Page 406 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 406
Page 6 of 13 Original Research
TABLE 1: Sample characteristics.
Characteristics Partial disclosure (n = 110) Full disclosure (n = 171)
n % IQR n % IQR
Maternal characteristics (n = 281)
Median age, years 33.5 - 29–39 35 – 29–40
No education 7 6.4 - 10 5.9 -
Completed some or all primary 40 36.4 - 68 39.8 -
Completed some or all secondary 59 53.6 - 89.0 52.1 -
Post-school education 4 3.6 - 1 0.6 -
Missing 0 0.0 - 3 1.6 -
Employed 40 36.4 - 50 29.2 -
Unemployed 69 62.7 - 119 69.6 -
Missing 1 0.9 - 2 1.2 -
Access to regular remittances
No 85 77.3 - 123 71.9 -
Yes 25 22.7 - 48 28.1 -
CD4 Count (most recent), cells/mL
≥ 501 31 28.2 - 40 23.4 -
351–500 20 18.2 - 33 19.3 -
≤ 350 30 27.3 - 47 27.5 -
Missing 29 26.3 - 51 29.8 -
HIV treatment status
Not on ART 60 54.6 - 95 55.6 -
On ART 46 41.8 - 72 42.1 -
Missing 4 3.6 - 4 2.3 -
Hospitalisation (last 12 months)
No 96 87.3 - 154 90.1 -
Yes 14 12.7 - 16 9.4 -
Missing 0 0.0 - 1 0.5 -
Perceptions of current health
My health is excellent - - - - - - -
Not true 23 20.9 - 60 35.3 -
True 87 79.1 - 110 64.7 -
Relationship status
No current partner 27 24.5 - 21 12.3 -
Current partner 83 75.5 - 150 87.7 -
Living with partner
No current partner 27 24.6 - 21 12.3 -
Yes 35 31.8 - 57 33.4 -
No 48 43.6 - 92 53.8 -
Missing 0 0.0 - 1 0.5 -
Partner’s HIV status
No current partner 27 24.6 - 21 12.3 -
Unknown status 35 31.8 - 65 38.0 -
HIV positive 34 30.9 - 65 38.0 -
HIV negative 14 12.7 - 20 11.7 -
Child characteristics (n = 281)
Female 55 50.0 - 85 49.7 -
Male 55 50.0 - 86 50.3 -
Median age, years 7 - 6–8 7 - 7–8
Father still alive
No 33 30.0 - 43 25.2 -
Yes 76 69.1 - 127 74.3 -
Missing 1 0.9 - 1 0.5 -
Father contributes financially
Not applicable 34 30.9 - 44 25.7 -
No 30 27.3 - 55 32.2 -
Yes 45 40.9 - 69 40.4 -
Missing 1 0.9 - 3 1.7 -
Table 1 continues on the next page → 398 Open Access