Page 142 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 142

Page 4 of 7  Original Research

              TABLE 2: Student’s knowledge of and access to HIV and AIDS prevention and control.
              Statement                                         Female                       Male               p
                                                          Yes           No             Yes           No
                                                       n     %       n      %       n     %       n     %
              Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms?  350   94.1  22   5.9  163   97.0  5   3.0  0.147
              If you wanted to, could you yourself get a condom?  301   85.7  50   14.3  158  95.8  7   4.2  0.001***
              Have you heard of drug treatments that HIV-positive pregnant   287   77.1  85   22.9  109   64.9  59   35.1  0.003***
              women can take to reduce the risk of infecting the baby?
              Have you heard of drug treatments that can help reduce the   219   58.9  153   41.1  80   47.6  88   52.4  0.015***
              risk of HIV infection if a woman has been raped?
              HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
              ***, significant at p < 0.05.

              TABLE 3a: Frequency and percentage of students’ knowledge and awareness of HIV and AIDS.
              Awareness of AIDS                                 Female                       Male               p
                                                          Yes           No             Yes           No
                                                       n     %       n     %        n     %       n     %
              Have you ever heard of AIDS?            350   94.1     22    5.9     157   93.4     11    6.6   0.776
              AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

              TABLE 3b: Frequency and percentage of students’ knowledge and awareness of HIV and AIDS.
              Knowledge about HIV and STI transmission          Female                       Male               p
                                                         True           False         True           False
                                                       n     %       n      %       n     %       n      %
              HIV can spread to males or females through unprotected sex  365  98.1  7   1.9  162   96.4  6   3.6  0.236
              If a woman uses birth control pills or injection, it lowers her risk   47  12.6  325   87.4  30   17.9  138   82.1  0.108
              of getting infected with HIV
              STIs put people at greater risk for HIV infection or infection with   288  77.4  84  22.6  129  76.8  39  23.2  0.871
              new forms of the virus
              A person can have the AIDS virus and pass it on to others even if   338   90.9  34   9.1  156   92.9  12   7.1  0.442
              the person does not look sick
              If both partners are HIV-positive, it is okay to have unprotected sex  65  17.5  307  82.5  49  29.2  119  70.8  0.002***
              Having anal sex increases your chances of getting infected with HIV  125   33.6  247   66.4  66   39.3  102   60.7  0.201
              The HIV virus can be passed from a pregnant mother if she is   312   83.9  60   16.1  139   82.7  29   17.3  0.743
              infected with HIV to her unborn child
              People can protect themselves from getting infected with the HIV   234   62.9  138   37.1  113   67.3  55   32.7  0.328
              virus by not having sexual intercourse
              AIDS can be cured                        14    3.8     358   96.2     14    8.3     154   91.7  0.027***
              Can people reduce their chances of getting the AIDS virus by using   63   16.9  309  83.1  36   21.4  132   78.6  0.212
              a condom every time they have sex?
              HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; STI, sexually transmitted infection.
              ***, significant at p < 0.05.

              TABLE 4a: Student’s attitudes related to condom use.
              Variable  Total  If l ask my sexual partner   If l ask my sexual partner   If l ask my partner to use   Condoms feel    Condoms change the
                         to use a condom, he would   to use a condom, he   a condom, he might   unnatural  climax or orgasm
                          think l do not trust him  might get angry  get turned off
                           Agree   Disagree  Agree    Disagree  Agree   Disagree  Agree    Disagree  Agree   Disagree
                          n   %    n   %     n  %     n  %     n   %     n  %     n  %     n   %    n   %     n  %
              Age (years)
              15–19  375  50  133.3  325  86.7  30  8.0  345  92.0  39   10.4  336  89.6  73   19.5  302  80.5  64   17.1  311  82.9
              20–32  165  27   16.4  138  83.6  16   9.7  149  90.3  18   10.9  147  89.1  54   32.7  111  67.3  41   24.9  124  75.1
              Female  372  50   13.4  322  86.6  32   8.6  340  91.4  36   9.7  336  90.3  57   15.3  315  84.7  44   11.8  328  88.2
              Male   168  27   16.1  141  83.9  14   8.3  154  91.7  21   12.5  147  87.5  70   41.7  98   58.3  61   36.3  107  63.7

              TABLE 4b: Student’s attitudes related to condom use.
              Variable  Total  A woman loses a man’s respect if   I use condoms only if my sexual   Condoms should only be used if having sex with
                                she asks him to use a condom   partner wants me to use it  a person who is not the main sexual partner
                               Agree         Disagree        Agree          Disagree        Agree          Disagree
                             n     %        n      %       n      %        n     %        n     %        n      %
              Age (years)
              15–19    375  18     4.8     357    95.2     24     6.4     351    93.6     25    6.7      350   93.3
              20–32    165   8     4.9     157    95.1     15     9.1     150    90.9     22    13.3     143   86.7
              Female   372  12     3.2     360    96.8     16     4.3     356    95.7     20    5.4      352   94.6
              Male     168  14     8.3     154    91.7     23    13.7     145    86.3     27    16.1     141   83.9

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