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Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
              ISSN: (Online) 2078-6751, (Print) 1608-9693
                                                       Page 1 of 7  Original Research

                    Implementation of a PMTCT programme in a high

                            HIV prevalence setting in Johannesburg,

                                          South Africa: 2002–2015

               Authors:                 Background: Great strides have been made in decreasing paediatric human immunodeficiency
               Coceka N. Mnyani 1,2     virus (HIV) infections, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. In South Africa, new paediatric HIV
               Carol L. Tait
               Remco P.H. Peters        infections decreased by 84% between 2009 and 2015. This achievement is a result of a strong
               Helen Struthers          political  will  and  the  rapid  evolution  of  the  country’s  prevention  of  mother-to-child
               Avy Violari   6          transmission (PMTCT) guidelines.
               Glenda Gray   6
               Eckhart J. Buchmann   1  Objectives: In this paper we report on the implementation of a large PMTCT programme in
               Matthew F. Chersich   7  Soweto, South Africa.
               James A. McIntyre
                                        Methods: We reviewed routinely collected PMTCT data from 13 healthcare facilities, for the
               Affiliations:            period 2002–2015. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage among pregnant women living with
               1 Department of Obstetrics
               and Gynaecology, School of   HIV (PWLHIV) and the mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) rate at early infant diagnosis
               Clinical Medicine, University   were evaluated.
               of the Witwatersrand,
               Johannesburg, South Africa  Results: In total, 360 751 pregnant women attended the facilities during the review period, and
                                        the HIV prevalence remained high throughout at around 30%. The proportion of PWLHIV
               2 South African Centre of   presenting with a known HIV status increased from 14.3% in 2009 when the indicator was first
               Epidemiological Modelling   collected to 45% in 2015, p < 0.001. In 2006, less than 10% of the PWLHIV were initiated on
               and Analysis (SACEMA),   ART, increasing to 88% by 2011. The MTCT rate decreased from 6.9% in 2007 to under 1% from
               DST-NRF Centre for
               Excellence, Epidemiological   2013 to 2015, p < 0.001.
               Modelling and Analysis,   Conclusion: The achievements in decreasing paediatric HIV infections have been hailed as
               Stellenbosch University,
               Stellenbosch, South Africa  one of the greatest public health achievements of our times. While there are inherent limitations
                                        with using routinely collected aggregate data, the Soweto data reflect progress made in the
               3 Anova Health Institute,   implementation of PMTCT programmes in South Africa. Progress with PMTCT has, however,
               Johannesburg, South Africa  not been accompanied by a decline in HIV prevalence among pregnant women.

               4 Department of Medical   Keywords: PMTCT; South Africa; pregnant women living with HIV (PWLHIV); paediatric
               Microbiology, Maastricht   HIV infection; health systems.
               University Medical Centre,
               Maastricht, The Netherlands
               5 Division of Infectious
               Diseases and HIV Medicine,   Great  strides  have  been  made  in  the  global  fight  to  decrease  new  paediatric  human
               Department of Medicine,
               University of Cape Town,   immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections. In 2011, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/
               Cape Town, South Africa  AIDS (UNAIDS) launched the Global Plan to reduce new paediatric HIV infections by 90%, by
                                       2015, with the baseline year being 2009.  The target was to decrease the rate of mother-to-child
               6 Perinatal HIV Research   transmission (MTCT) of HIV to 2% or less among non-breastfeeding women, and to 5% or less
               Unit, Faculty of Health   among breastfeeding women.  As part of the Global Plan, 22 priority countries, which together
               Sciences, University of the
               Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,   accounted for 90% of the global number of pregnant women living with HIV (PWLHIV) in 2009,
               South Africa            were identified for intensified efforts for the elimination of MTCT.  India and 21 countries in sub-
                                       Saharan Africa made up the 22 priority countries. 1
                                       According to the 2016 UNAIDS report, there was a 60% decrease in the overall MTCT rate in 21
                                       priority countries, from 22.4% in 2009 to 8.9% in 2015 (data on India were not available).  The
                                       decrease in the MTCT rate is largely because of the increased coverage of more efficacious
                                       7 Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
               Read online:            8 School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
                        Scan this QR   Corresponding author: Coceka Mnyani, [email protected]
                        code with your   Dates: Received: 22 Aug. 2019 | Accepted: 20 Oct. 2019 | Published: 23 Mar. 2020
                        smart phone or
                        mobile device   How to cite this article: Mnyani CN, Tait CL, Peters RPH, et al. Implementation of a PMTCT programme in a high HIV prevalence setting in
                                       Johannesburg, South Africa: 2002–2015. S Afr J HIV Med. 2020;21(1), a1024.
                        to read online.
                                       Copyright: © 2020. The Authors. Licensee: AOSIS. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
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