Page 266 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 266

Page 2 of 8  Original Research

              has been accompanied by the increased survival of people   In this study, the  prevalence rate of treated PLWH was
              living with the HIV (PLWH), that is, an increase in the   calculated per 1000 medical scheme beneficiaries annually
              number of persons on long-term care.  The increase in PLWH   who claimed one or more prescriptions during the specific
              is also seen in the SA medical schemes environment.    year :
              Between 2012 and 2017, the Council for Medical Schemes
              (CMS) reported that the number of its members on  ART                 Allnew andpre-existing cases
              increased by 72.4%, that is an average annual growth rate of   Prevalence rate =  during a given period  (10)
              about 11.51%, to 25.12/1000 beneficiaries in 2017.  In spite of    The population during the same period
              managed HIV or  AIDS being ranked fourth after        n =  3
              hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and diabetes mellitus on SA-
              CDL,  and being the ‘best managed’ chronic condition in                                         [Eqn 1]
              the SA private sector,  the influence of HIV or AIDS remains
              poorly studied in the private healthcare environment.   The population in Equation 1 includes the total population or
              Understanding the epidemic of HIV or AIDS in this context   the population of specific gender or age group on the
              is important to follow and monitor. Hence, against this   database who claimed one or more prescriptions during the
              background, this observational study sought to determine   specific year.
              possible changes in the incidence and prevalence rates of
              treated SA-PLWH who accessed private medical schemes   The incidence rate was used to determine the proportion of
              care from 2005 to 2015.                               study participants who had newly registered their HIV or
                                                                    AIDS status with their medical schemes during the study
              Research method and design                            period without taking into account when participants
                                                                    contracted the disease. Each participant was followed from
              Study design and setting                              the time he or she was registered with the central database.

              The study design incorporates a longitudinal and      Participants who cancelled their membership with a specific
              retrospective review of data of an open cohort of PLWH from   medical scheme did not contribute to the year’s denominator,
              01 January 2005 up to 31 December 2015. The data were   whereas new members did.
              sourced from a large SA pharmaceutical benefit management
              (PBM) company with more than 1.8 million beneficiaries in   The HIV or AIDS incidence rate was calculated as the number
              42 medical schemes and capitation plans. To ensure the   of new cases per 1000 medical scheme beneficiaries who
              quality of its data, the PBM company applies several   claimed one or more prescriptions during the specific year.
              automated confirmatory validation steps to the data. The   The incidence rate was calculated as follows:
              cohort includes all its members who claimed ART and whose         Number of new cases of a disease on
              International Classification of Diseases-10 (ICD-10) diagnostic    the database in a specified period
              codes, namely, B20–B24, confirmed the presence of HIV and/  Incidencerate  =  Size of population at start of   × (10)
              or an HIV-related condition. The research database includes             the specified period
              only those PBM members who claimed one or more
              prescriptions during the study period. Table 1 summarises   n  = 3
              the yearly demographic profile of the study population. The                                     [Eqn 2]
              dataset includes the following fields: patient’s demography,
              namely, date of birth, gender, a unique code for the medical   The population in Equation 2 includes the total population or
              scheme member and beneficiary, prescription number, date   the population of specific gender or age group on the
              of  dispensing,  trade  name of  the medication,  the National   database who claimed one or more prescriptions during the
              Pharmaceutical Product Index (NAPPI) code of each     particular year.
              medicine, the International Statistical Classification of
              Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-  Data analysis
              10) code  and name of the province where each item was
              dispensed.                                            The Statistical  Analysis System  (SAS 9.4 ) software (SAS
                                                                    Institute Inc., 2002–2012) was used to analyse the data. Variables
                                                                    were expressed using descriptive statistics, which include
              Statistics: Variables and measurements                numbers (n) and proportions presented as percentages (%).
              The number of HIV or AIDS patients on the database was
              stratified by year, gender, age group and province. The   Ethical consideration
              patient’s age was determined at the time of the first dispensing
              in the index year, namely, 2005. It was thereafter divided into   This study was approved by the Health Research Ethics
              seven age groups: > 0 and < 6 years; ≥ 6 and < 12 years, ≥ 12   Committee of the North-West University (certificate number
              and < 18 years; ≥ 18 and < 40 years; ≥ 40 and < 60 years; ≥ 60   NWU-00179-14-A1), and  the ‘Goodwill  Permission’  to
              and < 70 years; and ≥ 70 years. Patients were also grouped   perform the study was obtained from the board of directors
              into two categories according to their gender (male and   of the company.  All data were anonymised prior to the
              female) and province.                                 incorporation in this study.

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