Page 172 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 172

Page 2 of 6  Original Research

              Pulmonary tuberculosis, a major public health crisis in sub-  untreated and unstable alcohol dependence; current use or
              Saharan Africa, occurs at higher rates in smokers compared   discontinuation within last 14 days of smoking cessation
              with non-smokers.  Overall, the mortality gains of  ARV   medications; current diagnosis of unstable and untreated
              treatment and the associated improved quality of life   major depression or current or past diagnosis of psychotic
              amongst those with HIV infection are being jeopardised by   disorder; use of chewing tobacco, snuff or snus; current
              the cardiovascular  and neoplastic diseases attributable  to   participation in a smoking cessation programme; or plans to
              tobacco use in this population. 9                     use nicotine substitutes or smoking cessation treatments in
                                                                    the next 7 months. The restriction to 7 months was based on
              Although  interest  in  quitting  smoking  is high  amongst   the anticipated period to conduct the trial so as to avoid
              PLWHA, 10,11,12  particularly when HIV treatment is initiated    contamination of the intervention with other smoking
              and when tobacco use treatment is integrated with HIV   cessation modalities not under investigation.
              care,  remarkably little research has focussed on developing
              and  testing  smoking  cessation  interventions  for  PLWHA.    A  trained  recruiter  approached  each  patient  in  clinic  to
              Unfortunately, in low-income and developing countries,   ascertain smoking status. Those acknowledging smoking
              the  costs of pharmacotherapy for nicotine addiction make   were asked to participate in a questionnaire related to their
              pharmacological treatments currently inaccessible for   smoking and offered participation in the pilot trial. Those
              PLWHA and further emphasise the importance of novel   who  agreed  were  referred  to  the  research  assistant  who
              behavioural strategies.                               arranged to meet with them to determine eligibility and
                                                                    administer informed consent.
              Depressive  symptoms  are  common  in  HIV-infected
              populations, often comorbid with smoking, and associated   Design of intervention
              with poor smoking cessation rates.  Behavioural activation
              therapy (BAT), rooted in a behavioural economic framework,   The authors merged BAT with the principles of problem-
              has  been  effective  at  treating  depression,  and  preliminary   solving therapy to create a novel five-session counselling
              data in the United States of  America (USA) suggests that   model to address the unique challenges of tobacco cessation
              it  may  also  effectively  address  smoking.   Behavioural   amongst PLWHA (BAPS-SC). Members of the team created a
              activation therapy aims to increase engagement in healthy   formal treatment manual, which was evaluated for cultural
              rewarding activities (i.e., alternative reinforcers) by reducing   appropriateness by Botswana co-investigators, including
              patterns of avoidance, withdrawal and inactivity, and to   assessment of translation and back translation and pre-pilot
              decrease activities  that enhance the rewarding aspects of   testing using videoconferencing to role play. Key components
              smoking (i.e., complementary reinforcers).  Additionally,   of BAPS-SC include activity  monitoring  and rewarding
              problem-solving approaches have been used with PLWHA   activity scheduling, assessment of personal goals and values,
              to improve medication adherence and decrease depressive   assessment and altering of avoidance behaviour and other
              symptoms.  Behavioural activation therapy and problem-  maladaptive coping strategies, and contingency management.
              solving approach may help smokers select and implement   Behavioural  Activation/Problem Solving for Smoking
              activities  that  will replace  smoking,  thereby  reducing   Cessation focuses on reducing stress pile-up and loss of
              smoking rates.                                        pleasure that  accompanies  the  cessation  process  and  on
                                                                    identifying  and  establishing  environmental/social  changes
              The authors developed a novel counselling model       to promote abstinence. Behavioural  Activation/Problem
              incorporating elements of behavioural activation and   Solving for Smoking Cessation addresses smoking as a
              problem solving to address the unique challenges of tobacco   behaviour  that  prevents  and  restricts  opportunities  for
              cessation amongst those with HIV infection. They aimed to   contact with healthy rewarding behaviours. These changes
              assess the feasibility and appeal of Behavioural Activation/  are achieved through altering daily routines previously
              Problem  Solving  for  Smoking  Cessation  (BAPS-SC)   associated with smoking in ways that increase pleasure and
              intervention to determine whether it should be tested in an   mastery across life domains, reducing rumination and
              adequately powered clinical trial.                    increasing behavioural skills to prevent return to smoking as
                                                                    a means of avoiding stressors.
              Participant enrolment                                 A pre-quit session (session 1) introduces participants to:
                                                                    (1) self-monitoring of mood and behaviour; (2) assessment
              The authors conducted a single-arm pilot trial of the     of  personal  values  to refine  the treatment  plan; and
              BAPS-SC intervention in Botswana amongst HIV-infected   (3)  scheduling of substitute rewarding activities that align
              individuals aged 18–65 years who smoked ≥ 5 cigarettes/day,   with their abstinence goal.  At the target quit date (TQD)
              on average, at four outpatient HIV clinics. The target accrual   session (session 2), participants’ experiences with abstinence
              goal was 40 participants. This was based on the assumption   are reviewed and functional analysis of behaviour is
              that at least five participants would be enrolled per week,   introduced, especially as it relates to smoking and avoidance
              thus ensuring that the recruitment of human subjects into the   patterns. Information obtained is used to help generate a
              trial is timely as this is vital to the success of the trial.  The   tailored behavioural activation plan by using the problem-
              authors excluded participants if they reported current   solving framework  to increase rewarding activities and

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