Page 344 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 344

Page 3 of 5  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Baseline characteristics.
              Demographic data                                           Overall
                                                                         N = 105
                                       Mean           s.d.        Median         IQR           n            %
              Age in years              39.4          9.7           -             -            -
              Male – No                  -             -            -             -            68           64.8
              HIV infected – No          -             -            -             -           105           100
              Newly diagnosed HIV – No   -             -            -             -            27           25.7
              Defaulted ART – No         -             -            -             -            55           52.4
              ART naïve – No             -             -            -             -            27           25.7
              1st line ART – No          -             -            -             -            22           21.0
              2nd line ART – No          -             -            -             -            1            1.0
              CD4 count – cells/µL       -             -            37          13–77          -             -
              HIV viral load – copies/mL  -            -          146 132    46 099–501 761    -             -
              Undetectable HIV viral load – No  -      -            -             -            4            3.8
              Previous CCM – No          -             -            -             -            18           17.1
              s.d., standard deviation; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ART, antiretroviral therapy; IQR, interquartile range; CCM, cryptococcal meningitis.

              TABLE 2: Clinical features and cerebrospinal fluid findings.
              Variable                                                       N = 105
                                               Mean         s.d.       Median       IQR          n           %
              Positive screening serum CrAg – No   -        -            -           -           9           8.6
              Headache – No                     -           -            -           -           96         91.4
              Low GCS – No                      -           -            -           -           34         32.4
              Seizures – No                     -           -            -           -           5           4.8
              Focal neurology – No              -           -            -           -           10          9.5
              Skin rash – No                    -           -            -           -           17         16.2
              Cerebrospinal fluid analysis      -           -            -           -           -           -
              Protein – Mean (s.d.) g/L        1.15         1.0          -           -           -           -
              Glucose – Mean (s.d.) mmol/L     2.40        1.50          -           -           -           -
              Lymphocytes – Median (IQR)/µL     -           -           9.0         2–64         -           -
              Polymorphonuclear cells – Median (IQR)/µL  -  -           3.00        0–9.0        -           -
              Positive CrAg – No                -           -            -           -          105          100
              Positive India Ink – No           -           -            -           -           84         80.0
              Positive culture for cryptococcus neoformans – No   -  -   -           -           99         94.3
              In-hospital therapy               -           -            -           -           -           -
              Amphotericin B plus fluconazole – No   -      -            -           -          103         98.1
              Amphotericin B only – No          -           -            -           -           2           1.9
              Therapeutic lumbar punctures     4.62        2.30          -           -           -           -
              Number of days in hospital       19.4         8.3          -           -           -           -
              In-hospital mortality – No        -           -            -           -           23         21.9
              CrAg, cryptococcal antigen; GCS, GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; s.d., standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range.

              immunodeficiency virus infection was newly diagnosed on   Therapeutic lumbar punctures and hospital
              the index admission in 25.7%. Default from previous ART   mortality
              was recorded in 52.4% of patients (Table 1).
                                                                    A total of 496 LPs were performed. Each patient received a
                                                                    mean of 4.62 (s.d. ± 2.30) therapeutic LPs (all patients).
              A total of 17.1% of patients gave a history of previous CCM.   The mean duration of hospitalisation of the entire group was
              Headache was the most prevalent presenting symptom    19.4 (s.d. ± 8.3) days. A total of n = 23/105 (21.9%) patients
              (91.4%) followed by a low Glasgow Coma Scale (32.4%)   died during the index hospitalisation.
              (Table 2). A total of 9.5% of patients had a focal neurological
              deficit, namely an abducent (cranial nerve 6) palsy, suggesting   Patients who received ≥ 4 LPs in the first 7 days had an in-
              possible rIP at presentation. The diagnosis of CCM was based   hospital mortality rate of 11.6% (n = 5/43), whereas those
              on a positive CSF-Cryptococcal  Antigen (CrAg) in all   with < 4 LPs in the first 7 days had in-hospital mortality of
              patients, a positive CSF India Ink in 80% and a positive CSF   29% (n  = 18/62). This represents a 17.4% absolute risk
              culture  for  Cryptococcus  neoformans  in  94.3%.  One  hundred   reduction of in-hospital mortality and a relative risk of 0.80
              and three (n = 103) patients received local guideline-based   (95% CI, 0.66–0.97, p = 0.034), namely a 20% relative risk
              therapy consisting of a combination of amphotericin B and   reduction  of in-hospital  mortality (Figures  2 and 3).
              fluconazole. Two patients did not receive fluconazole: one   Patients who received four or more LPs in the first 7 days
              had acute hepatitis B and the other, a drug-induced liver   received a mean of 4.58 (s.d. ± 0.96) LPs in the first week of
              injury (DILI) resulting from TB therapy.              treatment.

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