Page 405 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 405

Page 5 of 13  Original Research

                                                         Total Available Pool N = 525
                                 VTS mothers (Hlabisa sub-district) known to be HIV-infected with HIV-uninfected children at end of 2 year follow up.

                                                         Traced and excluded N = 150

                                                                          Mother found to be dead n = 73

                                                                           Child found to be dead n = 5

                                                                          Unable to locate mother n = 14

                                                                     Found to have relocated out of study area n = 58

                                                      Approached to par†cipate N = 375

                                 Eligible to enrol N = 319                    Not eligible to enrol N = 56

                   Enrolled N = 291              Refused n = 28                            Child has disability n = 2

                                                                                      Mother and child living seperately n = 22
                        Completed session 1 (291/291)
                                                                                      Unavailable during the study period n = 25
                                   Withdrawals following session 1  n = 6
                                   Had not disclosed to live in partner (1)            Mother denies HIV posi†ve status n = 7
                                   Relocated out or study area (1)
                                   Felt disclosure was too daun ng (1)
                                   Felt too concerned about s gma to con nue (1)
                                   Employment commitments (2)

                        Completed session 2 (285/291)

                                     Withdrawals following session 2  n = 2
                                     Maternal ill health (1)
                                     Employment commitments (1)

                        Completed session 3 (283/291)

                                    Withdrawals following session 3  n = 1
                                    Maternal death (1)

                        Completed session 4 (282/291)

                                    Withdrawals following session 4  n = 1
                                    Relocated for employment, no longer
                                    interested (1)

                      Completed session 5 and 6 (281/291)        Completed post interven†on survey N = 281 (Final data set)
              FIGURE 2: The consort diagram showing women enrolled in the study sourced from and reproduced with permission from the authors. 10

              Analysis                                              In phase 1, we analysed the qualitative data collected through
                                                                    end-line questionnaires on intervention resource use to
              We used a process evaluation design to analyse data which
              has not previously been analysed.                     evaluate  which  materials  in their  current  form  fostered
                                                                    mother–child communication about HIV, health behaviours
              Data were transformed, coded and analysed in two phases to   and sex education. We used descriptive statistics including
              address each research aim.                            cross-tabulations and chi-square tests to investigate whether

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