Page 168 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 6 of 8  Original Research

                  120                  < 10 ng/mL  10–100 ng/mL  > 100 mg/ml a  120       < 10 ng/mL  10–100 ng/mL  > 100 mg/ml b

                  100                                                100
                         23.2       24.1      29.6                   80           25                   25
                Propor on (%)  60  15.6  15.5  13.6                Propor on (%)  60  15               14

                         62.3       61.4      56.8                   40           60                   61
                  20                                                 20
                   0                                      0 0 0       0
                        < = 34     35–44      45–54      > = 55                  Men                  Women
                                Age groups in years (p = 0.724)                        Gender (p = 0.940)
                  120                  < 10 ng/mL  10–100 ng/mL  > 100 mg/ml c  120       < 10 ng/mL  10–100 ng/mL  > 100 mg/ml d

                  100                                                100
                               26                   23               80           26                   21
                Propor on (%)  60  14               14             Propor on (%)  60  14               14

                               60                   63               40           60                   65
                  20                                                 20
                   0                                                  0
                             < 5 years            > = 5 years                  < 396/mm 3           > = 396/mm 3
                              Diagnosed dura on of HIV (p = 0.681)                    CD4 count (p = 0.505)
              CD4, cluster of differentiation 4; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
              FIGURE 2: Distribution of cotinine strata by (a) age group, (b) gender, (c) known duration of human immunodeficiency virus infection and (d) cluster of differentiation 4 count.

                                                                    based interventions having the greatest potential to achieve
                       300      Kappa –0.014, p = 0.488  Smoking status
                 300                                  Never         smoking cessation among PLWHA. This is a significant
                                                      Former        observation  considering  that with  regard  to  HIV  care,
                 250                                                PLWHA constitute a highly medicalised population, and are
                                                                    familiar with mHealth interventions in HIV care and
                Absolute numbers  150  95         112               concluded that compared with face-to-face, interventions
                                                                    monitoring.   Another recent comparative meta-analysis
                                                                    mHealth interventions could better achieve smoking
                                                                    cessation in the short term in PLWHA.  Besides the
                                                                    achieve smoking cessation in PLWHA, other identified
                                                        45          inadequate knowledge on the efficacy of interventions to
                  50                                 28             barriers hampering smoking cessation interventions in
                                        17  18
                                                                    PLWHA  include  the  scepticism  of  healthcare  providers
                   0                                                regarding certain interventions such as nicotine replacement,
                        < 10 ng/mL   10–100 ng/mL  > 100 mg/ml      their unpreparedness to co-address smoking cessation during
                                  Co nine categories
                                                                    routine HIV care and other competing priorities.  In the
              FIGURE  3:  Agreement  between  self-reports  and  cotinine  levels  at  ranking   specific case of SA, economic, social or interpersonal and
              smoking status.                                       individual-level factors including stress have been suggested
                                                                    as barriers hindering smoking cessation in PLWHA. 32
              for  both  pharmacological  and  non-pharmacological
              interventions for smoking cessation, but evidence is needed
              on how they can best be implemented for smoking cessation   Strengths and limitations
              in PLWHA in  African countries. 26,28  One recent qualitative   This study has some limitations. Participants were recruited
              review of smoking cessation interventions in PLWHA    from only one province of SA and included predominantly
              identified 32 publications reporting on 28 interventions.    women. Smoking assessment inconsistently collected data
              These studies essentially originated from western countries   on the age at initiation (or cessation) of smoking, limiting our
              and the USA in particular. Thirteen of the interventions tested   ability to assess the potential effect of HIV diagnosis on the
              resulted in improved smoking cessation  outcomes, with   adoption or cessation of smoking habits. Data were missing
              information and communication technologies and clinic-  on HIV characteristics (CD4 count) in an important number

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