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Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
              ISSN: (Online) 2078-6751, (Print) 1608-9693
                                                       Page 1 of 8  Original Research

                        Sexual function after voluntary medical male

                          circumcision for human immunodeficiency

                      virus prevention: Results from a programmatic

                                       delivery setting in Botswana

               Authors:                 Background: Uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) remains modest in
               Jillian C. Pintye   1    Botswana in spite of the government’s commitment and service provision availability. Data
               Kathleen E. Wirth
               Conrad Ntsuape 4         on sexual function post-VMMC in programmatic settings could help guide messaging tailored
               Nora J. Kleinman 1,2,5,6   to Botswana.
               Lisa Spees 7,8
               Bazghina-werq Semo 1,2,9    Objectives: At 3-month post-VMMC, we evaluated changes in sexual function and satisfaction
               Shreshth Mawandia 1,2    with the VMMC procedure amongst a cohort of HIV-negative, sexually active men aged 18–49
               Jenny Ledikwe 1,2        years who underwent VMMC in a public-sector clinic in Botswana.
               Affiliations:            Methods:  We assessed whether each of the following domains of sexual function had
               1 Department of Global Health,   improved, stayed the same or worsened since VMMC: sexual desire, ability to use condoms,
               University of Washington,
               Seattle, United States   ease of vaginal penetration, ease of ejaculation, ability to achieve and maintain an erection and
                                        hygiene or cleanliness.
               2 Botswana International
               Training and Education   Results: Data on sexual function were available for 378 men at 3-month post-VMMC. Median
               Center for Health (I-TECH),   age was 27 years – 54% had a higher than secondary education, 72% were employed and 27%
               Gaborone, Botswana       were married. Nearly all (96%) the men reported improvement in at least one domain of
                                        sexual function, while 19% reported improvement in all six domains. One-fourth (91/378,
               3 Department of Biostatistics,   24%) of the men reported that at least one domain of sexual function worsened post-VMMC.
               Harvard T.H. Chan School of
               Public Health, Boston,   The most frequently reported domain that worsened was sexual desire (11%); in all other
               Massachusetts, United States  domains, < 10% of the men reported worsening. Men who reported any worsening sexual
                                        function were 2.3-fold as likely to be less than ‘very satisfied’ with the VMMC procedure
               4 Department of HIV/AIDS   (risk ratio 2.36, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.66–3.34, p < 0.001).
               Prevention and Care,
               Botswana Ministry of     Conclusion: Emphasising improved sexual function experienced after VMMC in demand-
               Health and Wellness,     creation efforts could potentially increase VMMC uptake in Botswana.
               Gaborone, Botswana
                                        Keywords: Botswana; voluntary medical male circumcision; human immunodeficiency virus
               5 NJK Consulting, Seattle,   (HIV) prevention; men; implementation science; program delivery.
               Washington, United States
               6 Amgen Asia Holdings Ltd,   Introduction
               Hong Kong, Japan
                                       Continued promotion of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) programmes in countries
               7 Department of Health Policy
               and Management, University   with high human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) burden and low male circumcision rates is
               of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,   needed to decrease population-level HIV incidences.   More than 18.6 million men have been
               United States,          circumcised through VMMC programmes in 14 priority African countries to date, averting an
                                       estimated 230,000 new HIV infections by 2017. 4,5,6,7,8  Achieving the global target of 27 million more
               8 Lineberger Comprehensive   VMMC procedures by 2021, translating to 90% of males aged 10–29 years being circumcised in
               Cancer Center, University of   priority countries, will depend in part on the continued acceptability of VMMC amongst target
               North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
               United States           populations.  Uptake of VMMC began slowly in Botswana  and has remained modest
                                       in  spite  of  government commitment, donor support and availability of service provision of
               9 FHI 360, Washington,   VMMC since 2009. In 2018, Botswana achieved less than 50% of the country’s target of 25 000
               Washington, United States  VMMC procedures. 10
                                       Project Research Number: IRB# 42047 | HRDC# 00699
               Read online:            Corresponding author: Jillian Pintye, [email protected]
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                        Scan this QR   Dates: Received: 01 Nov. 2019 | Accepted: 28 Nov. 2019 | Published: 20 Apr. 2020
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                        smart phone or   How to cite this article: Pintye JC, Wirth KE, Ntsuape C, et al. Sexual function after voluntary medical male circumcision for human
                        mobile device   immunodeficiency virus prevention: Results from a programmatic delivery setting in Botswana. S Afr J HIV Med. 2020;21(1), a1042.
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