Page 413 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 413

Page 13 of 13  Original Research

              Appendix 1: Supplementary material

              TABLE 1-A1: Parental suggestions for additional story book topics for the family by category and response.
              Categories†           n      %    Order of responses   Description of categories   Examples of parental statements of education
                                                per category                          topics for which parent requested additional
              Category 1: ‘HIV and disease   79/375  21.1  -  -                       -
              HIV/TB education and   73         First response (86.0%);  Group of topics that pertain to   About HIV and informing people about HIV
              caregiving                        second responses   knowledge around the HIV and TB   To teach children about HIV
                                                (14.0%)       virus including transmission,   Signs and symptoms of HIV
                                                              prevention, symptoms and care  TB and HIV transmission
                                                                                      About HIV how it is transmitted to babies
                                                                                      HIV prevention
                                                                                      About living positively with HIV
                                                                                      How to care for sick people
                                                                                      Child behaviour on how to care about people who
                                                                                      are HIV positive
              Disclosure            2           First response   Topics that pertain to maternal and   About disclosure to children
                                                (100.0%)      family disclosure       More about disclosing in the family
              Stigma                4           First response (50.0%);  Topics that deal with stigma and   That people with disease should not be
                                                second response   associated discrimination  discriminated against
                                                (50.0%)                               Any topics related to not stigmatising someone else
              Category 2: ‘General health,   112/375  29.9  -  -                      -
              safety and health promotion’
              Health education      39          First response (92.0%);  Topics that pertain to general health   Topics about health education
                                                second response   education including improving health   Teach about health
                                                (8.0%)        literacy about illnesses (apart from   Healthcare
                                                              HIV and TB) and drug abuse  Topics about health issues
                                                                                      About different illnesses
                                                                                      About how a person gets sick
                                                                                      Charts to draw all that they have learnt about sick
                                                                                      What to do when you are sick and who should you
                                                                                      report to if you hurt yourself
                                                                                      Learn about drug abuse
              Health promotion      23          First response   Topics that pertain to the promotion   About advice on how to live healthy
                                                (100.0%)      of healthy behaviours and the   Learn about healthy food
                                                              endorsements of lifestyles that   How to take care of yourself
                                                              facilitate optimal health including   About health and being familiar with clinic
                                                              nutrition, sport, hygiene and self-care  How to protect children
                                                                                      Topics like cleanliness and other play
                                                                                      Playing safely
                                                                                      Information about game park animals and about
                                                                                      road crossing (safety) about road signs including
                                                                                      About football
              Sex education         50          First response (66.0%);  Topics that pertain to general sex   Child abuse and child rights
                                                second response   education, child abuse and child rights  Encouraging children to talk when they are abused
                                                (24.0%); third                        Warning about daily dangers, teaching about not
                                                response (8.0%);                      talking with strangers
                                                fourth response (2.0%)                To teach them more about their bodies
                                                                                      About stages of growth
                                                                                      How a female should behave
                                                                                      Sex related education
                                                                                      About sexual transmitted diseases
              Category 3: ‘Family, moral   161/375  42.9  -   -                       -
              development and aspirations
              for the future’
              Aspirations and family values  55  First response (65.5%);  Topics that pertain to family values   Importance of education
                                                second response   and succeeding in life  Know about his future plans
                                                (30.9%); third                        About life
                                                response (3.6%)                       The importance and the value of a person
                                                                                      The importance of family
                                                                                      About family, caring and disclosing everything to
                                                                                      Relationships in families
                                                                                      How to resolve conflict in family members or in
                                                                                      Caring about people loving people
              Morals/social norms   89          First response (62.0%);  Topics that pertain to culture, religion   About cultures and traditions
                                                second response   and moral behaviour  To teach about religion
                                                (34.0%); third                        Respect a human being
                                                response (4.0%)                       How to live and help neighbours
                                                                                      About how children should behave
              Parenting skills      17          First response (47.1%);  Topics that offer caregiver support  Being a good listener
                                                second response                       Able to communicate with other people
                                                (52.9%)                               If you have a problem, share it
                                                                                      Warning about disclosing anything that happens to
                                                                                      How a mother should conduct herself
                                                                                      How to have a good relationship with children
                                                                                      Raising children and how to treat children
                                                                                      Talk about love as a parent
              HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
              †, Some mothers gave more than one response, hence total responses to the question was 365 by 271 mothers (excluding missing).

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