Page 410 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 410

Page 10 of 13  Original Research

              early  prevention.  Based on existing evidence on the   engaging and encouraging parental education in areas which
              usefulness of dolls in counselling with children, it may also   are traditionally difficult for parents to handle.
              provide children with a valuable tool for expressing concerns
              about emerging risks to which the child is exposed, which   Limitations of the study
              they feel afraid to disclose, but may disclose inadvertently
              through play. 51,52  For example, illustrating to the parent   Limitations include that sample size was small and context-
              through projective play concerns about bullying at school or   specific,  thereby  limiting  generalisability.  The  sample  was
              undisclosed sexual abuse.                             also restricted to mothers, a practical decision because as
                                                                    mentioned previously, children in rural South  Africa are
              In contexts of parental HIV in South Africa, there is very   mostly raised by their mothers.  Hence, we are not able to
              little information on what practical support mothers may   determine  whether  fathers  would  find  such  approaches
              need to support them in optimising health education with   helpful or appropriate. However, Amagugu is easily adapted
              their children. 11,24  This study provided novel insights into   to  target fathers  and  other  family  members   if  it  were
              the type of informational needs the mothers themselves   demonstrated to be acceptable to them.
              identified to be important for their children as they entered
              into adolescence. This included requests for more     An additional limitation was that because the data in this
              information on family, moral development and aspirations   evaluation study were based on self-report, social desirability
              for the future, in addition to information on health and sex.   bias  may  have  influenced  the  responses  of  the  mothers
              This is an original finding as prior evidence has mainly been   regarding health communication and the usefulness of the
              restricted to its exploration of parent-led educational topics   materials in achieving behavioural change towards increased
              to the domain of sexual and reproductive health. 50,53  In   communication. The Amagugu evaluation is thus limited in
              comparison, our results, which allowed parents to use an   its ability to determine the extent to which the intervention
              open-ended question to define the topics, illustrate the   materials or activities played a direct role in changing
              importance of considering a more value-based approach to   parental behaviours. This is because the data on disclosure
              health education because this emerged as a parental priority   and communication outcomes were not measured objectively,
              and preference. Interventions which are responsive to this   and there was no control group. However, the descriptive
              parental desire may benefit from increased engagement and   findings of the analysis do suggest that the intervention
              motivation amongst parents to undertake what can be a   materials in their current form helped to improve the
              challenging task.                                     mothers’ capacity for health and sex education, contributing
                                                                    to their (the mothers) capacity for making behavioural
              It is important to consider these parental preferences within   changes towards increased health communication. It is
              the context of South  Africa and the culture of the study   thus  plausible  to  infer  that  potentially  the  content  and
              population. The black South African Zulu population have a   activities of the package could have led, at least in part, to the
              sense of pride in traditional values which emphasise morality.   increased rates of disclosure and health education that were
              Broadly, in  African cultures, values emphasise collectivist   reported at the end line assessment. This is particularly so
              consciousness where the value of the individual (self-  because additional research on the  Amagugu intervention
              achievement) is not as important as the value of one’s   using a randomised controlled design has since, indeed,
              relationship with others and how it contributes to a collective   demonstrated efficacy in changing parent behaviour towards
              or societal achievement, known as ‘Ubuntu’ which represents   disclosure and health promotion. 24
              a moral philosophy of life.  This may explain why mothers
              considered the moral developmental of children as important
              requesting material on topics about the importance of family,   Recommendations
              culture and traditions, as well as education. With regard to   A long-term follow-up study, when the children in the sample
              the latter, it is also possible that given the South  African   will reach adolescence, would provide further information
              history of exclusion and discrimination, parents would be   about whether Amagugu is an effective intervention for HIV
              particularly motivated to ensure that their children succeed   prevention in later life. Moreover, studies should be
              in post-apartheid South Africa. 55                    conducted to ascertain whether these findings are replicated
                                                                    in other population  settings. National  surveys such as the
              Practical implications                                National Attitudes  Survey  could help illuminate parental
                                                                    perceptions in this area and determine broader acceptability.
              The under-utilisation of caregivers in health education and   A partial economic evaluation should be conducted to make
              disease prevention in current approaches is a missed   a stronger case for investment in prevention at home.
              opportunity.  These  findings  provide  insight  into  how
              parental capacities can be strengthened in a cost-effective   Conclusion
              way which may guide both researchers and policy makers.
              Targeting mothers in the home context has the potential to be   This study provided valuable information on what HIV-
              a feasible and cost-effective point of entry for intervention in   positive mothers need to support their HIV-uninfected
              early prevention of disease. Specific tools may be useful in   children’s health education as well as the type of

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