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Page 3 of 8  Original Research

              principles of the  Declaration of Helsinki.  All participants   with missing information on smoking status. The mean age
              signed informed consent. Data were anonymised to prevent   was 38.4 years overall, with men significantly older than
              identification of individual participants.            women (41.1 vs. 37.7 years, p < 0.001) (Table 1). Compared
                                                                    to men, women had fewer years of education, but a higher
              Ethical consideration                                 proportion was employed. Men were more likely to
                                                                    consume alcohol than women (54.0% vs. 34.3%, p < 0.001).
              Permission  to  conduct  the  survey  was  obtained  from  the   Compared with men, women were more likely to have
              Health Research Office of the Western Cape Department of   higher BMI and prevalence of overweight and obesity (both
              Health and the relevant healthcare facilities. The study was   p  <  0.001).  Median  duration  of  diagnosed  HIV  infection
              approved  by the  South  African  Medical  Research  Council   (p = 0.048) and median CD4 counts (p = 0.001) were also
              Ethics Committee (reference number: EC021-11/2013) and
              conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration   higher in women compared with men. The lipid profile did
                                                                    not vary by gender.
              of Helsinki. All participants signed informed consent.
              Results                                               Current smoking prevalence was 22% overall and 26% in
                                                                    men and 21% in women (p = 0.022) (Table 1 and Figure 1).
              The sample for this analysis comprised 827 participants, 653   Overall, 14% of the participants were former smokers
              (79%) women and 174 (21%) men after the exclusion of four   (Table 1). There were no significant trends in smoking status

              TABLE 1: Characteristics of human immunodeficiency virus patients presented by gender and smoking status.
              Variables                           Male patients    Female patients    p  Current smoker  Former smoker  Never smoker  p
                                                 (N = 174; 21%)  (N = 653; 79%)  (N = 181; 22%)  (N = 118; 14%)  (N = 528; 64%)
                                                  n     %     n     %          n    %     n     %     n    %
              Age in years, mean (SD)            41.1   8.9  37.7   8.9  < 0.001  39.3   10.1  38.3   8.6  38.1   8.7  0.332
              Age group in years
              ≤ 34                                64   36.8   242   37.1  0.167  71   39.2  45   38.1  190   36.0  0.649
              35–44                               68   39.1   257   39.4  -    69   38.1  41   34.7  215   40.7  -
              45–54                               28   16.1   127   19.4  -    29   16.0  26   22.0  100   18.9  -
              ≥ 55                                14    8.0   27   4.1    -    12   6.6   6     5.1  23    4.4   -
              Education level
              ≤ Grade 12                          161  92.5   633   96.9  0.008  176   97.2  114   96.6  504   95.5  0.536
              > Grade 12                          13    7.5   20   3.1    -    5    2.8   4     3.4  24    4.5   -
              Employed                            91   52.3   373   57.1  0.031  94  51.9  68   57.6  302   57.2  0.345
              Unemployed                          46   26.4   109   16.7  -    42   23.2  26   22.0  87    16.5  -
              Pensioners                          7     4.0   35   5.4    -    10   5.5   6     5.1  26    4.9   -
              Other                               30   17.2   136   20.8  -    35   19.3  18   15.3  113   21.4  -
              Marital status
              Married                             37   21.3   119   18.2  0.516  39   21.5  21   17.8  96   18.2  0.305
              Never married                       113  64.9   430   65.8  -   108   59.7  83   70.3  352   66.7  -
              Divorced or separated               19   10.9   70   10.7   -    21   11.6  12   10.2  56    10.6  -
              Widowed                             5     2.9   34   5.2    -    13   7.2   2     1.7  24    4.5   -
              Use of smokeless tobacco products   4     2.3   14   2.1  0.901  1    0.6   3     2.5  14    2.7  0.237
              Second-hand smoke                   78   44.8   384   58.8  0.001  103   56.9  59   50.0  300   56.8  0.383
              Serum cotinine (N = 751)            -     -     -     -     -    -     -    -     -     -     -   0.564
              < 10 ng/mL                         91/152   59.96  367/599   61.3  0.940  95/158   60.1  63/108   58.3  300/485   61.9  -
              10 ng/mL – 100 ng/mL               23/152   15.1  85/599   14.2  -  18/158   11.4  17/108   15.7  73/485   15.1  -
              > 100 ng/mL                        38/152   25.0  147/599   24.5  -  45/158   28.5  28/108   25.9  112/485  23.1  -
              Alcohol use                         94   54.0   224   34.3  < 0.001  76   42.0  45   38.1  197   37.3  0.535
              LDL-C, mmol/L, median (25th – 75th percentiles)  2.5  2.0–3.1  2.5   2.1-3.1  0.684  2.5   2.1-3.1  2.4   2.0-2.8  2.5   2.1-3.1  0.492
              HDL-C, mmol/L, median (25th – 75th percentiles)  1.2  1.0–1.4  1.2   1.0-1.5  0.925  1.2   1.0-1.5  1.3   1.1-1.5  1.2   1.0-1.5  0.888
              Triglycerides mmol/L, median (25th – 75th percentiles)  1.0  0.7– 1.3  1.0   0.7-1.4  0.156  1.0   0.7-1.4  1.0   0.7-1.3  1.0   0.8-1.4  0.476
              Total Cholesterol, mmol/L, median (25th – 75th percentiles)  4.2  3.7–4.8  4.4   3.8-5.0  0.298  4.5   3.8-5.0  4.2   3.9-4.7  4.4   3.7-5.1  0.700
              BMI in kg/m , median (25th – 75th percentiles)  21.2   20.1-23.4  28.8  23.3-33.8 < 0.001  25.5  21.4-31.8  28.3   22.3-34.7  27.9  22.8-32.8 0.504
              Overweight or obese                 47   27.0   474   72.6  < 0.001  106   58.6  70   59.3  345   65.3  0.178
              Duration in years, median (25th – 75th percentiles)  4  2–8  5   2-9  0.048  6   3-10  4   2-6  5  2-9  0.020
              < Median of 5 years                80/159   50.3  274/606   45.2  0.254  81/168   48.2  61/108   56.5  212/489   43.4  0.040
              ≥ Median of 5 years                79/159   49.7  332/606   54.8  -  87/168   51.8  47/108   43.5  277   56.6  -
              CD4+ count, median (25th – 75th percentiles) (N = 388)  272  168–460  413   248-616  0.001  405   265-564  442   239-706  373   218-604  0.528
              < Median of 396 cells/mm 3         39/55  70.9  155/333   46.5  0.001  43/85   50.6  20/53   37.7  131/250   52.4  0.151
              ≥ Median of 396 cells/mm 3         16/55  29.1  178/333   53.5  -  42/85   49.4  33/53   62.3  191/250   47.6  -
              Note: Alcohol use was recorded as consumption of at least one standard alcoholic drink per day.
              LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; BMI, body mass index; CD4, cluster of differentiation 4; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; SD, standard deviation.

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