Page 140 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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among the youth by improving their ability to practice safe Methods
sex. This is likely to improve the uptake of HIV prevention
strategies to address the increase in the prevalence of HIV Study design
and AIDS in vulnerable populations. Young female This cross-sectional survey was conducted at a private
participants are twice as likely to be infected with HIV and higher education institution in Johannesburg, South Africa.
AIDS, compared to young male participants, with the most Participants were invited via an online learning platform
common means of transmission being unprotected sex, and where they completed and submitted a structured
the key barriers to prevention being lack of knowledge, questionnaire assessing sexual risk and sexual prevention
negative attitudes and risky sexual behaviour. 3,6,8 behaviours.
Knowledge facilitates familiarity with and awareness of HIV Setting
and AIDS, which influences attitudes (resulting in support Johannesburg is the capital of Gauteng province and is
and motivation for prevention) as well as behaviour (safer considered the largest and the wealthiest city in South Africa.
sex practices), thereby reducing the risk of infection. A high With a population estimated at 5.6 million, it is the most
prevalence of HIV and AIDS is associated with lower levels populous city in the country, with 66% growth rate in
of knowledge about the modes of transmission and condom population expected over the next 30 years. Racial profiles
use, negative attitudes towards condom use and risky sexual indicate that 76.4% of the population is black African, 5.6%
behaviours such as unsafe sex and multiple sex partners. 10,11 is mixed race, 12.3% is white or of European descent and
The young female population has been shown to possess 4.9% is of Indian or Asian descent. Approximately, 7% of the
significantly lower levels of knowledge as well as population is illiterate, 3.4% have only a primary education,
misconceptions and erroneous beliefs about HIV and AIDS, 41% have completed secondary education and 6% have a
compared to the male population. 6,12 This is often associated tertiary qualification. 18
with negative attitudes to prevention strategies, which have
been shown to affect behaviours such as condom use. Study population and sampling
Studies have also confirmed that HIV and AIDS testing
attitudes and the intention to use condoms are influenced by Random sampling was used to recruit 845 students enrolled
at a private higher education institution in Johannesburg,
knowledge. 14,15
South Africa. Random numbers were generated using a
computer program to select participants from the sampling
Charles et al. reveal that although the young female frame – enrolment records. A global email was sent to all
population is more concerned about HIV and AIDS infection, potential participants inviting them to participate in the
they agree less than the young male population on condom study. Of those invited to participate in the study, 542
use as a safe sex strategy. The attitudinal gender differences responded – a response rate of 64%. Participants completed
of the young female population with regard to transactional an online questionnaire via their online learning platform,
sex are thought to result in risky behaviours such as which contained study information and instructions for
unprotected sex with older men. 17 accessing and completing the questionnaire.
Although it is known that the young female population is Data collection and analysis
more susceptible to HIV and AIDS infection, there is a
paucity of research on gender differences in knowledge, An online structured questionnaire measuring knowledge,
attitudes and behaviours among young people in higher attitudes and behaviours as well as demographics (including
education settings, thereby inhibiting an in-depth age, gender and relationship status) was completed by the
understanding of factors contributing to HIV and AIDS participants. The questionnaire was developed as part of
infection among this population in South Africa. Such a gap a larger study using existing literature and consisted of
in the literature negatively influences policy and practice 93 questions of which 51 questions were on knowledge about
HIV and AIDS transmission and prevention, attitudes
aimed at reducing HIV and AIDS rates among vulnerable towards HIV and AIDS, including treatment and prevention
youth within this context. This study was aimed at methods (six questions), and sexual behaviours (36
identifying gender differences in knowledge, attitudes and questions).
behaviours among the youth at a private higher education
institution in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is envisaged Data were cleaned and checked for errors before coding and
that this will allow for the development of specific strategies analysing using STATA 14.0 (StataCorp, College Station, TX,
for preventing HIV and AIDS infection among the youth at USA). To evaluate knowledge and behaviours, respondents
private higher education institutions in South Africa. The were required to provide mostly ‘yes’ or ‘no’ responses. For
research question seeks to determine differences between the knowledge score, a score of 1 was assigned for a correct
the male and female populations on knowledge, attitudes answer and 0 for a wrong answer. For the attitude questions,
and behaviours towards HIV and AIDS. It is hypothesised a rank was assigned using the Relative Importance Index to
that knowledge, attitudes and behaviours will differ between obtain an overall rank for each attitude item. For knowledge,
the male and the female populations. attitudes and practice questions (knowledge and awareness 132 Open Access