Page 164 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 2 of 8  Original Research

              smoking prevalence in PLWHA is approximately twofold to   upright position. Weight to the nearest gram was measured
              threefold higher than in the general population in developed   using Analog and Digital (A&D) Medical PersonalScale (Model
              countries and ranges from 40% to 74%. 6,7             UC-321, Japan) with the participant in light clothes and without
                                                                    shoes. Biochemical analyses included serum cotinine levels and
              The greater adverse effects of tobacco smoking in PLWHA   lipid profiles, which were acquired at an ISO 15189-accredited
              are highly relevant to SA. The country has the greatest burden   pathology laboratory (Path Care, Reference Laboratory, Cape
              of HIV worldwide with approximately 7.97 million PLWHA   Town, SA), as previously described in detail. 15
              in 2019.  With almost 20% of 15–49-year-old South African
              adults being HIV positive, determining the burden of tobacco   Definitions
              smoking in the HIV infected can inform strategies for tobacco
              cessation in this high-risk population. This is particularly   Participants were classified as either ‘current smoker’, ‘former
              pertinent in the era of widespread dissemination of   smoker’ or ‘never a smoker’, considering all forms of smoked
              antiretroviral therapy (ART) in SA  and increased longevity   tobacco, including cigarettes, cigars or pipes. Current smokers
              of the HIV-infected population. People living with HIV and   included participants who smoked daily or occasionally.
              AIDS are now at an increased risk of dying from cardiovascular   Former smokers refer to participants who indicated that they
              and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including   had quit smoking at the time of the interview, regardless of
              tobacco-related conditions, rather than from AIDS. 10,11,12  the duration since quitting. ‘Smokeless tobacco users’ referred
                                                                    to the use of chewing tobacco, snuff or betel leaf and the areca
              This study, therefore, aims to determine the prevalence of   nut at the time of the survey. Exposure to second-hand smoke
              smoking and associated factors including HIV-specific   was determined from ‘household smoke’. Cotinine, a major
              factors in PLWHA receiving ART at public healthcare facilities   metabolite of nicotine, is commonly used as a biomarker to
              in the Western Cape province of SA.                   identify exposure to tobacco. 16,17  Serum cotinine levels were
                                                                    used to define the different smoking categories as follows: ‘no
              Methods                                               tobacco exposure’: cotinine <10 mg/mL, ‘environmental smoke
              Population and sampling                               exposure or light smoking’: cotinine levels of 10  ng/mL –
                                                                    100  ng/mL and ‘moderate to heavy smoking’: cotinine
              This cross-sectional study was conducted  in a sample  of   >100  mg/mL, in line with the 2012 South African National
              ≥  18-year-old HIV-infected  adults who were randomly   Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES). 18
              selected from a list of patients attending the clinic on the
              study day. Participants were recruited between March 2014   Alcohol use was defined as drinking at least one standard
              and February 2015 from healthcare facilities in the Western   alcoholic drink per day. A standard alcoholic drink consists
              Cape that provided ART to at least 325 HIV-infected patients   of a can (340 mL) of beer, one glass (125 mL) wine or ‘one-
              per month. This was to ensure the recruitment of an adequate   shot’ (25 mL) of spirits. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated
              number of participants within a reasonable period. Of the 17   as weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared
              healthcare facilities selected, 10 were in Cape Town and   (kg/m ), and overweight and obesity was defined as BMI ≥
              seven were in the surrounding rural municipalities. Excluded   25 kg/m .  Cut-points for HIV-related variables were set at
                                                                           2 19
              participants were those who were pregnant, breastfeeding,   median values, that is, ≥ 396 cell/mm  for CD4  counts and of
              bedridden, undergoing cancer treatment, on corticosteroid   ≥ 5 years duration of HIV diagnosis.
              treatment, or unwilling or unable to provide consent. The
              detailed methods have been described previously. 13   Statistical analysis
                                                                    The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM SPSS Inc,
              Data collection
                                                                    Chicago,  IL,  USA)  V.25.0  software  was  used  for  the  data
              Trained  clinicians, nurses and fieldworkers collected data   analyses. Continuous variables are presented as means
              via  standardised international questionnaires, clinical   (±  standard deviation [SD]) or medians (25th – 75th
              measurements and biochemical analyses. Data were captured   percentiles) and categorical variables are presented as counts
              on personal digital assistants (PDAs), using electronic case   and percentages. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), χ  tests and
              report forms with built-in checks for quality control. The   non-parametric equivalents were used as appropriate for
              interviews and physical examinations were conducted on the   group comparisons. Logistic regression models adjusted for
              recruitment day, and following an overnight fast, participants   age and gender were used to determine associations with
              returned the next day to have their blood samples taken.  current  smoking. A  p-value < 0.05 defined statistically
                                                                    significant results.
              Participants provided their socio-demographic history,
              including tobacco use, which was adapted from the World   Approval to conduct the study
              Health Organization’s (WHO) STEPwise approach to
              Surveillance (STEPS) tool.  Information on the duration of   Permission  to  conduct  the  survey  was  obtained  from  the
              diagnosed HIV infection, cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4)   Health Research Office of the Western Cape Department of
              counts and ART regimens was extracted from clinical records.   Health and the relevant healthcare facilities. The study was
              Height to the nearest millimetre was measured using a Leicester   approved  by the  South  African  Medical  Research  Council
              Height Scale (Seca, UK) with the participant barefoot and in the   Ethics Committee and conducted in accordance with the

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