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Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
              ISSN: (Online) 2078-6751, (Print) 1608-9693
                                                       Page 1 of 6  Original Research

                    Late diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus

                      infection is linked to higher rates of epilepsy in

                          children in the Eastern Cape of South Africa

               Authors:                 Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive children may present with a
               Isabel A. Michaelis   1  wide range of neurological disorders. Among these, epilepsy is of key concern because of its
               Maryke Nielsen 2,3,4     lifelong impact and potential for damage to the central nervous system (CNS). Few studies in
               Craig Carty   5
               Markus Wolff             developing regions have investigated the prevalence and aetiology of epilepsy in HIV-infected
               Caroline A. Sabin   7    children as a key population.
               John S. Lambert
                                        Objectives: We describe the prevalence of epilepsy, associated neurological disabilities,
               Affiliations:            immunological status, clinical stage and history of CNS infection at epilepsy diagnosis in a
               1 Department of Health,   cohort of HIV-infected children receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the Eastern Cape of
               Faculty of Paediatrics, Walter   South Africa.
               Sisulu University, Mthatha,
               South Africa             Methods:  We  conducted  a  retrospective  study  (2004–2014)  at  two  major  referral  sites  for
                                        HIV-infected children diagnosed with epilepsy aged 0–16 years. Eligible subjects were
               2 Department of Paediatrics
               and Child Health, Faculty of   extracted from the electronic medicine bridging access to care in excellence (EMBRACE)
               Infectious Disease, Malawi-  Paediatric  Cohort  using  the  Paediatric ART  Data  Management  Tool  (PADMT).  Fixed  data
               Liverpool-Wellcome Clinical   fields were interrogated for exposures to antiepileptic drugs. Unstructured ‘comments’ fields
               Research Facility, Blantyre,   were searched for the terms: epilepsy, seizures, fits and szs, as well as abbreviated versions of
               Malawi                   common antiepileptic drug names. Eligible subject folders were then retrieved to validate the
                                        digital data.
               3 Institute of Infection and
               Global Health, Faculty of   Results: From 2139 children enrolled in the two sites, 53 children were diagnosed with epilepsy
               Clinical Infection, Immunology   (2.48%). In these, the median CD4 count was 591 cells/mm , and the mean viral load was
               and Microbiology, University
               of Liverpool, Liverpool,   4.9 log copies/mL, with undetectable viral loads in only seven children (14.0%). World Health
               United Kingdom           Organization (WHO) clinical HIV stage was available for 46 patients of the sample, with 3, 6,
                                        26 and 11 children graded at stages 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Forty percent children had a
               4 Department of Paediatrics,   history of CNS infection prior to the epilepsy diagnosis, and 55% children were reported to
               Queen Elizabeth Central   have school problems.
               Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi
                                        Conclusions: In this descriptive study, the prevalence of epilepsy among children with HIV
               5 Department of Evidence-  was 2.48%, mostly diagnosed in advanced HIV-disease stages. Our findings support the
               Based Social Intervention,   usefulness of early detection and initiation of ART in HIV-infected children in order to reduce
               Faculty of Sociology,
               University of Oxford,    the risk of epilepsy. In addition, our study demonstrates that novel techniques are effective in
               Oxford, United Kingdom   accessing cohort-level data that allow interrogation of both structured and unstructured
                                        clinical data.
               6 Department of
               Neuropaediatrics and Social   Keywords:  epilepsy; HIV-infection;  children; WHO  staging; paediatric  ART  data
               Paediatrics, Faculty of   management tool.
               Paediatrics, Vivantes Klinikum
               Neukolln, Berlin, Germany
               7 Department of Medical
               Statistics and Epidemiology,   The latest World Health Organization (WHO) report on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
               Faculty of Population Health   and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) estimates that 3.2 million children are infected
               Sciences, University College                                                  1
               London, London, United   with HIV worldwide, of whom 91% are living in sub-Saharan Africa.  South Africa is regarded as
               Kingdom                 having the largest HIV and AIDS burden in the world, with an estimated 17.6% of the population
                                       living with the disease; between 370 000 and 450 000 children younger than 14 years in South
                                       Africa are thought to be infected with the virus. 1

                                       8 Department of Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Infectious Diseases and Genitourinary Medicine, UCD School of Medicine, Dublin, Ireland
               Read online:            Corresponding author: Isabel Michaelis, [email protected]
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                        Scan this QR   Dates: Received: 23 Nov. 2019 | Accepted: 07 Jan. 2020 | Published: 30 June 2020
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                        mobile device   infection is linked to higher rates of epilepsy in children in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. S Afr J HIV Med. 2020;21(1), a1047. https://
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                                       Copyright: © 2020. The Authors. Licensee: AOSIS. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
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