,  provide Hep B                                              Keeping the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mom’s VL
    vaccination as per National Viral Hepatitis guidelines. Hep B vaccination is not contraindicated in pregnancy. If high-risk and status unknown at delivery, test.   Contra-indications    Renal disease (sCr > 85)   ABC/AZT + 3TC + DTG    suppressed is
                      MONITORING AT MONTHLY ANC VISITS: PATIENTS ON ART                                                    to TDF                  Weight < 35 kg                 ABC + 3TC + DTG    *                       the best way
                   TEST AND PURPOSE                                       TIMING AND RESPONSE                              Already on TEE          VL < 50 within last 6 months   Offer switch to TLD                         to protect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              her infant

     Viral load                                                                                                                                    VL > 50 within last 6 months   See VL algorithm on the next page
     To confirm viral suppression or detect virological   Refer to VL algorithm on previous page                           Not currently on ART and previously on TEE             VL < 50 while on TEE: TLD
     failure timeously                                                                                                     e.g. PMTCT or LTFU on ART                              Unsuppressed VL or no documented VL while previously
    CD4 count                                          At 12 months on ART. Thereafter, repeat every 6 months until        If previous ART was not TEE, contact hotline           on ART: AZT + 3TC + DTG
                                                       client meets criteria to discontinue CPT
    To assess immunological status, risk of OIs and    Stop CD4 monitoring if client’s VL remains < 1000 c/mL. If VL >     *Before DTG initiation, all women and adolescent girls of childbearing potential must be appropriately counselled on the potential risk of NTDs with DTG use around
                                                                                                                           conception and within the first 6 weeks of pregnancy (4 weeks post-conception). They should be provided with their choice of contraception if not pregnant
    need for prophylaxis
                                                       1000 c/mL, monitor CD4 count every 6 months
     TB symptom screening                              Every clinic visit                                                             SECOND-LINE ART FOR PREGNANT/BREASTFEEDING WOMEN
     To identify TB suspects and assess TPT eligibility                                                                                                          If HBV status unknown, check HBsAg
     FBC, if on AZT                                    At initiation, month 3, month 6, then annually                        Current failing regimen                                    Second-line regimen
     To detect anaemia and/or neutropaenia                                                                                                                           HBsAg negative                             HBsAg positive
     s-Creatinine , if on TDF                          At initiation, month 3, month 6, month 12 and then annually.
     To assess renal function and eligibility for TDF   If s-Creatinine  > 85 µmol/L: do not use TDF. See front page       TDF + 3TC/FTC + EFV/NVP       AZT + 3TC/FTC + DTG                        AZT + TLD
    ϖ                                                                                                                                                    If DTG not suitable :                      If DTG not suitable :
     Please note: calculated eGFR is not accurate during pregnancy. Serum creatinine and not eGFR should be used                                         AZT + 3TC/FTV + LPV/r                      TDF + 3TC/FTC + LPV/r
    • Breastfeeding should be initiated within one hour of delivery                               WHAT DOES                TLD (> 2 years)               AZT + 3TC/FTV + LPV/r                      TDF + 3TC/FTC + LPV/r
    • Exclusive breastfeeding for first 6 months of life                                           EXCLUSIVE                                             No PI resistance: continue ART, address adherence. If intolerance to LPV/r is
    • If mother is suppressed on ART, mixed feeding is not a reason to stop breastfeeding    BREASTFEEDING MEAN?           AZT/TDF + 3TC/FTC + LPV/r
    • Introduction of age-appropriate solids from 6 months onwards                            For the first six months of   or ATV/r (> 2 years)         affecting adherence, discuss substitutions with hotline or expert
    • Continue breastfeeding until 2 years of age or older                                     life, the baby only gets                                  PI resistance: refer to 3  line committee
    • Ensure mother is on ART, adherent and VL is suppressed                                     mother’s milk and         α DTG should not be used within the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. Women can make an informed choice to use or not use DTG
    • It is recommended that women with a VL ≥ 1000 c/mL on first-line ART continue to breastfeed. Infant prophylaxis    medication. This means no
      should be extended/restarted while a concerted effort is made to re-suppress the mother’s VL   water, formula, other foods
    • Stopping breastfeeding should be done slowly, over a month                                     or fluids                                                                                                      Based on the Guideline for the Prevention
    • Breastfeeding should be avoided in mothers who are failing second- or third-line                                                NEED  HELP?                                                                     of Mother to Child Transmission of
                                                                                                                           Contact the TOLL-FREE National HIV & TB Health Care                                        Communicable Infections . National
   3TC = lamivudine; ABC = abacavir; ART = antiretroviral treatment; ATV/r = atazanavir/ritonavir; AZT = zidovudine; CPT = cotrimoxazole preventive therapy; CrAg = crypto-  Worker Hotline                         Department of Health, South Africa. 2019.
   coccal antigen; DTG = dolutegravir; EFV = efavirenz; FTC = emtricitabine; GXP = Gene Expert TB test; Hb = haemoglobin; HCT = HIV counselling and testing; HIV = human   0800 212 506 /    021 406 6782
   immunodeficiency virus; IRIS = immune reconstitution syndrome; LP = lumbar puncture; LPV/r = lopinavir/ritonavir; MTCT = mother to child transfer; NTD = neural tube     This publication was supported under funding provided by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and
                                                                                                                                                                                               HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 29
       HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 28
   defect; NVP = nevirapine; OI = opportunistic infections; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; PICT = provider-initiated counselling and testing; PMTCT = prevention of mother   Alternatively “WhatsApp” or send an SMS  or “Please Call Me”    Malaria through the National Department of Health of South Africa and the NDoH Pharmacovigilance Centre for
                                                                                                                                                                            Public Health Programmes. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily
   to child transfer; LTFU = lost to follow-up; RTHB = road to health booklet; Rx = treatment; sCr = serum creatinine; STI = sexually transmitted infections; TDF = tenofovir; TEE   to 071 840 1572     represent the official views of the Global Fund or the National Department of Health of South Africa
   = tenofovir + emtricitabine + efavirenz; TLD = tenofovir + lamivudine + dolutegravir; TPT = tuberculosis preventive therapy; VL = viral load; WOCP = woman of childbearing
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