Page 268 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 268

Page 4 of 8  Original Research

              Results                                               The results in  Figure 1 show the prevalence rate of HIV
                                                                    or  AIDS  patients per 1000 medical scheme beneficiaries,
              The study population and those on the PBM database who   which had increased from 6.3/1000 in 2005 to 20.5/1000
              claimed one or more prescriptions in a specific year were   in  2015. The prevalence rate of female HIV or  AIDS
              stratified by gender and age group as shown in Table 1.  patients was 6.5/1000 in 2005, which increased to 20.4/1000
                                                                    by the end of 2015. In males, the prevalence rate of HIV or
              In 2005 and 2015, 1 213 676 and 843 972 patients claimed   AIDS increased from 6.0/1000 (in 2005) to 21.7/1000
              medicines, respectively. In 2005, 7665 (0.63%) of patients   in 2015.
              on the PBM database were PLWH. This number increased
              to 17 302 (2.05%) in 2015. In 2005, of the total of 675 812   Figure 2 demonstrates change in the incidence rate of new
              females, 4395 (0.65%) were PLWH, and of the total of   HIV or AIDS cases on the database per 1000 medical scheme
              537 864 males, 3270 (0.61%) were PLWH. In 2015, female   beneficiaries from 2005 to 2015. The combined incidence rate
              patients totalled 445  626, of whom 9092 (2.04%) were   increased from 3.9/1000 in 2006 to 9.1/1000 in 2015. The HIV
              PLWH, and of the 398  166 male patients, 8250 (2.07%)   or AIDS incidence in females increased from 4.0/1000 in 2006
              were PLWH.                                            to 8.5/1000 in 2015, whilst that of males rose from 3.9 in 2006

                 25.00                                                                          Female  Male    Total
                Prevalence rate per 1000 medical scheme beneficiaries





                         2005    2005    2007     2008    2009     2010    2011     2012    2013     2014    2015
              FIGURE 1: Prevalence rate of human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients per 1000 medical scheme beneficiaries per gender from
              2005 to 2015.

                    14.00                                                                       Female  Male    Total
                Incidence rate per 1000 medival  schemes beneficiaries  10.00



                           2005    2006    2007     2008    2009    2010    2011    2012     2013    2014    2015
              FIGURE 2: Human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome incidence rate per 1000 medical scheme beneficiaries per gender in the medical
              schemes environment of South Africa between 2005 and 2015.

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