Page 351 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 5 of 7  Original Research

              TABLE 3: Pregnant women living with human immunodeficiency virus assessed for antiretroviral therapy eligibility and initiated on treatment at 13 healthcare
              facilities in Soweto, 2005–2015.
              Indicator           2005   2006   2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012   2013   2014    2015
                                 n  %   n   %  n   %   n   %   n  %    n  %    n  %    n  %    n  %   n  %   n   %
              Newly diagnosed HIV-positive  8721  -  8872  -  8850  -  8774  -  8130  -  6243  -  5062  -  4536  -  4121  -  3575  -  2659  -
              Known PWLHIV not on ART  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   -  295  -  213  -  112  -  199  -  277  -  128  -
              CD4 counts done†  4453 51.1 8767 98.8 8912 100.7 8775 100.0 8163 100.4 6741 103.1 5525 104.7 4811 103.5 4299 99.5 3694 95.9  -  -
              CD4 < 200          719 16.2 1489 17.0 1272 14.3 1511 17.2 1353 16.6  973  14.4  906  16.4  740  15.4  -  -  -  -  -  -
              CD4 ≤ 350          -   -   -  -   -  -   -   -   -   -  2513 37.3 2209 40.0 1795 37.3  -  -  -  -  -  -
              Initiated on ART‡  -   -  96  6.5  300  23.6  495  32.8  505  37.3 1836 73.1 1949 88.2 1528 85.1 2830 65.5 3185 82.7 3187 114.3
              HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; PWLHIV, pregnant women living with HIV; ART, antiretroviral therapy.
              †, Represents aggregate data of the total number of CD4 counts’ first tests done.
              ‡, Aggregate data on the total number initiated on ART and the denominator is the total number eligible for ART, based on the eligibility criteria at the time.
              -, Indicates that data for the indicator were not collected during that period.

                                                                    progress has been made in the prevention of new HIV
                                   ART-eligible  Ini ated on ART  MTCT rate
                                                                    infections among women of reproductive age, an important
                ART-eligible/ini ated on ART  4000       6 5 4 3 2  MTCT rate (%)  reproductive age globally in the period 2009–2015, and this is
                                                                    aspect of PMTCT.  South Africa is reported to have had the
                                                      Op on B+
                                                 Op on B
                              Op on A
                                                                    highest number of new HIV infections among women of
                                                                    reflected in the high HIV prevalence among pregnant women,
                                                                    a  consistent  finding  throughout  the  review  period  in  our
                                                                           The finding of a consistently high HIV prevalence is
                                                                    HIV prevalence surveys that have been conducted in South
                      2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  1 0  similar to figures reported in the national antenatal sentinel
                                                                    Africa since 1990.  Pregnant women in South  Africa as a
                                                                    whole still present at an advanced gestational age for their
                                     Year                           first antenatal visit, with just over 50% reported to have
              ART, antiretroviral therapy; MTCT, mother-to-child transmission of HIV.  presented before 20 weeks in 2014, albeit this being an increase
              FIGURE 1: Eligible pregnant women initiated on ART and MTCT rate, 2006–2015.  from 36.7% in 2010.  We found similar figures in our study.
              no or limited duration of  ART during pregnancy.  The   The delayed presentation for antenatal care results in late
              decrease in the perinatal transmission rate in the Soweto   ART initiation in those diagnosed as living with HIV during
              programme became evident from 2008 to 2013, a period of   pregnancy. In our study, the majority of women were first
              rapid evolution of the South African PMTCT guidelines. The   diagnosed  as  living  with  HIV  during  their  pregnancies,  a
              period saw the introduction of dual prophylaxis for PMTCT,   finding reported in several studies conducted in South Africa
              an increase in the CD4 threshold for  ART eligibility in   and other sub-Saharan African countries, although this figure
              pregnant  women  and  also  the  introduction  of  NIMART   decreased over time. 30,31,32,33  In spite of the late presentation
              within antenatal clinics. 19,20,23  The decline in MTCT rate to   for antenatal care, there was a steady increase in the
              below 2% coincided with the rapid increase in the number of   proportion  initiated  on  ART  during pregnancy, a  trend
              ART-eligible pregnant women initiated on treatment in the   reported in published DHIS data.  Among pregnant women
              programme. Integration of antenatal and HIV services, which   who presented already known to be living with HIV, the
              was introduced in the programme in 2010, has been shown to   proportion already on ART was high, a finding similar to that
              increase  the  proportion  of  ART-eligible  pregnant  women   reported in the 2017 South African national antenatal sentinel
              initiated  on ART. 26,27   The  infant  HIV  PCR  testing  reported   HIV prevalence survey. 29
              does not reflect coverage, as testing was done in several other
              facilities in the Soweto area, not reported in this article. In   One  of  the  limitations  of  using  aggregate  data  is  that  the
              spite of this, the trend in the decline  in the MTCT rate is   denominators used to calculate rates for some of the indicators
              similar to that shown in published data in South Africa. It is   are proxy indicators. The data presented are the best available
              also similar to the National Health Laboratory Services   representation of the ideal, which would have been to have
              (NHLS) data for the Greater Soweto area which show a   longitudinal data on each patient, from HIV diagnosis to the
              decline in the MTCT rate from 8.2% in 2007, to 1.6% in 2015   initiation of ART, and also have delivery details and linked
              (personal communication, G. Sherman). While we did not   infant HIV testing. The indicators collected also changed over
              have figures on breastfeeding transmission, postpartum   time as guidelines changed. Details on the denominators
              MTCT  remains  a  challenge  with  the  2016  UNAIDS  report   used are presented in the ‘Results’ section. For HIV testing
              estimating that more than 50% of new HIV infections among   rates, no data were collected prior to 2009 on PWLHIV who
              children occur during the breastfeeding period. 2     already knew their HIV status and those who were already
                                                                    on ART. Hence, in this period, among those newly identified
              In spite of the gains made towards the elimination of MTCT   as HIV-positive, there will have been a proportion of PWLHIV
              in  South  Africa, several challenges remain.  Only limited   who already knew their HIV status and may have been
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